What do you think*UPDATED***********

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
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Soooo, Friday I got 2 new Minis {as if I need more LOL} and the family I got her from said she was pure white... WELL, I don't think she is so therefore I am asking my lovely friends on the forum {you guys} about what YOU think...


Taken this morning ofher CLEAN tail


to show her white mane

Hahah sory I was in my p.j pants so I look baddddd LOL


white forlock and mane

still on p.js and I look like baddddd

for registering purposes we had to clip her to make sure nothing was hidden inder there... and we got ... THIS?!


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The "white" one looks like a grey to me (not sure what her base color was though, you'd have to DNA to find that out) and the one one the right looks like a silver black/ silver dapple.

I agree....your pretty "white" mare looks like a true "gray" (fading gray) to me, as I can see dark skin on her muzzle. There is no way to know for sure now, what her base color was without testing. And the other cutie looks like a Silver Black.
She is a gray and white pinto. Her pinto pattern is tobiano.

Yep! Most likely she was born black and white pinto, with the gray gene, because if she were a silver dapple pinto her colored markings would surely be visible with her hair grown out. Good to know!
From a lady in cornish that had them and got a divorce and couldnt afford them anymore.

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