2 hours for Peanut, we went to a show one week ago and did alot of walking. Then took Cappy to a show and did probably about 2 hours with him.
20 minutes for Oatie.
My neighbor and I walked Mint. We did 2 miles in an hour but people were out today and stopped to talk, so not sure how long. Mint was very good and had patience with us.
45 minute for Peanut, we ground drove so I guess I should put it it the other thread. We did his video dressage test for the month. We wobbled around alot this month, I can't seem to keep straight down the center line this month. I think the ground shifted
FINALLY got out there today, about 2 miles with Rowan. First time out of the ring in several weeks. I was ground driving him in the bridle but I'm putting it here anyway.