Well-Known Member
I have a grey 29.5" Mini gelding 20 yrs old who doesn't like to drink water.He has had mutiple colic impactions.None lately due to a new feeding regimine.At night I put 4 gallons water in a bucket add 1 cup senior feed plus 3 TBSP electrolyte powder 1 squirt salt, 3 cups chopped alfalfa hay and 3 cups fesh cut alfalfa stems and leaves.He also gets 2 small handfuls grass&alfalfa hay.His stall is quite wet in the morning and 1 very nice large pile of poop. In morning he gets 32 oz water with 1 cup senior feed plus 3 TBSP electrolyte powder&1 squirt sale.He also gets 20 cc electrolyte paste befor ehe goes out for the day.Small amounts of dry hay about 10:30 in the morning.I have no pasture now due to lack of rain. I am concerned that due to all the water consumption I may be causing kidney issues for him, but he is healthy and just a bit overwight.He aslo gets psyllium AM due to sandy soil here.He has a near rectal melanoma but seems to be in excellent health otherwise.DR Taylor, if you can respond I would appreciate your time and thoughts.I have several older horses that get their feed in water due to not drinking enough.So far so good with almost all except 1 older mare this week who had tacky gums and wouldn't eat.Treated her with banamine, Gas X strips and mineral oil and avoided the vet.