Well-Known Member
I thought I would share the story of Buck Uveitis.
Buck is my DD colt who will be 6 months old on Dec 5th.
Butt to go back a little around the end of Sept Buck developed sunburn (yes sunburn at the end of Sept in Ireland) but we think it was because he ate something to cause the sensitivity.
So he had the gunky eyes and the crusty muzzle. Anyway the vet put him on an antibiotic and and eye cream and I had a cream for his muzzle and he recovered very well and also very quickly.
A couple of wks later (after recovery) I thought he was a little lethargic but otherwise well (he has been out in 3 acres with his mother, a mare, stallion and 1/2 sister. They were all fat hairy and healthy just Buck was what I would call a little lethargic.
So I thought maybe he was a bit down after his sunburn and his meds so I started to give him an iron supplement in a feed and put a mineral lick out.
I spoke to the vets wife and said I would get her husband out to do bloods if he didnt pick up.
To my delight he did pick up and was back to himself and LOVED his lick.
So to my complete surprise I go to the field to check on them to find Buck laid down and just not looking right. I was mobbed by the others for the food so I got them fed and then went back to Buck.
He had very bad discharge in both eyes and and his beautiful blue eyes were gone and they had turned a horrible sludgy yellow/brown colour.
Thankfully I had the iphone with me so took a couple of quick picks and flew to the vets armed with my photos.
I met the vet back at the field within 20 mins and he was shocked. He didnt know what it was but we started him on eyedrops and an antibiotic straight away. He also took bloods.
So like it or not Buck was instantly weaned and I brought him back home for some intensive care. The vet came again on the Tuesday with his other tool (I dont know what its called) but its so he could look into the back of the eye and to also check for ulcers.
No ulcers and he could hardly see back to the retina. So we contacted the Ophthalmologist who called on the Wednesday.
She did a few tests on him and as she had received his blood results she said it all added up to Uveitis which he had developed from an infection that he had which had shown up in the bloods.
She said that she had seen worse cases then him make a full recovery so she was very hopeful with some aggressive treatment there was no reason why he wouldnt make a full recovery.
So he was to continue his antibiotic and he went on Atropine (to dilate his pupils that were almost no existent) the Atropine was twice a day for a few days till his pupils enlarged and then once a day for a couple of days and now its every other day or to effect.
His other eye drop is Pred Forte which is a steroid and he is on that 4 times a day and could be on it for 2 months. She is trying to prevent a recurrence by addressing it this way.
He was also put on an anti inflammatory for 5 days which worked a treat.
The vet was back on Thursday and is delighted with his progress thus far and will be checking on him again next Thursday.
Anyway I will now add the pictures that I have taken from the first day and since.
Excuse the first photos as they were taken with the iphone.
14th November
Buck is my DD colt who will be 6 months old on Dec 5th.
Butt to go back a little around the end of Sept Buck developed sunburn (yes sunburn at the end of Sept in Ireland) but we think it was because he ate something to cause the sensitivity.
So he had the gunky eyes and the crusty muzzle. Anyway the vet put him on an antibiotic and and eye cream and I had a cream for his muzzle and he recovered very well and also very quickly.
A couple of wks later (after recovery) I thought he was a little lethargic but otherwise well (he has been out in 3 acres with his mother, a mare, stallion and 1/2 sister. They were all fat hairy and healthy just Buck was what I would call a little lethargic.
So I thought maybe he was a bit down after his sunburn and his meds so I started to give him an iron supplement in a feed and put a mineral lick out.
I spoke to the vets wife and said I would get her husband out to do bloods if he didnt pick up.
To my delight he did pick up and was back to himself and LOVED his lick.
So to my complete surprise I go to the field to check on them to find Buck laid down and just not looking right. I was mobbed by the others for the food so I got them fed and then went back to Buck.
He had very bad discharge in both eyes and and his beautiful blue eyes were gone and they had turned a horrible sludgy yellow/brown colour.
Thankfully I had the iphone with me so took a couple of quick picks and flew to the vets armed with my photos.
I met the vet back at the field within 20 mins and he was shocked. He didnt know what it was but we started him on eyedrops and an antibiotic straight away. He also took bloods.
So like it or not Buck was instantly weaned and I brought him back home for some intensive care. The vet came again on the Tuesday with his other tool (I dont know what its called) but its so he could look into the back of the eye and to also check for ulcers.
No ulcers and he could hardly see back to the retina. So we contacted the Ophthalmologist who called on the Wednesday.
She did a few tests on him and as she had received his blood results she said it all added up to Uveitis which he had developed from an infection that he had which had shown up in the bloods.
She said that she had seen worse cases then him make a full recovery so she was very hopeful with some aggressive treatment there was no reason why he wouldnt make a full recovery.
So he was to continue his antibiotic and he went on Atropine (to dilate his pupils that were almost no existent) the Atropine was twice a day for a few days till his pupils enlarged and then once a day for a couple of days and now its every other day or to effect.
His other eye drop is Pred Forte which is a steroid and he is on that 4 times a day and could be on it for 2 months. She is trying to prevent a recurrence by addressing it this way.
He was also put on an anti inflammatory for 5 days which worked a treat.
The vet was back on Thursday and is delighted with his progress thus far and will be checking on him again next Thursday.
Anyway I will now add the pictures that I have taken from the first day and since.
Excuse the first photos as they were taken with the iphone.
14th November