Update on Court *shocking*

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Marty I am so sorry about this, there is no justice for the victim, it's all about the criminal's "rights". This sucks big time.

Hugs to you and your family, this has got to be hard to take.

I am so very sorry to hear this, I sure wanted him to go away for a darn long time.

It does sound like a plea deal might be the best way to go to get him put away for the longest possible time and to be easier on you guys, but it just sucks.

One other thing I have never understood is that a year of prison isn't 12 months. It always seems to come out a few months short of a year!
I'm really sorry Marty
I am shocked that the sentences are so little time. I always have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and I am sure Michael is looking down and can see everything much clearer than any of us.
[SIZE=14pt]Marty that is terrible news. I am so sorry you are still having to deal with this crap to put Michael's killer behind bars. Eye for an eye...

Im so sorry they laid this out on you now , at the last moment. Mon morning I would be in the DAs office. ask to see The DA , not the deputy Da thats handling your case. use your emotional state, Dans loose cannon "ness" and your husband to your advantage. Remind him that he is an elected official and with all the media attn on this case, You are going to cry on camera, and Dans going to explode while your husband calmly tells the camera how the DAs office has lyed to you for a year and a half and now a day before court they are trying to "Weasle out a plea agreament" selling out your sons life as only worth a couple of years behind bars! OR you can stand united and tell the cameras how he fought the good fight for your son. its up to him what you do next. remind him how much good TV footage the media will get of the greving mother, the explosive brother and Dad. and how many Voters will see your tears, and how will they see him. If they cant prove that the perp was high at the time, they[ the DA ] have known it for a long time. and if they were going to plea this out then why have they jerked you and your family along for this long. They can bring in those that were with him when he was getting high and they can testify to what they saw. but its risky and your dep. DA is playing it safe. for myself "if it were my child" Id rather go out fighting and risk loosing than give up. rember this is for you and your family as Micheal wont get anything out of this one way or the other. knowing that you and the family have done everything posible is the most you will get from this. after that you have to be able to let it go and go on. as I said in the begining Im so sorry for you and your family, and I wish I could do more . Eric. PS. I get so angry just reading how they are pulling at you and the family, and knowing it doesnt have to be this way.DR.
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marty, this just stinks to high heaven but it is no surprise to me. i have thought all along that something like this would happen. it won't be any consolation to you but having been in the legal biz for 30+ years, i can try to explain to you what is going on...

the reason none of his prior bad acts will not be brought up in court is because he is not being tried for them. it wouldn't matter if he had murdered a hundred people, it can't be brought up in court. even if the DA or a witness was to "slip up" and mention a prior bad act, the jury would be instructed to disregard the tetimony, it would either cause a mistrial or it would be grounds for an appeal upon conviction, an appeal that would very likely end up reversing the conviction.

plea bargains are typical in our legal system. it happens more often than not. i wish i had a nickel for every case that i have seen a case settled out of court. many times, the jury will be seated, waiting for the first witness to be called and WHAM! the DA will announce that a settlement has been reached.

if you are called to testify, all you are allowed to do is answer the questions posed to you. it's not unusual, in cases like this, to see very emotional testimony. it's almost expected. however, the DA is afraid that if you get emotional on the witness stand, the defense will holler "prejudicial", more grounds for a mistrial or an issue for appeal.

DA's don't like to lose. they don't want to be made to look foolish. trust me on this one, i have not only worked with and for DA's, i was married to one for 25 years. it is unfortunate and unthinkable that this piece of crap was not drug tested at the time. why on earth is that??? i am shocked.

something else you should be aware of is this...unless there is "truth in sentencing" in your state, if he pleads out and is sentenced to a term of incarceration in the department of corrections, he will very likely be out of prison in a matter of months, not years. the problem is prison overcrowding. i know that means very little to you and me but you and me are small potatoes when it comes to government spending. unless a defendant is sentenced to life in prison or to a substantial number of years, they will do very little time. when you combine prison overcrowding with "day for day good time", a person sentenced to 1 or 2 years will do maybe 6 to 9 months, tops.

should this case go to trial and result in a conviction, his prior bad acts will be brought out and in addition, you would then be able to make your victim impact statement at his sentencing hearing. that is when you let it fly, that is your opportunity to face this sorry excuse for a human being in open court and rip his head off and poop down his neck. some judges are moved by victim impact statements, some fall asleep listening.

don't even get me started on the legal system. yes, defendants are innocent until proven guilty, technically, but in your case, how could anybody find him anything OTHER than guilty???

i'm so sorry this is happening. i hate the word "closure" and you have probably heard it a million times. there IS no closure for these things and for the legal system to dump on you and michael this way is pitiful. i'm so sorry.
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Oh, Marty!!! I am just so very sorry this is happening to you and your family!!! That man should be made to serve hard time for what he did to your Michael, not months in prison, but years & years!!!

