thank you Diane and same back to ya! It's actually a beautiful Easter Morning here. Sun peeping out a bit. No wind. Temp in the 60s and climbing and Mrs Carolina Chickadee continuing her nest building in the bird townhouse right outside my window.
As for a 'bag report'. no significant changes. I sure had hoped that Star Bright would come back after 24 hours off of rye. We'll see what the next days bring. La La is a bit tighter this morning than last night, but that was what I expected. I'm going to try to find time to borrow Becky's refractometer today or tomorrow and see what that tells me.
If I see any changes in the girls I'll get some new pix. I expect to see both of them drop off more in the hind end. They have some, but not as much as I expect to see.
La La is at 307 days today and foaled at 308 last year.
Star Bright 316 and foaled at 338 last year, but started bagging up weeks ago so I thought was going to go earlier this year.