Cherokee Rose
Well-Known Member
Well it's been a week since our trip to western Montana.........and boy did we have a good time
I have always wanted to visit that state.....and when I contacted Mindy of Ladybug Miniatures about a Appy filly she had we did some horse trade'n and off to Montana we went
Mindy's whole famliy was wonderful and made you feel as if you had known them all your life!! She also took us on a tour to a couple of other was our pleasure to have meet Christy of CNC MIniatures.......and Shannon of Rivendell Miniatures!! All three girls have beautiful horses and are very serious about what they're breeding
I would like to Thank Mindy and her Grandmother Cynthia for letting us bring home our new filly Pearl's Sea Splash......we do beleive she is a snowcap and to top it all off she is a Grandaughter and Greart-Grandaughter to two of our best brood mares
So it is exciting to be bringing our breeding program another step into the future!! In the trade Mindy did acquire Lucky Hart's Soft Light a beautiful Dun mare that I feel will enhance their breeding program wonderfully!! Thanks Again Mindy & Cynthia.................
