Unbeleivable!!!! Judge says Champ can go back to people who starved him!

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I have told them that the eyes of the world are now upon them, waiting to see the power of American justice!!

We need to contact Princess Aliyah of Jordan and get her on the case...anyone still have her e-mail address from that last awful case?

And Brigitte Bardot?
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I am a bit speechless right now but my fingers have been furiously searching the internet for all the information I can find. Still working on getting my blood pressure down. Here is information I have found that may be useful in getting justice for Champ. I could not find email addresses for all involved but do have phone numbers.

The judge:

David W. Green

Title: County Judge

Judicial Assistant: Doris West

Office Address:

Walton County Courthouse

571 Highway 90 East

DeFuniak Springs , FL 32435

County: Walton

Telephone: 850-892-8131

Fax: 850-892-8377

(No email address could be found for the judge.)

Judicial Experience: County Judge, March 1997 to present

Was just automatically re-elected in 2010 for another 6-year term after running unopposed.

Website for Courthouse

(From a news story in 2008: "Green is a lifelong resident of Walton County. He grew up in DeFuniak Springs, and has always lived within 200 yards of the same area.")

Reviewing the case is Greg Anchors, Chief Assistant at the State Attorney's Office in Walton County.

Contact him at:

Office of the State Attorney, 1st Judicial Circuit

524 East Highway 90

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

(850) 892-8080

  • The "alleged" abusers are Nicholas William Sconiers (age 28)and Jessica Lynn Sconiers (age 26) of DeFuniak, FL (Walton County); news story confirmed she works at the courthouse but I haven't been able to determine in what capacity. She is not listed in any of the departments in the staff directory.
  • Champ's owners have three other horses that were deemed healthy and in acceptable condition. Vet confirmed he has no medical issues that would explain his deplorable condition.
  • Greg Anchors, from the State Attorney's Office, said that felony charges will not be filed but the case is still under review to determine if misdemeanor charges will be filed. (Felony statutes require "willful intent".)
  • The Sheriff's Office is currently in the process of re-submitting the lesser charge. Contact the Public Information Office, Camile Cox, at ccox@waltonso.org.

I have emailed my opinions from Spain, I see this here a lot with the work i do for our own rescue center www.easyhorsecare.net

but i really didnt think that in the USA they would be as corrupt and as uncaring as it is here....
I just saw this this morning but have sent the following email to the TV station.

"On August 28th I emailed you thanking you for making public the plight of the starved miniature horse Champ who had been seized and taken to a Alaqua animal rescue. Right now there is a very real possibility that Champ will be returned to the owners who so pitifully neglected him. The reason - insufficient evidence(?). I don't understand how anyone could watch your broadcast or see the pictures of Champ and not KNOW that neglect took place?

I mentioned in my earlier email that I'm a member of a miniature horse forum, some of whom I'm sure have already contacted you. The judge's ruling on this case (and, in fact, Champ's earlier story) is receivng worldwide attention. One member even posted that she sees this kind of thing in her county but "really didnt think that in the USA they would be as corrupt and as uncaring as it is here...." While I'm not suggesting that "corruption" is involved I (and hundreds of other people) am of the firm opinion that returning Champ to his original owners is not in his best interest. These trusting animals have to rely on the people around them to care for them and keep them in good health; to return him to the people who neglected and starved him would be a gross miscarriage of justice. While I realize times are hard for some, starvation of a defenseless animal is not acceptable but to return him to those same people would be criminal.

I implore you to please take up the banner for Champ once again. Florida residents need to know that this horse is in jeopardy of being returned to the heck hole from which he was rescued.

Thank you for your time and for helping Champion."

Jane we should add Ophra Winfrey and Bonnie Hunt to the list of people to make aware of this.

Raine I sincerely hope you don't mind me quoting you in my letter to the TV station. But.....it pretty well says it all.

ETA I just sent an email to Oprah.com
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Nick Sconiers is a member of a large family that has managed Sconier's Septic Tank Service for over 40 years in Walton Co.

He and his wife are youth ministers at First Assembly of God Church in DeFuniak Springs, FL.

These people had plenty of places to seek help.
Thank you SilverDollar for that info. You stated that it cannot be charged as a felony because felony statutes require "willful intent". If this is not WILLFUL INTENT, then what is??!! If they had him under vet care and supervision trying to make him well, then that would be different, but when you are watching an animal STARVE to death, day after day after day, before your eyes, than how can it be anything other than WILLFUL INTENT??!!!

I hope that with all the outpouring of calls, emails, LOVE, CARE, and CONCERN from all AROUND THE WORLD coming into their offices, the
, and also hope they don't just
and tell us all
to try to try to shut us all up and make us disappear.
is of the essence here!

