What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2003
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When I started showing everyone tucked the forelock to the side and under the halter. I am seeing more and more horses at shows and in pictures where the forelock is left down. But I'm still tucking!!! Does that mean I am not cool?

What is the way to go? What do you put in the hair if you leave it down? Are there other criteria to making the decision? ex. head type, amount of forelock, frizziness factor etc.

I look forward to hearing people's thoughts on this so I can get with the times before our sanctioned show next weekend...I just want to fit in! :bgrin
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I always tuck it into the side of the halter, preferably on the same side as the mane lays (which, on all my show horses, is to the right). However, I have seen some horses look great with it slicked down the middle. I personally do not like to see it "loose and fluffy" at shows. You can see in my avatar in the show type poses how I do mine, which is how most I've seen are done.
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Well I don't show, as of yet. But when I look at everyones horses. Me personally, I would be getting out the gel and laying the forlock flat. I honestly don't care for it tucked under the halter.
I always tuck. But, I have only ever shown horses with beautiful heads, so I am not sure how I would approach showing a horse with a plain one. I just think it looks much neater.. I also always tuck the forelock when I drive at shows too..
I've noticed that, too!

We used to tuck, now we just see how the trainers are showing that day, and copy! :bgrin

Here is Erick tucked...


Is it the right look for him? Sorry I don't have an untucked picture.

Thanks Jill! I will have a great time I'm sure. The MHCO has been working hard on this sanctioned show for the past year and it's at a great facility.
Depends entirely on the horse's head.

A less-than-pretty head does not look good with the forelock pulled to the side. And even some of the pretty heads look prettier with the forelock straight down instead of to the side. I take it case by case.
Thanks! I have decided Erick it a grulla/grullo. He has a dorsal stripe. I think he has an average head so I'll have to play around with the untucked look and see what I think.
We dont tuck any more either. We take a third of the forelock off from each side and then wet the piece thats left and put it down the face. Erik looks good the way he is because he has an attractive head but you dont see that much anymore.

This is the first year that I have tucked, and I like it. It is much easier.

I take a black nylon trash bag tie and use it to keep the forlock in place. I hate putting all that stuff on my horses. I wish everyone would show with just a body clip, and thats it!!! I have actually heard of a person using a permanent marker to outline the halo on their horse!! :nono:
I wish everyone would just groom and present their horses they way they think they look best so long as it doesn't hurt them.

What does that mean though, outline the halo? If you mean the top of the hoof (the coronary band), I've done that.... But I'm nt sure if that's what you mean by halo?
I use a perminant marker (one of the big ones) around the top of the hoof bc i show two all white horses, sorry ...i dont like my horse having blue socks!!!! Everyone is still alive out in the barn, i just dont see the big deal, and no one has blue legs
. I dought i would ever just clip my horse, throw a halter on him/her and walk out of the stall into the show ring and actually expect to place. You need to show pre-show prep and grooming.

I personally like the forlocked thinned ...oiled ..gelled down, really slick and going straight down the forhead OR Swished (not tucked) off to the side. I like to 'swish' the forlock over so its just above the right eye, i think it looks beautiful. My horses seem to hold their own and i never had a judge mark me for forelock, but i know what you mean, its all about presentation.

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Jill the "halo" is the black around pinto markings. And why anyone would trace that with a marker is beyond me.

As far as to tuck or not to tuck, I think you should show your horse to it's best advantage!
Sorry Leeana, didn't meant to offend anyone.
: I did mean someone had use permanent maker on the BODY. I also use marker on the top of the hoof, makes it easier not to get polish on the hair.

When I said just to body clip and show, I have seen horses with more makeup on than Tammy Faye Baker
: Just my opinion, which doesn't mean much, but I prefer the more natural look. I do spend alot of time getting mine ready to show, but I just don't use an excessive amount of makeup on them. I know you have to use some to compete.

Again, I didn't mean to hurt any feelings. Sorry!!!!!
Here is Erick tucked...


Is it the right look for him? Sorry I don't have an untucked picture.

Thanks Jill! I will have a great time I'm sure. The MHCO has been working hard on this sanctioned show for the past year and it's at a great facility.
Oooh he is SO handsome
Im sure hed love to come hang with Wee Man and Zorro here
: haha!

Yea the MHCO has worked hard and it has took alot of preperation , and Im SO excited too :bgrin
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