What do your vets charge?

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Here is the bill broke down.


Examination/Min. $82.50

Penicillin Shot $9.50

Tetanus(which he didnt need)- $9.50

Strangles(3) at- $29.00 each


Castration- $65

Ketamine- $4.50

Rompun- $8.50

Diazepam- $8.25

Sterile Pack- $16.50

Farm Call(pre schedualed)- $22

Then because dumb dumb gelding decided to tear it back open, they had to come out two days later to pack him again.

so 4/25

Country Call- $26

Recheck Exam $18

Penicillin- $9.50

I dont do shots, but I do have plenty of family and friends that will do them. Plus I dont buy from them. I go else where and get them for about $13 per shot.

This is my first year giving strangles and they get that up the nose.

While it hurts to pay any bill this sounds like a VERY reasonable bill to me and half the price that many would pay for the same thing!
South Florida:

Farm call :$60.00 (paying by the minute is insane)

Coggins: $35.00

I do my own vaccines (thank goodness!)

My mini stallion had a mild tummy ache last week and the vet came out, tubed him with mineral oil, enema, shot of banamine, CBC bloodwork, exam, farm call, a tube of bute and a coggins on my filly : $275.00

Not too bad I guess!
On the other side of the world here in Australia they charge $22 per shot, plus an $80 call out fee. The because I don't live locally, they also charge $1.50 per kilometre for travel.

After the 1st visit we decided to do our own shots.

To have my boy gelded I am looking at $170 plus the $80 call out fee, plus the $1.50 per klm travel fee. I will have to save up for that one.
a farm call here is $45

I give my own shots, and a 10 dose vial of West Nile EWT is $216.

Rabies to do 30 horses is about $65.

flu/rhino -$14/single dose

Coggins/health is $75

Gelding by my regular vet is $100

But I just found a new vet that is coming out next week to geld a few, She is only charging me $35. each to do 3 mini's. (She charges $75 for a big horse.)

Wow that makes me happy.
Sounds cheap to me!

My vet charges way more than that for those things. A castration for $65 is pretty much FREE! I would be so excited about that! Castration of my last colt was $275 and I actually haggled my vet down to $180 because my friend had just had her stallion gelded for that price by a vet in his same complex.

Rompun for $8.50? I don't know how much Rompun is compared to Xylazine, but I just had my mare sedated with Xylazine and my vet charged $27 for it. Soooo you see you are getting a DEAL!


Rompum is xylazine... and when I had my horse come and float my horse's teeth they sedated him for me. The day before I had bought 100ml of Xylazine (bottle) for $27. Vet charged me THIRTY dollars, PLUS $10 for GIVING the shot!! For 2ml!! I could have done it myself for... hmm... calculator time... uhm... $0.54!! plus a syringe, maybe $0.75. Ouch!!
Seems pretty cheap to me! Up here in Maine, I pay $65 for the vet to drive in the driveway and get out of her vehicle. I paid $28 for strangles this year. $38 for coggins PLUS a stupid extra $4 "AWF state fee" PER COGGINS(making coggins $42 EACH). For my 3 Mini's, I'll have probably $500 or so in just spring shots. I paid $350 plus a farm call to have my horse gelded. I can't remember the cost of health certificates, but I think they are $20 or $25. Sad part is, the vet practice we use is MUCH more reasonable on prices then the other local 2 vet practices in town. But, you'll never hear me complain on what my vet charges. She has treated me right, is great with the Mini's, gets back to me within 24 hours on non-emergencies and within 5-10 minutes on emergencies, drops medications off at the house at no charge on her way by, took time out of her Sundays a few times to call and check on my filly we were treating(when I hadn't even asked for a phone call,etc. She called when it wasn't even her weekend on call to check in),etc. So, although vet prices are out of control up here, the vet bills hurt a little less when you have a decent vet who doesn't look at your Mini's as "just" a Mini.

