I also am very skeptical of things concerning the government and find it a shame that the citizens are so lied to that we have to question everything about our government. But I will say that I have viewed these videos before, and I do not believe them.
My reasoning is very simple. 9-11 occurred during my first week of employment with a local truss company. For those that don't know, trusses are what supports the roof or other levels of a building. They are the main supports.
Anyway, I was at work that morning and since I knew nothing about buildings, I asked an architectural engineer a simple question. That question was why would the building implode like it did? Wouldn't just the top floors drop down and then stop? Why would the floors below give out?
Well, without blinking the engineer VERY VERY QUICKLY responded that the floors are built to withstand a certain weight and that the vertical beams and trusses support the floor above. When that floor gave way, it was like a domino effect. The floor above would crash into the floor below and the floor below would NOT be able to hold the weight as the beams and trusses on the floor below would not be built to withstand that kind of force. So then that floor would fail and drop down. This would happen until the whole building was gone. And to make it worse, steel framed buildings get very week with the heat of a fire as the metal gets hot. So now the stress on the support beams and trusses is even worse. There would be no way that this building would have been able to withstand what happened.
Well, funny, but after the official investigations and watching shows on TV that were trying to uncover the truth, I came to the realization that the architectural engineer was right on what happened. The supporting column in the center of the building, which was also the stair well, just could not hold the building after it was damaged by fire due to the metal fatigue from the heat of the fire, and the floors dropped. Just like dominos each floor crushed the one below. Pretty simple really, and no investigation needed to know what happened. It is not rocket science. It is not a conspiracy. It is physics and nothing more.
The only questions that I have is if our government knew about a threat to our country. And after watching the speech that President Bush gave at the site, which was one of his best in my opinion as it clearly came from his heart, I will maintain that he did not know what was going to happen. He may have been informed that there is a threat to our country, but how would YOU ALL fight a threat to an UNKOWN target? The terrorists would not be so dumb as to tell us the exact targets so we would stop them!
Think about it. The plane that crashed in PA was headed for the white house where George W's parents were at the time. George W would not have wanted his parents harmed. If he knew what was going to happen, he would not have allowed his parents to be at the White House during this time. This alone tells me that he didn't know, or at the very least, he didn't take any threats seriously.
Now, is our government free of blame? NO!!!! If Bin Laden would have been apprehended after the first two tries on the World Trade Center, then this would not have happened!!!! But it seems that the previous president was too busy fighting scandals and telling us lies to pay attention to protecting this country properly. At least that is my theory. Even if George W was informed, he was not in office long enough to do anything about it. But the previous president was there 8 years. It should have been stopped during that 8 years... Urgg... Don't get me started...
(Steps off of soap box)