Was 911 a Conspiracy???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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We had to watch these videos for a class I am takeing. Just a warning they left me physically ill. What do you think?

I can't watch the videos...dial up... but I'm assuming they are saying that 9/11 was a conspiracy enacted by our current administration....if that is the case, then NO I DO NOT believe that.
not necessarly. You really need to see the videos. There are some things in there that I never knew. But it also makes you wonder what really happened, was there more involved and things like that.
I'll have to watch the videos when I get to work to see what they are saying, I probably shouldn't of even commented without seeing them. But I wanted to make it clear that I do not believe that our government was responsible for 9/11.
I dont think it was saying that they are responsibale but there are a few questionable people that are talked about.

The things I seen were that they beleive there were bombs planted through out the buildings. How the buildings are made in 3 parts. Say the top part crumbled it would hit the street not the other two parts. Just different things that got my mind working. Not so much the goverment. But I do wonder how much they knew before hand.
I highly doubt that the towers were destroyed on purpose by your government. Why would they have used planes and done it with people inside? And the secondary explosions that occured could easily have been the planes' fuel tanks exploding after the fact.
I too don't like conspiracy theories. I tend to want to pin my conclusions on physics and hard science.

As such Ashley, physical evidence PROOVES that the official story cannot be true!

Point one, part a) The hole (16 to 18 ft. in diam.) in the pentegon prior to the facade collapsing is FAR to small for an airplane of that size

Point one, part b) The lawn of the pentegon surrounding the hole was clean as a whistle. This is problematic in that you would have had both tail AND wing sheer upon entering the building and there would have been pieces of that airplane all OVER the place.

Point one, part c) The intitial smoke plume as shown by air footage right after the collision was FAR to small for that amount of fuel from that size of aircraft. I remember this vividly. The initial suposition was that a helicopter and crashed at the helipad. It was the right amount of smoke for that possibly but not a commercial aircarft of that size.

Point two, The govt. purported cell phone calls struck me as odd, so I went and talked to an engineer buddy of mine that had been invloved in putting up cell towers. Once I broached the subject with him and "axed" him some questions, he got very animated and emphatically stated that those calls were so unlikely to have happened that the word impossible would be ok to use. After reading every engineering paper on the subject that I could get my hands on, I began asking freinds to give me a call when they were in the air or I would try to give them a call. The calls NEVER went through. There are physical and concrete reasons as to why the calls couldn't have happened as reported. To this day, my experiments along these lines have not been succesful when I have flown. Please remember we are talking about '01 technology.

There were to many credible eyewittnesses that claimed to have both heard and saw "squibs" being detonated just prior to the collapses and indeed ALL evidence points to implosion. Of course Larry Silverstein (the owner) making a comment on CNN that they had decided to "pull" building seven is VERY problematic to the official "story" as well... Oops <G>

Stay with it Ashley, yer doin good, but get ready for the ride of your life as you will never look at things the same way again

I haven't watched the videos yet, but I have heard this theory trotted out before.....and NO I don't believe it.

The way the twin towers imploded on themselves has been investigated - and was a result of the ectreme heat and explosions telescoping the structures - the same way that professional demolition companies do it. The laws of physics as opposed to the laws of conspiracies. I have seen some of those videos on You Tube showing how the planes were animated and added into the shots of them striking the towers to explain the explosions... or how the angles were all wrong and you could see that... and I sat here and tried to see what the conspiracy theorists were telling me was there - and I did not see any of that.

No - I do not belive it was a conspiracy. To prove what? To further what?

Does not compute.

There were to many credible eyewittnesses that claimed to have both heard and saw "squibs" being detonated just prior to the collapses and indeed ALL evidence points to implosion.
Really? What credible eyewitnesses would those be? Where would they have seen and or/heard this from... how many blocks away? On video? What some claim is not necessaruly what happened. I am the extremely cynical and skeptical type - but I am sorry - a lot of the 911 conspiracy "evidence" is neither credible or scientifically sound. Yes, I watched a lot of it just to see what was claimed.... and this skeptic did not buy into any of it. Oh, people bent over backwards to prove that this angle was wrong and the shadow was wrong and this video was so obviously doctored - and yes - you could build up a story around anything you zapruder to the degree that the conspiracy theorists do.

But just as there was a "conspiracy" that the moon landing was faked and done on a sound stage.... with evidence of shadows and lighting that was irrefutable, all it took was the Mythbusters TV show to demonstrate how skewed the evidence of the conspiracy floggers was... and how wrong.

Sometimes... things are simply what they appear to be.
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I also am very skeptical of things concerning the government and find it a shame that the citizens are so lied to that we have to question everything about our government. But I will say that I have viewed these videos before, and I do not believe them.

My reasoning is very simple. 9-11 occurred during my first week of employment with a local truss company. For those that don't know, trusses are what supports the roof or other levels of a building. They are the main supports.

Anyway, I was at work that morning and since I knew nothing about buildings, I asked an architectural engineer a simple question. That question was why would the building implode like it did? Wouldn't just the top floors drop down and then stop? Why would the floors below give out?

