Weird Phobiaz...

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Shawntelle wrote:

"Popciles, just the thought of the wooden stick inside grooses me out, I cant even try and eat one without thinking o the feeling of biting into the wood and the shivers that run down my spine IF I do do bite into it.....ugggg creeps me out. that and the stick the doctor puts in my mouth if your sick. *shivers* I cant deal with that. Has been a phobia of mine forever."

YES!!! The wooden popsicle stick, rubbing across your incisors as you pull it out of your mouth! :new_shocked: But it doesn't stop me from eating them though!!!

How about metal gum wrapper foil in your mouth hitting and shocking your mercury fillings!!!! ZZZZAAAPPP!! Ouch!!!

I hate about all insects, but for some reason the ones that are a little cuter, useful or decorative don't bother me. Honeybees, butterflies, fuzzy caterpillars, daddy longlegs, no problemo.

I used to be terribly afraid of dragonflies, my grandmother told me some old tale about them zipping up your lips or something like that. Still don't like them. I find that even dead / mounted insects like in a display case freak me out. Can't / won't watch insect nature shows. Hate earwigs, will go out my way to smash them! The world would be a better place without creepy crawlies.

Oh yeah, also the Sun Baby God on Teletubbies.

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How about metal gum wrapper foil in your mouth hitting and shocking your mercury fillings!!!! ZZZZAAAPPP!! Ouch!!!
I had forgot all about this one!!!
Ok, I am 43 years old and not afraid to say it! I am afraid of the dark
: I sleep with a light on in the middle of the house and please do not make me take the poop mobile out to the end of the pasture late at night :eek: I know I can hear something sneaking up behind me.

Having my picture taken.

Leaving my house because it means leaving my horses and that drives me nuts. (they are my kids)
Not sure what it is called,

but I can not touch cotton balls,,,,,,,,or hear someone seperate a cotton ball.

It's like the cotton gets under my skin and is rubbing on my nerves,,,,makes my skin hurt, my teeth hurt...

I have become very created when getting the cotton out of medicine bottles,,,,cause the sound bothers me too.

Yip, I know
: Even talking about it makes me feel like my skin is rolling up my arms.

Me To!

LadyBugs! I have Such a Bad Phobia of them! EEEKS! Bad Experience.
Heights, DOLLS, and sadly.....

Corn Poop. When you eat corn, no matter how much you chew it, when it comes out it's still whole!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ABSOLUTELY HATE SPIDERS!!!! EEKKKK!!!! They are so ugly and scary. Even thinking about them walking gives me chills.

I am terrifed of heights. Anything higher than the second step on a ladder freaks me out. When we were driving to Los Angeles last weekend, I saw BIG high buildings in the distance and instantly had to turn away because I started feeling queasy. I have vertigo really badly, looking up at large buildings, or down from them.

I can't stand knives or razor blades. I was never allowed to touch knives when I was little, and when I was 5, I spent the night at a friends house. I asked for my friend's mother to cut my sandwich and she told me to go ahead and do it. I cut my finger, bled and have hated them every since. I didn't touch a steak knife again until I was 13 or 14. It makes cooking a chore, because although I can use steak knives some, I still don't handle butcher knives or anything sharp besides shaving razors that are protected by the security strip.

And lastly, I hate big crowds. I have always gotten stage fright really badly, to the point where I felt like I would faint. But being in crowds never bothered me until about 4 years ago. Now when I am in a large crowd, I get hot flashes and start feeling weak in the knees. It's terrible, especially when I love theme parks.

Really good thread by the makes me feel less like a freak knowing that other's have fears too.
June bugs.

ew ew ew. For about one month out of the year i am completely unable to go outside or open my doors after dark without freaking out.

I'm also somewhat phobic about needles. I got over my spider phobia, as long as they don;t try crawling on me (though I am ok with daddy long legs now). And standing at the bottom of atall building freaks me right out. I can go to the top of the building no problem but standing at the bottom makes me almost pass out. Good thing I live far away from sky scrapers, eh?
I am deathly scared of snakes, way past a phobia. If i even hear the word snake every muscle in my body about goes into a spasm. I was at cedar point this past weekend and we walked through 'the fright zone' and part of this one ladys costume was her mask had a snake crawling out of her nose i all but screamed 'i will pass out' in her face and she still stayed about 10 inches from my face and i couldnt get away because my friend had her arms locked around mine so i couldnt get away ..eek! I was shaking for atleast 4 minutes.

