Urine infections

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Well after going to 2 different vets in less then a week, my poor dog Sasha is home and in horible pain.

X rays done, passed all the crystals, on pain relivers, acidic pills, atiboctics (2 kinds) had pain shots, and all kinds of tests done. She's just misrable. All her insides are swellen and inflamed and unfortently she cant pee hardly at all and leaks blood. The vet said thats fine cause its due to everything being inflamed and that it needs to run its course. Otherwise nothing they can do. She however has been vomiting, not eating and barly drinking, so today for 24 hrs, the vet said NOT to give her any meds that way her stomach will calm down from the meds and hopefully she will get her appatite back. I wish she could tell me what hurts...

Have anyone here ever delt with the same thing and how did it turn out in the end? I feel so bad and just want this to be over with.

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All I can say is "just hang in there" I know it's hard when you can't take the pain for them.

I just went through this with one of my kitties. He didn't have the crystals, but he was deffinetly in pain. It took a good 4 days for the antibotics to kick in and he got back to normal. I called the vet in a frenzy 2 days after he had the antibiotic shot because he was still in so much distress. She said there is nothing else we could do, except board him so I wouldn't see his pain (I didn't), and to just wait it out. He recovered fully and his recheck showed no more infection.

There is hope!

I know it hurts to see them hurt! Just keep thinking--the pain transitory and is not something she can relive through memory. Otherwise women would never have more than one baby!

Hang tough, give lots of love and I hope she recovers soon!
Good luck with this. Hope it all passes really quickly for the poor girl! I have never heard of/experienced the dogs going through the crystals in their urine, but have been through it with our cat a couple/few times while he was still alive. That said though, he was not near as bad as your dog sounds to be. It sounds like your vet had checked her out thoroughly, but hard to believe she can be in such bad shape from a UTI. Hope she's soon feeling well again.
The bleeding has can to a end for the most part and a lot of pain as well. She still is very unconferable and very red/irratated on her area. And now she can not control her urine at all. I feel like im taking care of the elderly as I change her doggy diaper every 1/2 hr as she fills it right up. I wash 4 different blankets 2-3 times a day because she leaks on them through her diaper. I bath her back half evey day cause when she leaks, it gets all over her. My poor dog! And hate to see this months electric/gas bill cause of running the washer/dryer so much. And oh is it hard to keep the urine smell down in my house. This is just something I dont ever want to deal with again.

I hope she dont have any damage to her kindneys/bladder and gets control of her urine soon. Otherwise is just constaint drips right out of her without her even squating.

Thanks for asking as this has been a very emotional thing for my husband and I. Just think, when we 1st got her, I did'nt want her and hated her as Im not a dog person, and now she's my child and baby girl....

This infection started over a month ago, I found it on Dec. 23, and here it is Jan 7. I will be contacting the vet 1st thing Monday morning to see if the uncontrlable urine is normal...

Sasha is starting to feel way better. I think the meds have finally started to show a improvment. Shes up and eating again and even has energy to play with her toys. I think shes gain back her control on her peeing as the last 2 days shes barly wetted her diaper and this morning I left it off so she can be free of it to give her a break from it. Shes not showing any pain and her area still swollen a little is not all red and irratated no more. And shes not squatting all over my house either.


This has been a horriable nightmare of a situation and hope once its totally gone she never gets one again. Before long, I'll be whipping out the carpet cleaner to clean up all the stains as there's a few of them on my baby blue carpet. Thank goodness I got a heavy duty industrial carpet cleaner, cause Im going to need it.
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That is so great to hear!!

I would be very leary about using the carpet cleaner. It can be very dangerous for them. Please try to use natures miracle instead.You can buy it by the gallon. It really does work! You may have to treat the areas a few times, but it is safe. The carpet cleaner can poison them or cause irritation on the skin. It can cause urine infections because they will sit on it.

Many carpet cleaners are so dangerous that if a child or animal ingests even a small amount it can cause instant kidney failure.
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