Veterinary Technician

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Cronewolf - You're very right. Perdue offers a 2 year distance learning vet tech program where you work under a vet and videotape your progress.

hairicane - I'm so glad you replied and I appreciate your opinion. However, I think that as Kathy pointed out there are bad people in every line of work. There's just no way I would stay in a place I wasn't treated well or wasn't appreciated for longer than it took me to find something else. In the end RNs might get paid more but I just couldn't work with crazy, sick, injured and/or dying people day in and day out.

Oh and thanks, Chandler and Kathy, too!
OK after eating more than bird seed and a night of sleep :bgrin

Nikki do you have the ability to do a "mini" internship? kinda a ride along/test drive in similar shoes?....I know one of the barns I worked at our vet NEVER brought a tech because he had me
: ...either that was a compliment or he was cheap..not sure which
: actually he was one of the best vets ever and liked that I could do ALMOST everything he needed me to do......I have this blood thing profuse blood and me do not mix for long periods of time

That might give you a good feel for a few days work the variety etc....a bit of client contact and so on......sure couldn't hurt and might help you decide on the type of tech work that suits you best
: field work with large animals is quite different than clinic work with small animals and emergency/hospital type work is even more different...........
Ewww... bird seed, runamuk? LOL!

Having some experience working in a veterinary setting is a stepping stone to getting accepted into a vet tech program that is accredited. With that in mind, once I relocate I am planning on getting a job at a vet's office as an assistant. I'd also like to volunteer at a shelter and zoo or wildlife rehabilitation facility if I can find the time.

I've already had experience handling small animals, reptiles, birds, exotics and livestock for many years. I've also raised all sorts of critters, worked in a pet store and groomed dogs professionally. I'm used to working hard, getting dirty and don't mind blood or guts so I think I'll be okay wherever I end up. I have read that it's usually easiest to get a job at a small animal clinic so that's likely where I'll start.

Honestly, I would like to experience a bit of everything and am excited about the possibilities. Last but certainly not least, I am also planning to continue going to college while working as a vet tech to get a BA in Business. With that and my experience I should have the ability to manage a veterinary clinic, humane society kennel, sell companion animal pharmaceuticals, etc. should I want to advance my career or try something else entirely.
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Ewww... bird seed, runamuk? LOL!

I'd also like to volunteer at a shelter and zoo or wildlife rehabilitation facility if I can find the time.
Just a heads up on zoo's...if you are interested and have an idea where you are moving...get on the zoo list yesterday.....everyone wants to volunteer at the zoo.....I know woodland park zoo in seattle has a waiting list of about 5 years depending on department......I worked with someone who got on volunteering in primates (she worked in the pet store with me) and I personally knew the curator of the reptile house and the prior curator of the reptile house (latter was the pet store owners father).....shelters are usually son volunteered for over a year every saturday and has now quit due to politics
: a good learning experience for someone of 14 yr's age
: wildlife rehabs are also usually looking I used to donate some of my young rabbits to one......they could use any help they could get......

ok so not exactly bird seed..sunflower seeds, toasted soybeans, and sesame crisps were the mainstay of my diet the last week
: hey they are easy to snack on and best of all were in my desk
LOL! Okay, I'll sign up to volunteer for the zoo last week then.
: I'll probably enjoy the wildlife rehabilitation more, anyway. Thanks for the info.!

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