Sending LOTS of
for our dear little Champ.
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That just makes it that much worse. I'd definitely want people like that set up as a roll model to my children.
We are a strong body of people who CAN make a difference not only in Champ's life but in the lives of many many defenseless animals who are treated cruelly - just look at all the work that CHANCES has done and what lives have been turned around due to their incredible efforts.

We have in our midst several celebrities that we can call upon - I personally do not have contact info for these people, but they DID buy miniature horses from someone & they DO love their minis -- perhaps Whoopie Goldberg, Travis Tritt, Carson Pressley & ??? could be contacted and ask that they also use their CONSIDERABLE pull to help make things right for this little horse.

Do any of you have any way of contact these folks personally? I would be very surprised if they would not exert their efforts in the behalf of Champ

I know that my overseas friends are writing and calling -- I am thinking that Judge Green is either dense, dumb as a box or rocks, or completely mortified that he let this happen - hopefully he is not just sitting there with an indignant attitude ignoring all that is going on in the behalf of Champ
Excellent letter, AppyLover2.

Mona, I completely agree! I cannot wrap my head around just what exactly qualifies as willful intent. To me, the fact that they have three other horses that look "good" means that they know something about feeding and caring for horses. The fact that they didn't ensure that Champ also had adequate nutrition and care is a clear sign of willful neglect and abuse. They cannot claim ignorance and should be prosecuted on the felony charge.

I dealt with conflict of interest in our county's courthouse in the case of horse neglect and the local newspaper shined the spotlight on it. As a result we received a change of the district attorney assigned to the case. Perhaps the State Attorney of Florida, Greg Anchors, should consider having an alternate county's judge review this case since the alleged abuser, Jessica Sconiers, is an employee of the courthouse.

(Ellen Degeneres is a huge animal advocate. I will make contact with her office today to see if she would be interested in doing something.)
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I just saw this this morning but have sent the following email to the TV station.

"On August 28th I emailed you thanking you for making public the plight of the starved miniature horse Champ who had been seized and taken to a Alaqua animal rescue. Right now there is a very real possibility that Champ will be returned to the owners who so pitifully neglected him. The reason - insufficient evidence(?). I don't understand how anyone could watch your broadcast or see the pictures of Champ and not KNOW that neglect took place?

I mentioned in my earlier email that I'm a member of a miniature horse forum, some of whom I'm sure have already contacted you. The judge's ruling on this case (and, in fact, Champ's earlier story) is receivng worldwide attention. One member even posted that she sees this kind of thing in her county but "really didnt think that in the USA they would be as corrupt and as uncaring as it is here...." While I'm not suggesting that "corruption" is involved I (and hundreds of other people) am of the firm opinion that returning Champ to his original owners is not in his best interest. These trusting animals have to rely on the people around them to care for them and keep them in good health; to return him to the people who neglected and starved him would be a gross miscarriage of justice. While I realize times are hard for some, starvation of a defenseless animal is not acceptable but to return him to those same people would be criminal.

I implore you to please take up the banner for Champ once again. Florida residents need to know that this horse is in jeopardy of being returned to the heck hole from which he was rescued.

Thank you for your time and for helping Champion."

Jane we should add Ophra Winfrey and Bonnie Hunt to the list of people to make aware of this.

Raine I sincerely hope you don't mind me quoting you in my letter to the TV station. But.....it pretty well says it all.

ETA I just sent an email to Oprah.com

Judge Green has decided that there was "insufficient evidence" to prosecute the previous owners of CHAMP. This means nothing will happen to them and they can GET HIM BACK.

PLEASE CALL Judge Green 850-892-8131 and voice your opinion. It is not too late to change things. Be the voice for this animal - his life depends on it.

here is the Walton County Sheriff's email


If your not one for talking on the phone but still want to voice your concerns for CHAMP's justice you can write a letter and fax it to Judge Green's office the fax number is: 850-892-8377!

***News station email!***

I sent emails to the sheriff's department and to the news station.

Apparently Judge Green does not want to leave his fax machine on, or his fax telephone line. It will NOT pick up. I will try again early in the morning. I am afraid if I talk to him in person I might get pretty hot under the collar!!
Attempted to call this afternoon, called in maybe 13 times and got either a busy signal or a continuous ring over and over again but i deffinatley will not give up, amazing to see how horse people all over the world are brought together by one little mini amazing how horses do that really hoping they decide not to give him back!

No problem Appylover2, please do quote me if it helps...

Judge Green has decided that there was "insufficient evidence" to prosecute the previous owners of CHAMP. This means nothing will happen to them and they can GET HIM BACK.

PLEASE CALL Judge Green 850-892-8131 and voice your opinion. It is not too late to change things. Be the voice for this animal - his life depends on it.

here is the Walton County Sheriff's email


If your not one for talking on the phone but still want to voice your concerns for CHAMP's justice you can write a letter and fax it to Judge Green's office the fax number is: 850-892-8377!

