Thanks to all of you here that helped me with Peebie 9 days ago... she is making marked improvements by the day and today was a huge breakthrough for her. I've had her on the feeding schedule the way a great many of you suggested, and that alone has her already making huge and drastic improvements, both in her weight and her personality. I was also told she needs a buddy... even though she has other horses in with her, she hasn't really been too welcome in her own "home" since we got her here. I hate to even think this, but something in me tells me that she is not as advanced as the others and she does some pretty dopey things.... example, she walked up under Banner a few weeks ago, she just like had this light in her head, she was at point A and wanted to be at point B and didn't seem to even take note that Banners was between her and point B, so she just walked up under him...... just really strange things like that. So something in me says that with all of the mistreatment she has suffered, maybe something isn't quite right, but not so much physical, if this is even possible.
So here we go.... right before I came here, I started out on a search to find her a buddy..... and after coming here, I kept thinking that I don't think that I'd be so right in my head either if I wasn't getting enough nourishment. So we have followed this regiment like clockwork. The past few days she's been more and more vocal when she sees me, from the snorting, to squealing, yes squealing....... to just all around making happy noises when I come out the front door. She's been even playing, hopping around and shaking her head as if she's playing with me. She's following me all over the place now, she knows the routine and she's following it to the letter as well. When it's time to go and graze, she lets me feed the others and she goes tot he gate and stands by her lead waiting on me... when it is time for her mid afternoon grain, she goes and stands by the spot I feed her in, head high and ears straight up and alert. The last two days, I haven't even put the lead on her when we go to graze for the day, she just walks beside me and I barely have to keep a hand on her. I do because I need her to know I am there.
Now for the most important and fun part. My boss gave me money for my birthday yesterday and I found the cutest little miniature donkey, he's only 2 1/2 months old, but he's almost as tall as she is, so full of energy and life.. but the only way I could buy him was to also bring his mother... which I did with a little hesitation. They got here this afternoon..... and THIS is where it is so sweet and special...... I waited and let them get accommodated in and this was the smoothest I've ever seen it go. Nicky (mom) and Bobby (baby) walked right into that pen where my horses are and didn't even break stride, walked right up to my two mares and sniffed them out, and not one even snickered or pinned an ear or anything..... so we let Banner in with them... he ran after the baby to check him out, nicky kicked him right square in the side one time, and he too, backed down and all ate together at dinner tonight without one incident.
Peebie had gone back into the pen, like she always does for the night feeding (social) time. But tonight, she wasn't so interested in eating... she was very interested in the new members of this family. Bobby stayed close to his mom while she ate, but as I watched this, he kept inching over closer and closer to Peebie, and she kept a close eye on him. A few minutes of this went by and Nicky went for a drink.... this was when the two babies took their chance... nose to nose they go, just looking one another smack in the eyes.. they stood there like that for just about a minute when Peebie turned to walk away.... Bobby wasn't having any of it, he wanted to play...he walked up beside her and started acting like he was scratching her on the side of her neck, which I am told this is their way of communicating, right? He did this a couple of times and a few seconds later, they were walking and hanging together. Nicky staying very close to BOTH of them....
Peebie has life, she has energy, she is developing the sweetest personality, AND Peebie has a friend.... more than anything, she has a friend!!
I owe you all here so much, and I can't for the life of me find the words to express how very much I appreciate you all, or how very happy and excited I am for Peebie. By the way.... in case you may be wondering. My grandfather was the only good thing that came from my childhood, the man who put me on a horse when I was less than a yr old and who was a constant in my life.... he was the only person I could always count on. His initials were P.B. .. so her name is Peebie..... crazy stuff I know, the things that go on inside my head. lol
Pic of Nicky and Bobby, I'll get new pics of Peebie tomorrow, I didn't have my camera with me this time.

So here we go.... right before I came here, I started out on a search to find her a buddy..... and after coming here, I kept thinking that I don't think that I'd be so right in my head either if I wasn't getting enough nourishment. So we have followed this regiment like clockwork. The past few days she's been more and more vocal when she sees me, from the snorting, to squealing, yes squealing....... to just all around making happy noises when I come out the front door. She's been even playing, hopping around and shaking her head as if she's playing with me. She's following me all over the place now, she knows the routine and she's following it to the letter as well. When it's time to go and graze, she lets me feed the others and she goes tot he gate and stands by her lead waiting on me... when it is time for her mid afternoon grain, she goes and stands by the spot I feed her in, head high and ears straight up and alert. The last two days, I haven't even put the lead on her when we go to graze for the day, she just walks beside me and I barely have to keep a hand on her. I do because I need her to know I am there.
Now for the most important and fun part. My boss gave me money for my birthday yesterday and I found the cutest little miniature donkey, he's only 2 1/2 months old, but he's almost as tall as she is, so full of energy and life.. but the only way I could buy him was to also bring his mother... which I did with a little hesitation. They got here this afternoon..... and THIS is where it is so sweet and special...... I waited and let them get accommodated in and this was the smoothest I've ever seen it go. Nicky (mom) and Bobby (baby) walked right into that pen where my horses are and didn't even break stride, walked right up to my two mares and sniffed them out, and not one even snickered or pinned an ear or anything..... so we let Banner in with them... he ran after the baby to check him out, nicky kicked him right square in the side one time, and he too, backed down and all ate together at dinner tonight without one incident.
Peebie had gone back into the pen, like she always does for the night feeding (social) time. But tonight, she wasn't so interested in eating... she was very interested in the new members of this family. Bobby stayed close to his mom while she ate, but as I watched this, he kept inching over closer and closer to Peebie, and she kept a close eye on him. A few minutes of this went by and Nicky went for a drink.... this was when the two babies took their chance... nose to nose they go, just looking one another smack in the eyes.. they stood there like that for just about a minute when Peebie turned to walk away.... Bobby wasn't having any of it, he wanted to play...he walked up beside her and started acting like he was scratching her on the side of her neck, which I am told this is their way of communicating, right? He did this a couple of times and a few seconds later, they were walking and hanging together. Nicky staying very close to BOTH of them....
Peebie has life, she has energy, she is developing the sweetest personality, AND Peebie has a friend.... more than anything, she has a friend!!
I owe you all here so much, and I can't for the life of me find the words to express how very much I appreciate you all, or how very happy and excited I am for Peebie. By the way.... in case you may be wondering. My grandfather was the only good thing that came from my childhood, the man who put me on a horse when I was less than a yr old and who was a constant in my life.... he was the only person I could always count on. His initials were P.B. .. so her name is Peebie..... crazy stuff I know, the things that go on inside my head. lol
Pic of Nicky and Bobby, I'll get new pics of Peebie tomorrow, I didn't have my camera with me this time.