I think its already "international" Im in Ireland and have been calling and emailing , I now that alot of people in the Uk are following his story too , I even know people in france that are rooting for Champ
I am Ditto-ing your post!shorthorsemom, thats what I dont understand...where were the vets,proffesionals etc. during this so called hearing.
Maybe I watch to much Houston Animal Cops but they always have the officers,rescuers,vets,farriers standing right there AND the judge always takes what they present into consideration.Were these people even allowed to talk?
Ive really got to wonder if there was an actual hearing and not just some chit chat at the water cooler.
Are these hearings open to the public...were there minutes taken on the hearing that the public is allowed to read? There is just too many unanswered ??'s.
I think we all need to send this judge a pair of eye glasses. Recieving 1,000s of eye glasses in the mail from around the world might make her open her friggin eyes!