***News station email!***

Is there any other contact information for these people. I tried the fax number again this am, no good, wont answer. The email sent to the new media email address came back as undeliverable. The only one that worked was the sheriff's email address.

We need more contact information that might do some good, hopefully.
I can't believe how difficult it is to contact these PUBLIC servants!! Aren't they paid by the taxpayers in Florida? That would not go over well where I live. But...after many, many calls all over the state of Florida...

Success! I have gotten more contact information. PLEASE, please contact these people if only to let them know that the world is watching and that we will not rest until justice is served for Champ. (And he never has to go back to those awful people.)

I did reach Judge David W. Green's paralegal, Doris so keep calling. I could tell she was none too pleased to receive my call (I was very respectful), but she took my name, number, location, and the reason I was calling. She added my name to "the list". The more names on that list and the more places around the country and the world who call, means they know we are watching them. (I still could not get an email address so please continue to fax him.)

Judge David W. Green

Assistant/Paralegal: Doris

Phone: 1-850-892-8131

Fax: 1-850-892-8377

I also called Mr. Greg Anchors' office; he's the state attorney that is working with the sheriff to bring charges against these "alleged" abusers. His office staff were very pleasant; I spoke with Cindy and she was quite helpful. Mr. Anchors was in court but she took my name and number, the reason I was calling and did give me an email address.

State Attorney Greg Anchors

Phone: 1-850-892-8081

Fax: 1-850-892-8083

Email: gregory_anchors@sa01.org

Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson, Jr. is the sheriff that has been working hard to get charges brought. I'm sure he could use all our support. Send letters, faxes, and emails of support to him at:

Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson, Jr.

Phone: 1-850-892-8186

Fax: 1-850-892-8422

Email: sheriffadkinson@waltonso.org

From court documents I learned that Nicholas and Jessica Sconiers, the "alleged" abusers in this case, lost a property to foreclosure. If that is where they were living with the horses, my questions are: where are they living now, and if they are tenants, do the property owners know that they are not properly caring for their animals?

(As someone mentioned earlier, they are also youth ministers at the First Assembly of God church in DeFuniak Springs and run a program called "Kid's Quest". How can they be proper role models for children? But I digress...


(ETA-corrected fax number)
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I can't believe how difficult it is to contact these PUBLIC servants!! Aren't they paid by the taxpayers in Florida? That would not go over well where I live. But...after many, many calls all over the state of Florida...

Success! I have gotten more contact information. PLEASE, please contact these people if only to let them know that the world is watching and that we will not rest until justice is served for Champ. (And he never has to go back to those awful people.)

I did reach Judge David W. Green's paralegal, Doris so keep calling. I could tell she was none too pleased to receive my call (I was very respectful), but she took my name, number, location, and the reason I was calling. She added my name to "the list". The more names on that list and the more places around the country and the world who call, means they know we are watching them. (I still could not get an email address so please continue to fax him.)

Judge David W. Green

Assistant/Paralegal: Doris

Phone: 1-850-892-8131

Fax: 1-850-8377

I also called Mr. Greg Anchors' office; he's the state attorney that is working with the sheriff to bring charges against these "alleged" abusers. His office staff were very pleasant; I spoke with Cindy and she was quite helpful. Mr. Anchors was in court but she took my name and number, the reason I was calling and did give me an email address.

State Attorney Greg Anchors

Phone: 1-850-892-8081

Fax: 1-850-892-8083

Email: gregory_anchors@sa01.org

Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson, Jr. is the sheriff that has been working hard to get charges brought. I'm sure he could use all our support. Send letters, faxes, and emails of support to him at:

Sheriff Michael A. Adkinson, Jr.

Phone: 1-850-892-8186

Fax: 1-850-892-8422

Email: sheriffadkinson@waltonso.org

From court documents I learned that Nicholas and Jessica Sconiers, the "alleged" abusers in this case, lost a property to foreclosure. If that is where they were living with the horses, my questions are: where are they living now, and if they are tenants, do the property owners know that they are not properly caring for their animals?

(As someone mentioned earlier, they are also youth ministers at the First Assembly of God church in DeFuniak Springs and run a program called "Kid's Quest". How can they be proper role models for children? But I digress...

I would love to keep emailing, faxing, and talking. I assume. that since I am in the Mountain Time Zone 2 hours behing Florida) that they are already fed up and have cut everything off. I cant get any of the fax numbers to work, the emails keep coming back as undeliverable, and the phones are busied out.

They have to know they are in big hot water on this deal.

Children's ministers Oh dear!!!

Please keep posting more contact info and I will keep trying.
I haven't been through all the comments on this but this is just disgusting! It's deplorable that the judge would even remotely think that this was ok. Protecting their "own" or not... This is WRONG! I'll call today!

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Yup, and I just posted the names, numbers and information that SilverDollar posted here. That will get a lot more calls, and I put it on my facebook the other day...as I am sure everyone else has who has an account.
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