Sitting here chuckling. Apparently someone wants.... you guessed it .... a breeding stallion at a pet price.
THEM-Original message (all identifying information removed):
Hello I have been on you'r website and was wondering if you have any grulla or dun stallions/colts for sale?thanks
My response:
Sorry -- I don't have any grulla or dun colts for sale this year. I have a couple mares bred to my old dun stallion for next year - so there is a possibility of some then. Thanks for asking!
Hello what would it cost for a grulla foals as i know people sell them before they are born? so what is aprox cost going to be?Do you know of anyone with grulla or dun foals people whom have bought from you
before who might have some for sale? thanks.
My response:
I don't base my prices on color -- I do not breed for color - I just happen to have a dun stallion who is very strong in passing that color on. I base my prices strictly on conformation and ability to move. My colts as
breeding quality stallions (if they are not breeding quality - I geld them before they are sold) start at $2,500. If they are worth anything less than that, I geld them and sell them for performance/driving geldings.
Thanks for you'r time but I feel you have been very rude! & I would not want to buy anything from a stuffy highfalutin person such as you'r self miniature horses are not just for the wealthy! some may just call then
pets and hoby.Look how I got treated over just wanting quote.Good luck
My response:
I'm sorry if you took that to be hi-fallutin -- I am in the business of breeding for conformation and athleticism and pedigree. I very strongly feel that if anyone is going to impregnate a mare that first the mare should be excellent quality, and second, that the stallion should be top quality. If someone wants to breed strictly for pets - they should be looking at buying grades (and they are MUCH cheaper). A grade will make just as nice a pet, cost a lot less (but not any less to maintain) and give you just as much enjoyment as one of my hi-fallutin horses (which they aren't -- they are just very good quality and when it comes to quality - I am color blind).
Geesh!!! Can't say I'm too upset at not having this person as a future customer. GRIN
THEM-Original message (all identifying information removed):
Hello I have been on you'r website and was wondering if you have any grulla or dun stallions/colts for sale?thanks
My response:
Sorry -- I don't have any grulla or dun colts for sale this year. I have a couple mares bred to my old dun stallion for next year - so there is a possibility of some then. Thanks for asking!
Hello what would it cost for a grulla foals as i know people sell them before they are born? so what is aprox cost going to be?Do you know of anyone with grulla or dun foals people whom have bought from you
before who might have some for sale? thanks.
My response:
I don't base my prices on color -- I do not breed for color - I just happen to have a dun stallion who is very strong in passing that color on. I base my prices strictly on conformation and ability to move. My colts as
breeding quality stallions (if they are not breeding quality - I geld them before they are sold) start at $2,500. If they are worth anything less than that, I geld them and sell them for performance/driving geldings.
Thanks for you'r time but I feel you have been very rude! & I would not want to buy anything from a stuffy highfalutin person such as you'r self miniature horses are not just for the wealthy! some may just call then
pets and hoby.Look how I got treated over just wanting quote.Good luck
My response:
I'm sorry if you took that to be hi-fallutin -- I am in the business of breeding for conformation and athleticism and pedigree. I very strongly feel that if anyone is going to impregnate a mare that first the mare should be excellent quality, and second, that the stallion should be top quality. If someone wants to breed strictly for pets - they should be looking at buying grades (and they are MUCH cheaper). A grade will make just as nice a pet, cost a lot less (but not any less to maintain) and give you just as much enjoyment as one of my hi-fallutin horses (which they aren't -- they are just very good quality and when it comes to quality - I am color blind).
Geesh!!! Can't say I'm too upset at not having this person as a future customer. GRIN