Ultrasound today ...

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Ooooooohhh -- This is so exciting!!! Congratulations!

We're still planning on a road trip to Alberta...now we have a new little someone to meet!
Congratulations Jenn!!!

I know I'm in trouble when I look at a sonogram and say, "awww isn't she cute?"

YIPPEE!!! A new forum baby coming! Is she the first girl since we got Mia? We were due for another girl!

Hey, Jenn!! What great news--congratulations!!!!

I had mine(two girls, one boy)back before ultrasounds, so the gender was a "surprise!!" Gotta agree, girls were probably easier to raise-at least, as said, until puberty! But, gives you a number of years to prepare, after all....

Gotta be exciting--again, big congrats!!(and so good to "hear" from you here, too!!)
Yep, I am 24 weeks along now. Only 16 more weeks to go!

We are thinking Caitlin Marie for her name ... but we've changed our minds a couple of times already.

Baby girls are SO fun to shop for!

(But if she comes out ugly, I'm not taking her out in public!)
When is she due Jenn?

I can't wait to go shopping for the most perfect pink scrunchies. This is going to be fabulous Jenn. I'm so excited.

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