Using extension cord for a heated bucket???

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I have two of the heavy duty construction cords, they run anything! In fact they will run my house if need be, so that kind I can say yes to.

Ive also been told by fire inspectors to use a bar at the actual plug in, then plug the extension cord from it. That cuts down on the risk of fire by 40 to 50 %. The bar will shut down first so it does help alot doing it that way and gives more of a peace of mind to me.

Im lucky it has been colder then a warlocks ummmm man part here inside but out side the sun is shining and warm. Im to tired to build a fire , so thats on me.
I have five of the 16 gallon buckets set up for my stud runs with extension cords. I don't have much other choice if I want their water heated because they have run in barns with individual corrals. It works well and the last one on the line works as well if not better than the first one.

I also have to use extension cords for my two trough heaters as well. I am currently trying to decide if I like the sunken on or the floating one better. lol


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