Well, without blinking the engineer VERY VERY QUICKLY responded that the floors are built to withstand a certain weight and that the vertical beams and trusses support the floor above. When that floor gave way, it was like a domino effect. The floor above would crash into the floor below and the floor below would NOT be able to hold the weight as the beams and trusses on the floor below would not be built to withstand that kind of force. So then that floor would fail and drop down. This would happen until the whole building was gone. And to make it worse, steel framed buildings get very week with the heat of a fire as the metal gets hot. So now the stress on the support beams and trusses is even worse. There would be no way that this building would have been able to withstand what happened.

Well, funny, but after the official investigations and watching shows on TV that were trying to uncover the truth, I came to the realization that the architectural engineer was right on what happened. The supporting column in the center of the building, which was also the stair well, just could not hold the building after it was damaged by fire due to the metal fatigue from the heat of the fire, and the floors dropped. Just like dominos each floor crushed the one below. Pretty simple really, and no investigation needed to know what happened. It is not rocket science. It is not a conspiracy. It is physics and nothing more.

The only questions that I have is if our government knew about a threat to our country. And after watching the speech that President Bush gave at the site, which was one of his best in my opinion as it clearly came from his heart, I will maintain that he did not know what was going to happen. He may have been informed that there is a threat to our country, but how would YOU ALL fight a threat to an UNKOWN target? The terrorists would not be so dumb as to tell us the exact targets so we would stop them!

Think about it. The plane that crashed in PA was headed for the white house where George W's parents were at the time. George W would not have wanted his parents harmed. If he knew what was going to happen, he would not have allowed his parents to be at the White House during this time. This alone tells me that he didn't know, or at the very least, he didn't take any threats seriously.

Now, is our government free of blame? NO!!!! If Bin Laden would have been apprehended after the first two tries on the World Trade Center, then this would not have happened!!!! But it seems that the previous president was too busy fighting scandals and telling us lies to pay attention to protecting this country properly. At least that is my theory. Even if George W was informed, he was not in office long enough to do anything about it. But the previous president was there 8 years. It should have been stopped during that 8 years... Urgg... Don't get me started...

(Steps off of soap box)
A conspiracy, yep, sure was
Videos like this go along with the viral emails going around. People learn just enough about something to make them think they know it all. But they dont. 9/11 wasnt a conspiracy. The towers werent imploded by the Bush Administration. Etc Etc Etc. Just goes to show that people are willing to take one set of 'facts' and forget the other set, just to make a story say what they decide it should. Bush does enough of that on his own, he doesnt need anyone to do it for him.
I didn't exactly say much before, and I haven't and won't watch the videos for fear of how mad or upset I think they could make me. Such a thing that rocked our lives and devastated so many families. I just don't have the heart to lend credit to any theories when I'm confident about what happened.
I watched the videos, had seen similiar before, and don't buy any of it! It's a bunch of crap if you ask me and that's all I'll say.
I didnt say I necessarly beleive them. Just asking opinions, as this is what I had to do for class. Just curious what others thought.
Speaking of the Administration before. Guess people forget, but the lewinski thing was going on then. Clinton tried to get Congress to see that Al Queda was a problem, BUT, they stated ( and its in print guys, go research) that Al Queda was not a problem and Clinton was trying to 'wag the dog' to get the eyes off of his lie about Lewinski.

Pre-9/11 Bush stated, and again its in print if anyone would actually research something their party DID, that Al Queda was not a credible threat. Barring that, if he did think they were a threat, why not worry about them and not how to spend the budget surplus? Why dont people connect the dots and recall things as they happened and not as they think they did?
Could somebody please explain to me what our government would have to gain by killing thousands of Americans???? I am confused but maybe I just don't pay enough attention.

By the way, I have had several conversations with people who believe in this theory. I know for a FACT they are druggies and suspicious of EVERYTHING!!!! When I went to Santa Ana last year there were groups of people screaming and yelling in the streets with big signs telling us to listen to them and to not be blind. I looked at them individually and most of them looked down right crazy
I am sorry but I don't buy it one bit!!!!!!!!!!!! People that have some real evidence DO NOT need to come off as wacko's and be so extreme about it. The evidence will speak for itself.
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Try telling this to my nephew who is Army Intelligence and lost many co-workers and friends and but for a last minute appt at his office in Maryland would have been right where the plane hit. Hope these people enjoy their 15 min. of fame. Shame on them.
Well, as Pepipony pointed out, the Clinton administration did not just ignore everything. Not true at all. And yes, it is easy to look up.

snopes.com (non-partisan) has an easy version to follow as opposed to following links all over the net. The green part is the usual email info that circulates that is not accurate.


And just where is Osama Bin Laden, anyway? After 9/11, we were going to catch him in a matter of days....[SIZE=8pt] weeks... years... [/SIZE]

But back on topic... I cannot believe the way that some of the conspiracy theorists can twist things into "proof" of their pet theories - and turn a tragedy like 9/11 into their own personal little "game".
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