She's a cutey !! It looks like someone knew the mornings have been a little chilly in Fla. and decided to put little black knee socks on her to keep her legs warm!!
Ill take babies like this ANY time of the year. And to answer Charlottes question yes the snowcaps and fewspots seem to be almost 100% producers of color at birth or at least foals born with appy chacteristics. Those foals born solid almost always do color up. In previous studies with true homozygous appy stallions they produce color/appy characteristics approx 98-100% of the time. This same mare has had all foals born with color except 1 born solid black and by the time he sold at less than 1 year old he was getting a frosted butt with black spots on it. I think there may be another foal born before the end of the year here. Maybe we will have a thanksgiving or christmas foal
WOW! What a wonderful surprise! Congratulations on a nice, colorful filly! We, too, are expecting another foal between now and the end of the year. Oops! The only thing we can figure is that our 'experienced' stallion must have bred her through the fence.
Wow, what a great surprise!! Good thing you are in Florida and not in New York(We had snow today in some parts!) I love appys, too. Someday I will have one