Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I have a question regarding the amount of water a normal sized, healthy mini consumes in a day (or half way - whichever). I am noticing that Cookie does not seem to be taking in much water... or not what I was used to with riding horses anyways! I've got a large flat back bucket that I fill two times a day. It always seems just about as full as when I filled it! I do give her luke warm water with these cold cold winter days, but she doesn't seem to drink any more vs. the cold water she was getting when she first arrived and weather was warmer. So my question is - how much water do your mini's drink in between your fill ups?
Edited to add: I have been mixing Cookies grain (Mini horse and pony feed) with a little bit of warm water. She eats it with no problems, so I figure it can't be hurting anything. At least I know she is getting some water in her.
Edited to add: I have been mixing Cookies grain (Mini horse and pony feed) with a little bit of warm water. She eats it with no problems, so I figure it can't be hurting anything. At least I know she is getting some water in her.
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