We just had an incident of several cows being killed in the next town over from us. Turned out it was a couple of teenagers. I certainly hope this isn't the latest craze in teenage acting out behaviors. It is scary what some of the people in this world are doing for sheer entertainment. What is even scarier is how some of these trends get started and it takes several episodes of things going on before the general public realizes it is all connected.
Umm, I figure if & when they catch the miserable creatures that are doing this, they ought to be given a blast of buckshot in their britches, just to give 'em some idea of how it feels.
I am in Virginia, but more towards Northern VA and this is in Southern VA.
HOWEVER, I remember here back in the early 90's, there was someone in our area (Marshall, VA???) who was doing something similar. At the time, I did not own horses but of course was horrified. I do not recall if that person was caught.
Something scary happened to me a few weeks ago (over New Years). DunIT got a puncture wound on his neck. He is fine now. However, when we found him, he was holding his head down and in pain. Harvey told me he thought he'd be shot!!! I felt like I could have fainted at that moment... like when your joints turn to jello and your head swims.
[SIZE=14pt]Over Christmas I had Barry call the sheriff because one of our neighbors was shooting so close to the house that our window panes were rattling! I am always afraid for the horses in back in the woods even tho we have it posted. Now I hate to leave the ones in front out at night for fear some stupid kid will do the same.[/SIZE]
Thanks for the warning. I had no idea. That's just horrible. I live in VA.
Jill- If I'm not mistaken I heard that the police used a fake deer that moved to catch spotlighters that were after deer along rt. 17 . They were shooting into peoples pastures.
There was something on our news last weekend about three horses being shot (one died) over near Dubuque.
One incident was around Christmas and the man wes pretty angry yet. He said it was his son's horse that was killed and the boy still won't even look at the other horses they have.
I don't understand why some people have to be so cruel.