UPDATED: Diagnose my horse

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2009
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UPDATE: The vet came by late this afternoon. He said her lungs were clear. She had a slightly elevated temp (102). She had no swollen lymph nodes, so he was fairly confident we weren't dealing with Strangles. He diagnosed her with an upper respiratory infection. Gave her a shot of Banimine (sp?) for the slight temp...thought about leaving more for us to give her over the next day or so but decided it wasn't necessary. And she's on 2x daily antibiotics for 10 days.

So, it's a bummer she's "sick" and we had to have him come out, but he said that over all she looked good. She even surprised him when she took one of the pills from my husband's hand and ate it like it was a treat. She proved she'd eat anything once! We won't depend on that method of giving her the meds though.


Our 2 yr old started a dry cough about a week to 10 days ago. It's not constant. We hear it a few times a day on average. I would say the sound reminds me of a Canada goose honk. Her nose has not been running, but on Monday night and again tonight, she sneezed and a large amount of yellow mucus came out of her nose.

I've already put a call into a vet and asked him to schedule a visit in the next day, if possible. She's eating and drinking just fine. She's our "piggy" and we'd know immediately if she was "off" in that way. She's up-to-date on her vaccinations (last September was when she received them). None of the other 3 horses are displaying any symptoms.

What are the potential issues we could be dealing with here? I had hoped to attend a show on Sunday with the two yearlings, but obviously don't want to take them anywhere if they're potentially contagious w/something.

So, while I wait for the vet to come and give me an official diagnosis (and treatment plan), what has your experience been with such symptoms?
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Does she have enlarged lymph nodes in her neck/throatlatch? It sounds like an upper respiratory infection of some sort
I'm thinking Strangles, but if not that it definitely sounds like some sort of upper respiratory infection.
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Does she have enlarged lymph nodes in her neck/throatlatch? It sounds like an upper respiratory infection of some sort
I'm thinking Strangles, but if not that it definitely sounds like some sort of upper respiratory infection.
No enlarged lymph nodes that we can feel. We were concerned one of yearlings had strangles last fall as a weanling, so I know what you're referring to. Thankfully, the yearling didn't have strangles then and I don't see any signs of enlarged nodes on the 2 yr old now.

Another thing of note, we put down some ABM bedding and aren't sure if the cough started before or after we put that down.
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No enlarged lymph nodes that we can feel. We were concerned one of yearlings had strangles last fall as a weanling, so I know what you're referring to. Thankfully, the yearling didn't have strangles then and I don't see any signs of enlarged nodes on the 2 yr old now.

Another thing of note, we put down some ABM bedding and aren't sure if the cough started before or after we put that down.
I agree upper respiratory infection or allergies. My yearling was doing this and we ran every test possiable and finally changed is bedding to a different kind of shavings..he is fine now...
Could be several things-

allergies could have started a secondary upeer resp infection

Gutteral pouch infection

Sinus infection

I also thought of Strangles, but sounds like that is not it

Perhaps an obstruction in the airway

Let us know what you found out!

BTW- The paper shavings which were talked about on the forum not too long ago are hypo allergenic! You might want to try those.
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Another possibility is teeth, I know it sounds strange but I have found more sinus/eye infections particularly when they are one sided, to be related to teeth. In minis some teeth can actually connect to the nasal pasages and pressures from caps or shifting bites from uneven wear can cause sinus infections.
Is she running a temp? Have you listened to her lungs? Is her heartrate elevated? I also agree that it sounds like an upper respiratory thing, but I'd sure be interested to hear what her temp is.
Bumping to the top for the update.

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