Well-Known Member
I like to wean at 5-6 months. We used to wean right at 4, but the foals seem to wean so much easier when we wait a little bit longer. We hardly have any 'crying' come weaning now. Plus, they have a little bit more weight come winter and with our winters, that is a very desirable thing. I want my babies nice and plump going into the 40 below weather. My mares have no problem keeping their foals that long-they don't get weighed down. In fact, I think the opposite happensThey are all up front and fed free choice hay/pasture along with mare and foal feed. I can't stand seeing thin broodmares.
I agree with this. I was told when I first started breeding to wean at 3-4 months. Now I know that the foals were not ready. There was too much anxiety for both the mare and foal. Really what is the rush? They will start weaning naturally and are much calmer when they have at least one other foal to wean with. Even better if they have mom in the next pen, but are just not able to nurse. They often sleep near each other and can still call and keep in contact.