Update Unborn grandchild

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
We went to pick up Maddy our 2.5 year old granddaughter.

Last night our daughter- in-law was doing pretty good, still only 6 cm and only one small contraction in an 1.5 hours while we where there. We left thinking good thoughts.

Midnight got a call from our Son, She was in strong contractions, still good heartbeat, baby had entered the birth canal, they said the birthing could not be stopped.

In Canada will not use Magnesium sulfate or terbutaline... :new_shocked: Not approved

About 5:44 a.m. this morning little Ivy named after my mom was born.

She was only 1lb and few ounces. Ivy's eyes where still fussed shut, and lived til 7:16 a.m. Will never know why this little gift from God, was not allowed to be raised on earth.

The mother was released from the hospital around 2:00 p.m. this afternoon.

The hospital took pictures for them and they going to have a funeral on Monday.

Thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers, not our will but his
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Precious little one. So sorry. Hard to understand the reasons why.
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry and heartbroken for them..I lost a dear daughter at three days old, it's so hard to understand why, so sometimes I think "tey for forget fuguring out why. It happened, is gut wrenchingly sad and leaves a void so job now is to remember her and make life a joy in honor of her"Bless you and keep you in this loss.

So sorry Mary and Glen to hear about the loss of your grandchild. Hugs sent to you and your family. Take Care Frannie
That's so heartbreaking.........My prayers going out to all of you........
I am so, so sorry.

I was wishing so hard to hear that Ivy was going to be just fine, and would be growing up in her loving family. Now they will need to move forward from that point and try to put the pieces back together.

I can't imagine the pain they must be in, and I wish something I could say would make it easier for you, as well, having to witness this.

Liz M.
I am so sorry for the loss of your grandaughter, and to your Son and his wife on the loss of thier daughter. Little Ivy is in God's hands now, and she will be waiting to be reunited with her family someday. Big hugs to you and yours, on this sad day...........

I'm so very sorry. My heart aches for you all. {{{{Hugs}}}}
I'm so sorry. May God be a great comfort to you and your family as you mourn for little Ivy.
I want to thank you for all your replies and will be sending these on to our Son and Daugher in - law.

This just might help them in their time of need, knowing others do care

Will be sending your replies to them at the end of the day...

Bless you all for letting me share my heartache and theirs.
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Oh Mary, I'm so sorry! :no: My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. 2.5 yr olds are more understanding than people think. If it were me, I'd tell her that the doctors tried but the baby had too many owies and the doctors couldn't help her. Also tell her that she went to Heaven to be with God.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family!
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I am sorry about the loss of the little angel.


I am so terribly sorry. So glad you all have Maddie. She will make it a tiny bit easier. Again, I am sorry for loosing her.
So sorry your little Angel Ivy did not get her chance on earth. Hugs to all of you, Mary
I am truly very sorry and I send my best wishes for you to find comfort.

I cannot claim to know how you feel as I have never been through it myself but we can all send comforting thoughts to you and your family. My sister in law went through this 3 times before she had 2 wonderful little boys that are healthy, happy, and vibrant young boys.

Time tends to heal all wounds, they may leave a scar but the hurt subsides eventually.

Take care of each other.

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