She's doing fine this morning.......(I think we're going to call her Ella - which is taken from "Estrella", meaning "Star" in Spanish). Larry gave Maggie some Domperidone yesterday to bring in more milk....and it looks like it worked!
And don't let Larry fool you. He did manage to break away from the barn and join Brianna and me for Easter dinner.
We'll post some more photos in a few days once she's unfolded some more.
Yea :aktion033: I really think your Ella is something very special and I was tickled to see Larry post last nite and glad he got some yummies too. Can't wait to see more pics!
CONGRATS you three! She's every bit as lovely as all of Eldorado's foals are
: I think the Easter Bunny meant to bring her here tho! :bgrin that wascally wabbit! We once had a Bunny Bizness on Easter Morning, this year we had two, but they arrived a few hours before Easter on Saturday, close, but no colored egg!