Updated pics of Foxy's belly and butt?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
This is my poor little butter ball tonight
: ,.....She was a little bit cranky tonight ,but not too bad,...

No good to ask Fred anything no more,....He wont help with nothing,.....says he doesent want to get kicked again,..poor baby. grrrrrrr

Oh well,.....here she is,......I just wish I knew more,......like,....ummmmm,........WHEN??????? LOL

I made the pics funny on purpose,..so that you guys might be able to see the lines better.







Sorry,..I seem to get carried away with pics and cant decide which one?,..You guys are gonna get sick of them soon.LOL

Thanks for looking,..Do you think she might be any closer?,..I know it is hard from just looking at pics though,..good night everyone,..happy every 2 hour thingy!,..Terri *Yawns*:saludando:
Hey Teri!

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about the third picture but her rear does remind me of my mare Dream right now who has quite the case of slopey-butt. She's due April 11th (as a point of reference). I may have missed it but did you have your mare's breeding dates?
Hi Dakota Moon Ranch,......Thank you soo very much for replying.

I dont mean to be a nuisance,.....I just want to make sure that I learn as much as I can,...VERY EXCITED too,.....LOL

No,..I dont have any dates,.....I wish I did though

She ran wild in a field for 6 years with a bunch of stallions and other mares,.....The original said that she had a foal every year though.

Thanks again,..... :saludando:
Well Terri,

You're in the right place....I just say read all you can! Getting that first foal on the ground is always nerve wrecking...what am I saying, that part never changes :lol:

The good news is that Foxy isn't a maiden, the bad news is that you don't have any notes on her previous foaling experiences to let you have a clue as to when something is different. I say, watch every single thing she does. You have probably had her long enough to know her routine (like maybe she lays down after dinner, or maybe she doesn't lay down a lot at all - if she starts doing something different, it could be a sign and just watch her!)

There are tons of pictures and references on this board alone on how a mare's body changes as she gets closer to foaling. Check her often and look for even the most subtle of changes, sometimes they hide the signs well and do their best to foal when we're not looking!!

Good Luck to you, and don't ever feel bad about posting questions, EVERYONE started somewhere and most who've been doing it a while STILL have lots to learn (me included!!).
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