Overview ( because I cant be the only one with a leaky brain ) Dallas ( Heeler) had Perineal hernia surgery, ever since has had constipation problems along with some urine incontinence. Vets rxed meds, change in food , nothing helped.
Tried green beans, helped quite a bit. Then tried Metamucil and WOW, I SO wish a Vet had suggested this years ago. Dallas has no problem whatsoever, what used to take 15 minutes is now over if I just look away LOL He is happier, I am happier and , knock wood, no doggie diapers since!!!!!
I dont know who, or how many of you suggested that but from Dallas and me
: You've made us both VERY happy campers :aktion033:
Tried green beans, helped quite a bit. Then tried Metamucil and WOW, I SO wish a Vet had suggested this years ago. Dallas has no problem whatsoever, what used to take 15 minutes is now over if I just look away LOL He is happier, I am happier and , knock wood, no doggie diapers since!!!!!
I dont know who, or how many of you suggested that but from Dallas and me
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