The big horse rescues, animal control, any livestock auction, craigslist, they are everywhere. Even the local dog rescue group has been getting calls from people trying to get rid of horses, ponies, and minis because of the hay situation.
I was offered a herd of 12 mares and a stallion less than a month ago that had been picked up on a starvation case. There are just as many big horses that people just can't afford to feed and they are trying everything to get rid of them including turning them loose.
It is a sad situation when people cannot afford to feed them and can't seem to give them away either. That is the very reason why none of mine are bred. I don't care what kind of papers you have on them or what kind of show record they have, it doesn't protect them from ending up in a rescue situation. There are a lot of breeders out there that are still breeding everything on the place that is breeding age and some of them have just quit registering the stud colts and either giving them away or selling them for what they can get even if it is $10.
There has always been an overabundance of horses being bred and there always will but I can certainly do my part to not add to the ones on the market. We have had 4 foals in the last 25 years and they were all for our enjoyment and never for sale.
To find one or some that need rescue, start with calling the local animal control.