[SIZE=14pt]I got to sleep in till 8:30 because Jerry fed for me. [/SIZE]
Then, Jerry had me and the boys get ready to go Christmas shopping.
Oh no, please no. I can't take yet another trip Christmas shopping. I've already had about 7 of those.
Yep, every Christmas Eve, that's when Jerry does his shopping. Don't ask me why, but that's his thing.
We all got ready.
I was almost out the door, when I looked back around and decided I just can't go.
The laundry hamper was over flowing, baking had to be done, and the floors had to be mopped. Jerry said, so what, just leave it till later.....but I couldn't.
Plus, the thought of me having to go into another store one more time this Christmas season was making me nautious. So I begged off, waved them all bye as they went down the road without me.
First, I went to my Christmas page on my website to have a good cry.
Then I got busy, and put in WHITE CHRISTMAS on the VCR and proceed to wash clothes, bake a cake, cookies, and a banana bread. Washed the floors, scrubbed the bathroom, ran the vacumn cleaner and dusted just one more time and ate a can of ChefboyarDee Spaghetti and Meatballs with Devin and Tracey.
Stripped stalls in the barn, added new shavings, it started to rain, I got everyone back inside and began my grooming regimine. Chrissy had to be the corker, refusing to get in her stall, following my every footstep and still trying to suck on my knees in the process. She's the only one that stands loose in the isleway for her scrunchie and nose kiss and doesn't move an inch. What can I say? She'll do anything to get loved on.
I hid a step ladder for Jerry in the horsetrailer so I got it out and put bows on it and stood it up in the isleway. He'll feed in the morning and know that Santa left it there for him.
Got everything done by 3:30.
Then I did nothing.
Just sat there and did nothing till it was time to feed dinner.
Jerry and the boys came home with lots of bags of stuff; presents for me I'll betcha! Didn't ask for anything this year because of the new barn, but I think they got me some stuff anyhow.
They appreciated the clean house and goodies I baked and had a little feast.
It's pouring down rain now.
40 degrees and holding.
Won't be any snow tonite on the mountain.
But I love to lay in bed and listen to the rain.
Going to bed early tonite with Tracey. We're both tired.
Waiting for Santa.
He won't come if I'm awake you know.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.
Then, Jerry had me and the boys get ready to go Christmas shopping.
Oh no, please no. I can't take yet another trip Christmas shopping. I've already had about 7 of those.

Yep, every Christmas Eve, that's when Jerry does his shopping. Don't ask me why, but that's his thing.
We all got ready.
I was almost out the door, when I looked back around and decided I just can't go.
The laundry hamper was over flowing, baking had to be done, and the floors had to be mopped. Jerry said, so what, just leave it till later.....but I couldn't.
Plus, the thought of me having to go into another store one more time this Christmas season was making me nautious. So I begged off, waved them all bye as they went down the road without me.

First, I went to my Christmas page on my website to have a good cry.
Then I got busy, and put in WHITE CHRISTMAS on the VCR and proceed to wash clothes, bake a cake, cookies, and a banana bread. Washed the floors, scrubbed the bathroom, ran the vacumn cleaner and dusted just one more time and ate a can of ChefboyarDee Spaghetti and Meatballs with Devin and Tracey.
Stripped stalls in the barn, added new shavings, it started to rain, I got everyone back inside and began my grooming regimine. Chrissy had to be the corker, refusing to get in her stall, following my every footstep and still trying to suck on my knees in the process. She's the only one that stands loose in the isleway for her scrunchie and nose kiss and doesn't move an inch. What can I say? She'll do anything to get loved on.
I hid a step ladder for Jerry in the horsetrailer so I got it out and put bows on it and stood it up in the isleway. He'll feed in the morning and know that Santa left it there for him.
Got everything done by 3:30.
Then I did nothing.
Just sat there and did nothing till it was time to feed dinner.
Jerry and the boys came home with lots of bags of stuff; presents for me I'll betcha! Didn't ask for anything this year because of the new barn, but I think they got me some stuff anyhow.
They appreciated the clean house and goodies I baked and had a little feast.
It's pouring down rain now.
40 degrees and holding.
Won't be any snow tonite on the mountain.
But I love to lay in bed and listen to the rain.
Going to bed early tonite with Tracey. We're both tired.
Waiting for Santa.
He won't come if I'm awake you know.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.