What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

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When I was showing quite a lot a few years ago, we always tucked the forelocks because that seemed to be the in thing. I personally never cared much for that look, so I'm pretty happy to hear the untucked look is making a comeback! :aktion033:
i'm not a huge fan of the tucked into the side thing. i like it to look free and flowing...i just looked at jill's destiny's page. the first two of his pics are beautiful, but the third one is stunningly gorgeous! i couldn't until just now figure out what i liked about the third one best...it's his forelock loose.
: so pretty.

with some of them, they are too long or bushy to look good tucked in, so you have to drown it in gel.

my yearling Charm's forelock is, shall i saw...a monster? it has a mind of it's own. i can tuck it into the FRONT of his halter!!! :new_shocked: and i try to stick it in the side it just bounces out.
: i have no idea what i'll do come show time.

(notice it's tucked into the front here)

i'm not a huge fan of the tucked into the side thing. i like it to look free and flowing...i just looked at jill's destiny's page. the first two of his pics are beautiful, but the third one is stunningly gorgeous! i couldn't until just now figure out what i liked about the third one best...it's his forelock loose.
: so pretty.

with some of them, they are too long or bushy to look good tucked in, so you have to drown it in gel.

my yearling Charm's forelock is, shall i saw...a monster? it has a mind of it's own. i can tuck it into the FRONT of his halter!!! :new_shocked: and i try to stick it in the side it just bounces out.
: i have no idea what i'll do come show time.

(notice it's tucked into the front here)

Thin Thin Thin!!

Take those clippers to the sides underneath and is it shaved to the "bump" on his poll now?
Kelly -- you didn't hurt my feelings

Michelle -- Erick is SO handsome!!!! I love his color and his eyes! If you have time and it won't bore him, you should put him in the color class along with the others you will do with him (and maybe you're already planning to!). If I were the judge, he'd be the one to beat with his gorgeous and unusual color, those eyes, the dorsal stripe, his star (NICE NICE NICE)

Just for kicks I thought I'd throw out there what we do in our local shows. Our horses are nowhere near as sleek and shiny as yours all are though. You guys make us look frumpy. :bgrin Shadow's forelock is short and frizzy so we do a little topsy tail and tuck it back through so it lays as flat as possible.

Michelle we tuck or untuck according to the horse. A plain forehead looks really nice with the forelock hanging down. A super poofy mane like our tiny Ellie has looks best slicked and tucked to show her pretty face. A straight face can look a little dishier with the bulk of the forelock added to the forehead. Erick has that beautiful little star and dazzling eyes and a nice slick forelock. You could go either way. With his forelock tucked you are presenting his face beautifully and thats what counts!
...I just want to fit in! :bgrin
Within reason, I'd want to NOT fit in...I'd rather complement my horse AND hopefully catch the judge's eye.

I would bet that if you asked any judge, they would say that neither way would make a difference, so long as it complements the individual horse.

If your horse is the best in the class, where the forelock lies is not going to make a difference. Erick is a great example -- you could shave it off and he would still be gorgeous!

Go with what you personally feel best suits your horse.
Here is Erick tucked...


Is it the right look for him? Sorry I don't have an untucked picture.

Thanks Jill! I will have a great time I'm sure. The MHCO has been working hard on this sanctioned show for the past year and it's at a great facility.
I just have to comment on this picture. It is SO NICE to see a beautiful horse, professionally groomed, who has NOT been balded & greased up to the eyes.
: This is SO much nicer, and still comes off as professional & stunning! :aktion033:
If your horse is the best in the class, where the forelock lies is not going to make a difference. Erick is a great example -- you could shave it off and he would still be gorgeous!
:new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl:

Ha ha ha so true

Ash :saludando:
This is a very interesting thread, I have always gelled and tucked without even thinking about it lol. Maybe I will try untucked this year.
I decide based on the horses head. If they have a gorgeous dishy short head then I tuck, if they have a little longer "horsey" head then I leave it untucked. Here is an example of untucked...



and an example of tucked...

Dane (of course not at a show, just at home in pasture condition...)


and here is Dane again, with it untucked, but in this shot, I WISH it had been tucked! He has such a gorgeous head!!

I just have to comment on this picture. It is SO NICE to see a beautiful horse, professionally groomed, who has NOT been balded & greased up to the eyes.
: This is SO much nicer, and still comes off as professional & stunning! :aktion033:
Thanks Dona! To be honest I dabbled with balding Erick's muzzle this year but I'm terrible at it and won't be doing it again :eek: He is first and foremost my driving horse...the halter classes are just for fun and to work on his manners until he's old enough to drive.

Jill, I put him in colour once and he didn't get anything out of the 30 horses in the ring
:. His colour is so unpredictable that I have given up. Plus I can't say I get ANY enjoyment out of the colour classes at all. I love his colour which was a nice surprise when I thought I bought a black foal!

...I just want to fit in! :bgrin
Within reason, I'd want to NOT fit in...I'd rather complement my horse AND hopefully catch the judge's eye.

I would bet that if you asked any judge, they would say that neither way would make a difference, so long as it complements the individual horse.

If your horse is the best in the class, where the forelock lies is not going to make a difference. Erick is a great example -- you could shave it off and he would still be gorgeous!

Go with what you personally feel best suits your horse.
Of course you are right Susanne! I just thought it would be a fun topic to discuss. Some days clipping Erick he's lucky I don't shave his forelock off
: . It's good to know he could pull it off though :bgrin

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