Oh she is gorgeous!! However much you want to fuss a foal (and that is no bad thing in general) do remember that the foal belongs to its Momma and needs to make a firm bond with HER. Who is the third horse in that picture? Your mare must be very laid back to allow another horse, even another foal, anywhere near her new baby, they are usually a lot more protective for the first week or so - just be careful that your mare isn't one that will allow anyone (human or animal) to 'take over' looking after her baby. Just occasionally this happens and there is a lack of bonding, which can leave the baby wandering from mare to mare looking for food or comfort. Before a foal's eyes get properly focused, they identify their dams by smell and they need to learn THAT smell, not the smell of others or they can become confused. I had a friend who had this happen with a foal, which then ran off everytime its Momma approached as it couldn't 'see' her properly and hadn't bonded with her smell. The poor mare was frantic - they sorted it by bringing them both in and keeping them stabled together for a couple of days. Experinced brood mares will send another mares foal scuttling back to its Momma if it approaches them so the foals soon learn who they 'belong' to, but younger horses/other foals wont do this, so baby often tags along with them instead of staying lose by their Momma's sides.
Do let us have some more pictures asap, and one of your mare and possibly the Daddy (oh and any of your other animals!) We just love pictures!!