I am so sorry!!!
marty im so sorry my heart breaks for you and your family

So sorry to hear this.

What is up with the system ?

My husband says it ought to be like the old days where if you did a crime they would hang or shoot you dead! That might seem mean but it took care of the bad guys and we didnt have overcrowding in jails!

The system today just pussyfoots around and lets crimimals off! That is ridiculous that he can kill someone and only get a few months or years for it!

It makes me so mad! Why do they think there are so many BAD guys out there? Cause they wont actually punish them for their crimes!! They slap their hands and let them go( overcrowding) and then they are back in society hurting more innocent people!

I am sending prayers and ((HUGS))) to you all and he will get his when his time is up! You wont be there to see it but he will be judged accordingly for the horrible excuse of a person he is!
Marty, I am so sorry this is being drug out like this.

This is a perfect example why people take the law into their own hands. (Don't do that).

There's nothing more that I would like to do if I was Micheal than to haunt that killer for the rest of his life and drive him insane.
And give my mom a kiss on the cheek every night.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oh Marty! Unfortunatly this happens too often. Arnie told me months ago this would probably happen. He has seen it all to often. Don't let him destroy the 3 of you. Love & hugs to all of you.
I am not going to say a whole lot about this as many of you know I am going to school to be a PO. Thus the law and courts are what I know. I wont get in a heated argument of whether they are right or wrong.

No matter what the punishment will be, it will never be great enough when it comes to a monther loseing her son.
Marty, Jerry and Dan I want you to know how sorry I am that you've had this bomb dropped on you.

I have 2 conflicting thoughts about this. Personal Opinion here.....#1 is they wouldn't be considering a plea bargain unless they were worried that if it goes to trial his sentence would be longer. #2 is the obvious one, that a 6 year sentence is better than anything less (whatever the reason for it). I guess I could add a #3 here and mention that IF (and I believe he has) he's been in jail awaiting trial, that time would be considered as "time served" and come off his sentence.

Your family is in my prayers for the strength to see this through and to be able to reconcile yourselves to whatever the outcome might be.
oh. marty. I just totally do not know what to say. what a nightmare!!! I wish for him the worst possible that can be given. It is not generally in me to wish evil things to befall a person, but in this case I am making a big exception.

It is just beyond me how this can be "the way it works."

Marty, I wish I could be there to give you a hug and hold your hand and be strong for you.
Marty, I am so sorry about this. I was afraid something like this would happen. I don't think I told you, but several years ago, Jerry's nephew was killed by a friend of his, driving drunk. Four young people got into his car to go to a concert. One was his date, and Jerry's nephew, and his date. He was speeding around a very bad turn, failed to negogiate it, hit a tree, and Jerry's nephew and his date were riding in the backseat. They both had their seat belts on. The backseat was thrown out of the car, and hit several trees and obstacles on the way. Doug and his date, the mother of a 2 y.o. child, were killed. The driver's date was severely injured, and laid for days at death's door. The driver was not injured, and left the scene of the crime. A policeman passed him on the way to the crash, stopped, and he said he didn't know anything about a crash or anything else. He had blood all over him. His or theirs, I don't know. Anyway to make a very long, sad story short, it could not be proved that he was driving till his date could make a statement, several days later. Then Jerry's sister and her husband started pursuing his arrest. About two years later, and I am not too clear about what did happen, the driver got some time, but not too much, and certainly not what Linda and Malcom had wanted or hoped he would get. A really sad part of this story is that he was a close friend, had spent a lot of time at their home, and yet walked away when his buddies were in such dire circumstances. Dougie only had one mark on his head, didn't look injured, but was dead. How could he leave his three friends and deny he was driving?

I so hope that Michael's murderer does some hard time.
Welcome to the judicial system.

My heart aches for you and your family, Marty. I know this must be extremely painful & frustrating for you.

My husband was in law enforcement for 17 years & finally got fed up & left it.....because he got tired of dealing with corruption, politics, and extreme injustice of the system. :arg!

The kind of treatment you get, does indeed, depend on who you are, who you know, if it's an election year, etc., etc.!

Hang in there Marty...stay strong. No matter what the outcome, it will not be "enough". Concentrate on forgiveness, and pray that the person who took your beloved Michael from you will straighten out his life & never cause harm to another person.

Sending prayers of strength & love.

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