What color is this foal?

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Ok well I am not a color expert by any means but if that is the dams rear end in the pic I dont see anything at all that could even be remotely a smutty buckskin IMO she looks red or silver bay to me (again just with the portion of rump and tail I can see) but her tail appears to be red not black. I am going to say this foal is either a palomino or a smokey silver.. cute baby to congrats!
As far as champagne studying has gone, they are not sure if the champagne has any affect on double dilutes. So a perlino could have the champagne gene, with out knowing it!

I have no idea is a champagne, but she really just looks palomino to me! I have a colt and his sire is a smutty buckskin, and his color looks ALOT like your little filly's!

He looks champagne to me. The pink skin, blue eyes and freckles are all indicators of champagne! Watch and see if over time his eyes turn amber.

Edited to add- mottling and freckles are two different things. There are some great champagne sites thet show the difference if you do a search. Freckles are in the champagnes and appy's get the mottling.
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Ok well I am not a color expert by any means but if that is the dams rear end in the pic I dont see anything at all that could even be remotely a smutty buckskin IMO she looks red or silver bay to me (again just with the portion of rump and tail I can see) but her tail appears to be red not black. I am going to say this foal is either a palomino or a smokey silver.. cute baby to congrats!

Well gee Lisa....on my computer there is nothing "red" about the colt's dam at all. She looks very "golden" and smutty to me.
: Colors can look so different on different monitors.

I think the colt is either a Perlino or Smokey Creme.

Of course, if either parent carries the Champagne gene....he could be that too.
Well gee Lisa....on my computer there is nothing "red" about the colt's dam at all. She looks very "golden" and smutty to me.
: Colors can look so different on different monitors.

I think the colt is either a Perlino or Smokey Creme.
Yep sure does look different like I said I dont see anything dark at all in the tail on my screen even a smutty buckskin would have a black(dark) tail but again could be the color of my monitor
I would never call myself an expert, but I cant help myself. I kept looking at him & going back to a website someone posted here about. www.newdilutions.com . I kept looking at the "Pearl" page, and thinking maybe that something else that has been hiding in minis.

Also, are we even sure that we are looking at the mares tail? If you go back & look, it seems more like the long course hairs that they grow on the back of their legs during the winter. It doesnt go down to the end of the picture.

Just my two cents. Ill back off now.
Your right it may not be the tail and maybe it is my monitor but I still am not seeing dark anything but again no matter what the color very cute baby with a very cute head!
When the colours are in doubt, as they appear to be in a HUGE number of Miniature Horses, for the sake of the foal papers, I would go by the Phenotype, which in this case is Perlino on the evidence of the pictures and the information on the parents.

It is not possible to test for Champagne, but he could be proven by breeding- although I have to say I see nothing to indicate it, the "freckles" are very common on all dilutes as well as Appies.

I see a pretty Perlino foal, which is exactly what his breeding would indicate as well.

At this point, why try to complicate things so much??

After all, if he is gelded it all becomes rhetorical anyway!!
Couldn't be palamino as the skin is pink - palominos have black skin. I still say perlino.

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