Urgent - mare acting strangely - EPM?

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Slaneyrose: You could be right

To all - thanks for caring and your support:

Things looked a little better this am - however I believe she is going down hill now.

Looks like enteritis (kinda like colitis but for small intestines).

She colicked (was tubed for that) and has diarreah (can't spell that) and has been moved to the isolation barn.

Still on IVs plus antibiotics and gastrogard and something called Lidocane (to anesthetize her intestines I believe). I warned them to avoid bute.

I have not asked the vet what she thinks -- as I really want to stay positive about this.

May not post again for a while. But will eventually let you know what happens/happened.

I am soooo sorry to hear that she is worse....I was thinking about you today and wondering how she was......Really hope she will get better - you are right to keep a positive attitude, especially when you are with her the are so sensitive to our feelings I`m sure you will strengthen her. Hope to hear good news from you soon.
A brief update-- looks like maybe good news!!

Was at the vet hospital early this morning.

No diarreah last night -- she is eating her grain and eating a TINY bit of hay (and grass they cut for her yesterday). :aktion033:

Doing more blood tests today -- no sign of salmonella (YEA!!)

Taking her off of the Lidacane (the drug that anesthetizes her intestinal tract) and will observe her to see if she is comfortable or not.

Her White Blood Cell count is within normal range now -- electrolytes are in normal range.

Still on IV fluids, antibiotics and probiotics for a while longer. Her kidneys and bladder are working overtime!

Vet says she MAY send her home "early" because she finds minis are more depressed separated from their buddies than other horses -- and she thinks she might recover faster at home -- once she is off all meds.

SOOOO -- waiting on more blood test results -- and waiting to see what happens about the lidacane removal --

I took her some of her favorite treats and some beetpulp/alfalfa cubes/sweet feed for them to feed her wet (she likes it a lot) to see if we could get some more roughage into her this way -- I peeked in on her and she was lying comfortably in the fresh, deep straw -- and saw me looking through the window -- first time she has perked her ears up -- so that was good news!
: :lol: (I did not have time to go inside to see her as I would have had to have 3 layers of suits/plastic/gloves/plastic boots etc.. and would have been in the way of the vet --- but I will spend time with her tonight). Oh she looked much better

Keep your fingers crossed please -- it would be WONDERFUL if she could come home Friday or Saturday!!

They still don't know what caused all this -- at least they don't believe she is contagious -- I have my hopes up --- Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers and for your PM's -- I do appreciate it.

PLUS Bonnie had a good talk with her last night and has filled me in on some things -- THANK YOU BONNIE!

So -- I will post again when I have some more news -- figured I would just add to this thread to keep it all in one place.

Judith, I've been holding my breath through this and praying for her. I'm SO glad to hear that you talked with Bonnie and this update has made my day! I hope she keeps feeling better and better and gets to come home! Hang in there my friend!
[SIZE=14pt]Her symptoms are very similar to Fancys.... Praying for both of them.[/SIZE]


You know I was just looking at KayKay's photos of Tiny in the hospital and thinking that the "shaving" pattern was the same on Tiny and Star -- however, Star is lucky, she did not have to have any surgery.

Thanks for your prayers --- they are working!

I have been buried in my "own" problems and have not been reading all the other threads of everyone else's problems --- I saw your post about the filly you lost -- but have not made it to the other Fancy Topics yet.

I am very sorry you are going through this! My hugs and prayers for you too!

When all is said and done -- I hope to ask the vet if she has any idea how/why this occurred for Star -- I don't understand what has happened -- and will have to wait for answers -- if there are any.

Reo, Frankie, Jill, SlaneyRose -- thanks for caring -- We BOTH appreciate it.

I will post again when I have some news

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All the IVs have been removed -- they are keeping watch over her today and tonight.

Tomorrow the vet and I will discuss her coming home -- HOPEFULLY I will bring her home on

Saturday ---

I asked the vet the possible cause???

No idea -- really --

the flora in her intestines may have been wiped out -- but how??

I will post again if she gets to come home.

Thanks for caring!

I am glad to hear the improvement! I have been reading all your updates and sending good thoughts. I had a mare last year that had similar things happen to her and it did turn out to be salmonella. She has made a complete recovery with the help of a very good vet and is in foal this year.

Let us know what tomorrow brings! I am sure you have a nice warm soft stall anxiously awaiting her homecoming :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

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