Hopi had an adorable sorrel and white pinto with a perfect white spot on her bumm of the State of Nevada! O'Michael's Little Finnegan (Finn) was born at 2:30am early this morning. Her sire is Little America's San Miguel and she's ALL LEGS! Almost as tall as my 4 week old filly! Thank GOD for Foal Alert! When I got out to the stalls, the white bubble was there, but only one looong leg was sticking out. I broke the bag and searched for the other leg. Hopi went down again and the nose came out. After about and eternity of pushing, her little head appeared and Hopi had to push quite a bit more for her forhead to come out. After that she slipped out. Hopi was exhausted and my husband Mike comforted her the whole time. The guy that said he didn't want anything to do with the birth! He was a huge help. She was up and nursing within an hour, passed the meconium and then I went to bed. Hopi was still having a hard time though. I wish I could have given her some banamine, but my vet said it wasn't necessary. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut instincts.
Thanks Tony for a wonderful Little America's offspring.
I'll send pictures of both my fillys when I get a chance!
Thanks Tony for a wonderful Little America's offspring.
I'll send pictures of both my fillys when I get a chance!