Urgent! Florida horse needs to be moved

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You might want to have your vet check for allergies. I had a mare with heaves which developed due to allergies. As said by others, the lungs suffer damage that does not repair. However, my gal was kept comfy and did quite well most of her life. I still have 3 of her offspring. Management is key.....her condition can be aggrevated by many of the things mentioned, i.e. heat, dust, etc.
HI All....just surfed over to read the threads.

I've had a few dealings with heaves back in Florida. People just don't seem to understand that they cannot just lock horses up in stalls with no ventilation, keep them knee deep in poop and standing on a foot of peed on hay and then wonder why the horse has developed heaves. So many people do this all over.

Beavercreek you did your best by this gal no doubt about it.

I've used dexemethozone in the past. Sometimes just squirted it in the feed. Keep them out as much as possible and wet down feed and hay and no bedding

Frosty did have a touch of the heaves we thought for a while. This mountain did him a world of good. I do believe changes of climate does help at times.

Mona, there is such a device:

I wonder why they couldn't wear face masks like a doctor would wear, or a painter would wear, to help filter that dust out. You would think something so simple would have been thought of and tried, yet I have never heard of it.

It is a mask that you fill up with meds and covers the nose like a fog mask type thing and then the horse breathes the meds that are in it.
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I've PMed the FL mare's owner to ask her questions on Trisket. SHe says she's getting worse and needs to get out of there soon or she's affraid she's not going to make it. I talked to Virginia who said that the people that are doing the transportation left Wednesday sometime. She's been on DEX and it didn't work. She's not eating her grain anymore right now. I'm hoping that they get to her soon and she gets up here asap. I thought you would like to know.

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The hauling co that is picking up Triskit was in TX when the hurricane struck. They have been trying to get to FL since then. If they are still stuck, is there anyone who can help us get this mare further north? There is a foster home in

N GA that can take her till we can arrange further trans to MA. She is in N FL. Live Oak, Fl

Thank you,

On behalf of Dr. Benson's I will donate (2) bottles of Breathe Easy to whomever fosters this mare. Breathe Easy helps relieve congestion and throat irritation due to alleries, dust and coughs. It has been known to help horses with heaves. It's an oil of peppermint and menthol based liquid product that is either top dressed or syringed.

Email me at [email protected] with the name/address to UPS this to.
Christy just contacted me - I'll be shipping the Breathe Easy out to her residence.
Thank you guys. She is eating but will NOT eat when you put meds on/in her feed now. We are just VERY worried about her, and unfortunatly DEX is not working. Here is a number to a shipper just in case that we know and has hauled for us before who is awsome

1-352-209-0987 her name is Angela

You guys are the best
Christy - my suggestion is to syringe an ounce of the Breathe Easy into the mare's mouth after she eats once a day since the owner is saying she won't eat at all if there's anything in her feed. If you have questions or problems call me at 800-372-3676.

BTW... it's been shipped out via UPS to you.

I called Angela and left a msg on her cell. I'm trying other avenues too.

I just got a email from Ginny!!! She is going to be on her way there tomorrow afternoon YEAH! Thank you guys for pulling together and helping out beloved mare. On another good note we were able to get meds in her today
Christy I will send EVERYTHING we have for her (its a large box of stuff)
Hey guys. Trisket left approx. 4:00 this afternoon! Praying she has a safe trip getting to her new home. We were not able to be there but my brother was home and got things taken care of. When she gets to you christy MAKE SURE they give you her bag of things, there is a note in there describing what mom has done with her and her meds that she had left. Im actually glad mom was not there, it would have been harder on her (it was ruff with her NOT being there). I am sure she will get as much love with you as she did here
I can't wait. I've got her stall almost done, just needs a gate. We are finishing that tomarrow and putting up a new turn out . Does she know what an electric fence is? If not that's okay, I have a pasture that has the welded square wire with the electic on the inside. That'[s how mine learned. Smarty used to rub his butt on it when it wasn't hooked up yet, but the minute I hooked it up he never touched it. They must hear the noise it makes. I'll get in touch with you on Tuesday to let you know how she was when she got here. Tell your mom thanks. And not to worry she's in good hands.

Trisket is on her way north. Thanks to the loving hearts of her owners, for caring enough about her to let her go and thanks to Christy for opening her heart and her home to a mini that needs her. Christys paperwork was rushed through and approved just as the haulers got to FL to pick her up. That in itself was a small miracle. The Haulers were in TX when Hurricane Katrina struck and it took them 3 days to get to FL.

Trisket is wending her way north to MA with a layover in VA to give her a break. By late Monday or Tues she will be in her new loving home with her own stall and paddock. Thanks again to Giovanna and to Christy!! You guys are great.

Ginny StP
I'm just gald we could help. I've got new pictures of her stall for you, Ginny and A new pasture that we finished today. We are so excited to have her come live with us.


I'll post pictuers sometime this week of her.
beavercreekranch said:
We live just outside of Wichita, Kansas and we have one miniature stallion 1 yr 3 mnth old 26 1/2" tall and a 3 yr old gelding 36" tall and we could take good care of this poor baby , we have good grass and little dirt to aggreviate the conditions. If we could be of help please let us know.
Are you sure it is the heaves and not asthmsa? My full size mare would go into an asthma attack once a year. The vet would come, give her an injection of steriods, then I would administer oral liquid steriods for about 5-6 weeks (they need to be weened off, not abruptly stopped).

Her attacks would always take place in the humid /very pollen filled months (usually july/august) and would start with a heavy , hollow, deep chest cough that sounded like she had a dry hairball in her throat. She would then start wheezing and coughing, and her energy would just be drained. An asthma attack will continue until the animal is treated, much like a child, they can not work them selves out of an asthma attack without an inhaler (steriods for the horse). Very rarely a cold crisp environment will help them work their way out of an attack, but usually they need medical help, although a cooler, low humidity / pollen area would be good in the long run.

I had tried the herbal remedies, they don't do alot.

promise said:
Are you sure it is the heaves and not asthmsa? My full size mare would go into an asthma attack once a year. The vet would come, give her an injection of steriods, then I would administer oral liquid steriods for about 5-6 weeks (they need to be weened off, not abruptly stopped). Her attacks would always take place in the humid /very pollen filled months (usually july/august) and would start with a heavy , hollow, deep chest cough that sounded like she had a dry hairball in her throat. She would then start wheezing and coughing, and her energy would just be drained. An asthma attack will continue until the animal is treated, much like a child, they can not work them selves out of an asthma attack without an inhaler (steriods for the horse). Very rarely a cold crisp environment will help them work their way out of an attack, but usually they need medical help, although a cooler,  low humidity / pollen area would be good in the long run.

I had tried the herbal remedies, they  don't do alot.



Yes the vet even says she has heaves. SHe is diong 100% better, but thanks for the info.


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