I can also picture snakes flying through the air slithering and sliding and curling up. One year at the Columbus Zoo we were walking through the reptile building and my brother knows how i am with snakes so he was supose to stop and 'block my vision' from the snakes as we walked by there tanks. Well so much for that. I walked up to one glass tank because i couldnt see anything in it and right there it was, it was green and silver and slippery and sniny and curly and its tiny black eyes looked right at me, i about knocked myself out on a stone wall trying to get away from it

I did have a phobia of rollar coasters, i got light headed just watching them from the ground. Then this past saturday i got on my first coaster in the 18 years of my life ...i LOVED it!!!!

I dont see that snake phobia being cured anytime soon though ..ick!

My other weird phobia is the velvet running across my teeth ..dont ask me way ..i get lightheaded and my teeth hurt just thinking about it ... :new_shocked:
Oh yeah, also the Sun Baby God on Teletubbies.
Teletubbies in general disturb me greatly though I don't know that I could call it a phobia.

Trying to think...not sure I have real phobias though I really really really don't like heights a whole lot, I can get past it in most cases.

I actually ended up laughing quite a bit on this thread, it's amusing to me what harmless objects can be turned into a phobia, though I'm sure it's not funny to the person with the phobia.

Liz M.
I had a major thing with draw bridges in the past or bridges in general but where I live in Florida you go absolutely no where without going over a bridge so I had to get over it.

I have regualr phobias now the biggest being spiders and second runner up almost tying is heights. I don't like ladders at all past the second step and even going up into the hay loft that has stairs to it I can't handle as you can see through them and over the side that isn't up against the barn.

My husband has the cotton ball phobia too. I have actually gone after him with them before and he also hates when a fork or something scrapes across a plate but yet he can handle fingernails on a chalkboard. I wonder if there is actually a name for the cotton ball thing since it seems to be more common than I thought.

I guess my biggest fear is traffic. We live in a very small town where there's not even shoulders on most of the roads. I took my girls to Tulsa a couple of weeks ago and got in that 6-lane traffic and I nearly freaked out. Thank God it wasn't bad traffic at the time, or I would've had to pull off the road. I don't see how my husband can manuver his big truck in some of those big cities :no:
Also getting up in front of people completely freaks me out!
haha weirdest thing ; imagining some one rubbing Kleenex on thier teeth like the sound the squeky sound EEEEEEEEEKKK :no:
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I have always imagined someone grinding their teeth on the pavement. Not a phobia, but it gives me chills!

I am afraid of clowns and heights.
EARWAW! Jeez, earwax freaks me out! I just cant stand the sight of it or the feeling you get in your ears when they're not clean... eurgh! My ears have to be clean or i just cant... do anything! Just THINKING about earwax makes me fel sick!
Shawntelle wrote:

"Popciles, just the thought of the wooden stick inside grooses me out, I cant even try and eat one without thinking o the feeling of biting into the wood and the shivers that run down my spine IF I do do bite into it.....ugggg creeps me out. that and the stick the doctor puts in my mouth if your sick. *shivers* I cant deal with that. Has been a phobia of mine forever."

YES!!! The wooden popsicle stick, rubbing across your incisors as you pull it out of your mouth! :new_shocked: But it doesn't stop me from eating them though!!!

How about metal gum wrapper foil in your mouth hitting and shocking your mercury fillings!!!! ZZZZAAAPPP!! Ouch!!!

I hate about all insects, but for some reason the ones that are a little cuter, useful or decorative don't bother me. Honeybees, butterflies, fuzzy caterpillars, daddy longlegs, no problemo.

I used to be terribly afraid of dragonflies, my grandmother told me some old tale about them zipping up your lips or something like that. Still don't like them. I find that even dead / mounted insects like in a display case freak me out. Can't / won't watch insect nature shows. Hate earwigs, will go out my way to smash them! The world would be a better place without creepy crawlies.

Oh yeah, also the Sun Baby God on Teletubbies.

I am convinced the teletubbies in general are EVIL...............that show is just plain wrong on so many levels.

BUG's eh? I will remember that as Kris loves bugs and I wouldn't want him running up to show you some giant weird bug :bgrin :bgrin happens all the time "mom look" I look over and he has brought some gigantor beetle in the house, or huge praying mantis...or gargantic worms..or a frog or toad

I am afraid of heights(get vertigo), the dark(can't see worth beans at night), but my all time worst phobia is heads, mounts you know stuffed dead animals...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......I am getting better and can be in the same house with one as long as I do not go in the same room.......I can also handle birds and fish but none of the bigger game ones......I screamed and dropped a cabellas catalog when I flipped the page and there were pictures of mounts.................give me bugs bats rats mice frogs toads snakes lizards any day....just do not invite me in if you have dead things on your walls :bgrin :bgrin

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