what colour is she

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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I have asked this question on a colour forum but Im interested to see what mini owners think , Im not even sure what colour the dam is but judging by her own foal pics I think she maybe a very sooty dun , I did send her hairs away for a dna test along with hairs from her first filly but the lab lost the results on one horse and a year later sent results on the mare , they said she was bay but as it was a YEAR later Im not convinced they are reliable , they did not test for dun

the sire to my filly is a palomino and white , he has been dna tested to show he does carry silver

first parent pics



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newborn pics of the filly , her eyes were blue and she had frosting on her mane , the dorsal was barely there





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a little older , her eyes have since changed from blue to a kind of amber colour




The pictures are small and i'm using my phone, but to me the dam looks like a smokey black and the filly looks like a typical buckskin. I can't tell if she might have silver-hard to tell on newborn pics because even my darkest bays are born with light colored manes and tails with light points.
I agree with Amanda / OHMT, and feel more likely than not, silver is in the mix.

We've got lots of buckskins, and they all do seem to have what almost looks like a darker undercoat in winter. Look under the tail, either side of basically the butt cheeks, to see the color likely when shed out
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I must have been posting before when you posted the newer pics-i think she is definitely a silver buckskin. Jill is right-those butt cheeks really do tell all!
My buckskin stallion produces a lot of buckskins with the sooty gene and looking under the tail usually tells me how the foal will shed out.

Of course, i'm looking at little pictures on my phone and you can see them in person, so I could be wrong. But, that's what I see.
I also think she is cream (buckskin) and not dun. In her baby pics where she's really young and fluffy, her coloring does look similar to a grulla filly I had born here, but it appears your filly did not keep a dark face as she aged a little, as in the one photo where she looked wet, it diod not appear the typical dark as a grulla would be. Whether she carries silver or not, is hard to say...she sort of seems like it, but the buckskins will often have sort of a frosting to their manes and tails. But I am more leaning towards yes she carries silver, than not.
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The filly is a silver buckskin without a doubt! My silver buckskin filly gets a dark "mask" on her face, especially in her winter coat

That's her on the right


Summer coat:

My vote is silver buckskin. I have a client yearling colt in the show barn now who is colored very much like that and I am sure he's a silver buckskin.
Here are some photos for a bit of a comparison. This is "Angel". Her dam is a (bay) dun pinto, sire a black pinto. Angel is a grulla pinto.

Here she is shortly after birth, and then again probably about 3 months.


Then here as a yearling...


Then here as an adult...


And these are to show a bit about a "true" dorsal stripe on a dun or grulla. They often have "frosting" on both sides, but it does not mix right through, the way a silver does, You can see that a true dun with a true dorsal is easily seen in the mane (bridle path) and how it runs into the tail as well.



Hoping this will help some.
Thanks for your opinions , black dun has been suggested as a possibility but here are pics that show the dams back , from one angle there appears a faint dorsal and on another there doesnt , Im not convinced she is one and looking at those pics Id say she isnt


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Im going out to look at butt cheeks and trim a bridle path but Im pretty convinced that shes not dun but buckskin...with or without silver lol
I didnt have time to trim her bridle track but I did look at her butt cheeks and they are ...... a creamy buckskin colour

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