What are your Mares Birth Times????

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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The books I've read say that 80% of Mares foal from 11:00pm through 3:00am. What are your birth times???
[SIZE=14pt]That has been the case for most of mine except the mare Savannah, that Virginia now owns. She would foal mostly in the afternoon or early evenings. The last foal she had for me was durring General Hospital! When Ronnie and Janet Clifton owned her it was allways before 11 pm.....7 foals all born before 11 pm none later.[/SIZE]

The MINUTE I think it's safe to have forty winks or a pee or a drink, or I get warm and comfy.

Oh- and of course the old chestnut "she's not due for six weeks I'm safe to go on holiday"- that one had a foal before I was at the docks!!!! :lol:

I have two mares that will foal down within ten minutes of being turned out in the morning, so long as I have stayed up all night with them

So- short answer??

Whatever will catch you on the hop.
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Last year of the 7 I had born, they were born at these times




9:00 pm

10:15 pm

9:00 pm

& 12:15 am

Still waiting for this year......I love it when they have them in the middle of the day!!

So you just never know.....Most of the time they always wait till I head back in the house after checking them.....Thank goodness for my camera on several of these early morning/late at night births!!
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Molly started around 10PM just because she wanted us there to watch

Lizzy squeeked her foal out just after I left so Im guessing midnight
One was at 2:15 AM, the other was around 3:30 to 4:00 AM
As usual, nothing is ever normal around my farm. I have NEVER had one go between 11pm and 5am. Mine like the evening hours like 9:30 or 10 pm, and the early morning hours like 5 to 6am. I'd say 50% of my foals were born during these times. However, I've had 3 or 4 born in the middle of the morning and two or three born in the middle of the afternoon. In fact, one mare laid down and squirted one out in the middle of my 5 year olds birthday party. It was about 5 pm and the parents were just showing up to get their kids. They all got quite a lesson!!!! :lol: She was 3 weeks early so I had her up in the corral, but not in a stall yet. Surprise, surprise!!

For me, I can't figure out what time is the most common.
Mine too seem to like those evening hours. I have a 10pm, a 7pm and then a couple others right around the same time. Nothing too late or too early. Watch, they will get me this year and all gang up and foal at 3 in the morning!
Anytime during a 24 hour period!
: I just had one born a few days ago at 2 am. Another born 4 weeks ago at 11:15 am. I've had them at all hours of the night and day. Mares that seem to be consistent during a certain time frame for a few years, will change their schedule and foal at a completely different time another year! No rhyme or reason to it!!
I have a mare that regularly foals durring the warmer daylight hours.. Once at 10:30 AM, and another time at 3:30 in the afternoon. Both times she made sure I was there, feeding or fussing when she went down.
All these years, Ive been breeding horses, I never had one foaled during the day. Never!

I had one foaled right after her nightmeal at 7pm and one after the morning feeding at 6:30 am

All the others been between 10pm and 11pm, but most of them all after 2am and 4am.

But, because I said NEVER, the next one will proof me wrong, for sure.

It's funny, everyone has a different story.
Here are the times that our mares foaled in 2005 - many are rounded up or back to the nearest half hour














8:20 am
















We keep a number of foaling statistics on each mare - As others have mentioned most mares follow some general pattern. Hope this helps.
Well we only had one foal last year and will have one this year too but from a different mare. Last year, Dolly foaled right around 1:00 A.M. which seemed "normal" to me. My new mare Libby, though, foaled last year around 4:00 in the afternoon - I hope she follows that pattern again :bgrin
Mine seem to be almost half and half. One year I had 5 due and 4 of them were born between 11 AM and 2 PM.

Watch watch watch the mares

Never get to sleep!

Mare-ly mare-ly mare-ly mare-ly

The pager goes beep beep beep!
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Foal #1: 6:00 a.m.

#2: 11:30 p.m.

#3: 12:00 p.m.

#4: 10:00 p.m.

#5: 11:05 p.m.

#6: 11:00 p.m.

#7: 2:00 a.m.

#8: 1:00 a.m.

#9: 7:00 a.m. (missed this one and he died w/a bit of sac over his nose and mouth)

#10: 4:00 a.m.

#11: 4:30 p.m.

#12: 12:30 a.m.

#13: 9:00 p.m.

#14: 3:15 a.m.

That is it so far.


Liz M.
Most of mine have been born between 4pm and 2am. I did have one mare foal on a Sunday approx. 10am, but that is the only one.

I think most of mine foal in the evening/night here because it is when things are quietest here on the farm, no tractors running, dogs are mostly quiet, etc.

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