Unknown dates: please help!! (Pics attached)

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Hi I'm still around but still with a dodgy internet connection (the main hub is far away from my laptop which doesn't help either). Most days I get here to do a fast read through if possible before I lose everything, so if you have a question just ask and I will try to post a reply while everything is working!

Your girl looks to be perfectly on target to foal before very long (in my opinion). I would say that your dates are wrong and she is not overdue. Keep a watch for those teats to fill and also - if she will let you - keep a check on the colour inside her vulva as any changes towards a redish colour could mean a baby within a day or two. I wouldn't bother with a vet check, no need to upset her by having someone 'fiddle' with her at this late stage. Just watch for the last minute changes I have mentioned plus any 'different' behaviour and then WATCH 24/7 as you will have a baby arriving before very long.

It has really bothered me this year reading about the amount of foals that have been born this year - luckily safely - without their owners being there. Too many times I have read "I went/got up to check on her an hour later and there was a baby". We (in most cases) choose to breed from these mares and they deserve our undivided attention at the time of the birth. I know it is hard, exhausting and often very frustrating, but you MUST be there. I'm sorry if I have upset anyone, not my intention, but this is something that I feel VERY strongly about!!

Ok, off my soap box now - good luck with your pretty girl - cant wait to see the pictures of the baby soon arriving!
DITTO what Anna said. It won't be long, and I also think the dates are a bit wrong.

Sorry I didn't get the appaloosa call, Chanda. I got home really late and just crashed.
I agree with you Anna! And I'm not offended! You, Diane and Renee helped me for sure to watch like crazy with Summer, and I appreciated that because I was able to assist Summer with her birth which was such a wonderful experience!
Yup. I know that I post my phone number so people can call in an emergency (863-990-3210) -- which they do and I'm always happy to help, but I was so exhausted, I just couldn't make it.
We are at 360 still no baby! My mare was with stallion until June 14 if that's the case based on a 21 day cycle we are 342. Which ever it is we still have no baby. How about you?
If i use my foal calculator based on a 330 days , it gives me the 10 of mai as a foaling date for your mare and she would be now at day 335 witch foaling calculator are you using? and we are talking about june not july right ?
and when they are bred i know that the ''egg'' can float up to 2 week before it attach itself into the uterus. This is one of the raison that there is no really due date in horses only approx date
I used same calculator her cycle based on 21 days would have started on June 7, she was observed in heat and bred may 17-20. So I think 21 days from the 17 of May is how to count it. I may be wrong not sure? But if that's accurate makes her 342 today.
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Has she been in heat in june ? if not you are right she could be around 350++ days

the way i calculate things is let say a mare last bred was the 10 of june , i add a couple of days or a week so it takes me to the 15-16 of june then i use the foal calculator with this date , . I may be wrong too but it worked for me ?

Can you get an udder shot ? what is it looking like today ?
Mane and tail I'm at work tonight. She has a small utter, and I bought her bred so I'm going on the word of the breeder:( thanks for all the help
I'd never heard of waiting 2 weeks before using the calculators before... that's a new one. Our calculations were always based on the last known cover/breeding date. They've worked well for us over the years. Pasture breeding (which I do, too) confuses the dates as you'd be surprised how many come back into heat...

The 330 days for minis was a surprise - but I always had big horses and then large ponies. I still follow the average of 340 days now - because our larger shetlands seem to correspond more to that than to the 330 days (well I DID have one go 333 in 2013, but the rest all have gone past the 340 day mark). We also had one large pony mare that consistently foaled 7 foals between 310 and 319 days after the last breeding date and on several of those breedings was covered only 1 time (live covers), so it's a challenge to know "when".

Your mare is looking good!
Paintponylvr i don't wait 2 weeks i only add couple of days , pasture bred only , i heard that this is why they say to add + or - 20 days to the due date because of the egg thing.. I dont claim at all to have the right way to calculate
It is with a heavy heart that I have to make this post. Star delievered her foal sometime betweeen 3-5am and I found it dead in the sac. She showed no signs at her last check of labor. I feel extremely guility and sick to my stomach.
So sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up, it has happened to us all.

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