[SIZE=14pt]found a bill...Xylazine .25 cents, Kentamine .50 cents, Penicillin shot $1.10 and tetnus $2.50. i can't believe some of the prices other vets charge for these drugs :new_shocked: . [/SIZE]
Fiona we both use the same clinic and they just came out and I paid $21 a head for rabies. I paid $32 a head for Coggins. It now reallly does depend on WHO you get in the clinic. After the last $600 gouge [they didn't need to keep the youngsters] I make sure I only get two certain vets. Don't get me wrong I love my vet but when he sold the practice to the jr partner it went from animal care to money. I don't think he's happy about it either. Oh and by the way I am a vet tech besides being a farrier and I was charged $2 per dosage of medication when the youngsters were in the clinic. Not to mention they were playing with the stud colt [because he is a "cute" little mini] and taught him some bad manners. Ticked me off. Linda
I'm trying to remember what I paid last year to geld my mini donk Earl... I wanna say about $250?

Today I got my bill for the vet coming last week to geld my POA. Only, he only has one testicle down, so he didn't get gelded.... and for nothing to happen, it was $120!!!!! Farm call, exam fee, and sedation... sheesh that was an expensive nothing! I've paid about $1000 to the vets in the last week (my mare lost her colt and had an uterine infection)... and now I have to pay $1200 plus for my pony to get gelded! He's waiting for now!

Last time I had a routine gelding done here, it was $75 plus farm call at $60. Seems like everything has gone up in the last year, so that may be an old figure. The one I had done this year was in the clinic with more complications, ran somewhere around $250 if I remember correctly. Coggins are $20/25, brain fuzzy this morning, and health certs ate $20. I do most of my own shots too - checked with the vet recently as I was there and thought I'd just pick up a 10 dose vial of VEWT/flu/rhino if their cost was close to ordering. Valley Vet was $170, vet would have been $240! This is not an unreasonably high vet (and they are awesome) but that's too much difference to justify for me. I would MUCH rather they do the shots, but not at those prices.

All of you who posted prices, sounds about what we pay in CT. Raising and caring for miniatures isn't cheap. They may be small but you still pay the same price as for big horses.

Joyce L
I have to say, though...appreciate your good vets! For the amount of schooling and time (not to mention buying all the expensive equip if they are self-employed), vets don't really get paid what they ought. Does this mean they should gouge you or price outrageously, of course not! But do realize that being a vet is not a very high paying job for the time put into it.

My mom, being a vet, is constantly working. She is an excellent vet, so is able to charge a bit more, especially for services that require add'l training. She is lucky when she has time off to go to a horse show, and even then she has her cell on for emergency calls. In fact, at the Ram Tap CDE, I know she spent a lot of time on the phone to several clients, giving them advice, referring them to the other good vets in town if it sounded like an emergency, etc. It is closer to a 24/7 job than a 9-5.
[quote name='Nathan Luszcz' date='May 3 2007, 08:18 PM Must be an old bill :p the syringes cost more than that!

[SIZE=14pt]nope, the bill is from 4/25/07. Nikki[/SIZE]
Some of what I am reading in this thread is truly amazing! When I think about what I spent on tuition, the years I was in school and not making a living, what the clinic spends on equipment and a fully stocked vehicle, giving up a significant amount of my free time to be available at a moment's notice if one of my clients has an emergency...

I don't understand why people don't value that. Vaccines AT COST??!! Why shouldn't we be able to make money doing what we do? We are highly trained, highly skilled professionals.

Yes I do charge a fee to give an IV injection. It is a skill and it involves some risk. Do it wrong once and you'll gladly give your vets that fee.

The number one frustration I run into is people not valuing the vet's knowledge. They don't want to pay for an exam if they perceive you "didn't do anything". Someone once said something along the lines of "It may have taken me 5 minutes to do but it took me years and thousands of dollars to learn how to do it".

Some food for thought.
Sorry Michelle, but in my case where the horse needed IV banamine to relieve pain caused by severe muscle spasms DUE TO THE VET TOPPING HIM UP WITH KETAMINE (too much of it!) and NO ROMPUN, you know what?? I DO NOT expect to have to pay for the vet to administer that IV shot of banamine.
Equine Penile sheath cleansing 1 st = $62.00

Equine Penile sheath cleansing add'l ( 3 )= $96.00

Milage = $18.90

equine Acepromazline Tranq (boys not cooperating ) = $4.85

weat nile plus EWT vacc = $127.20

equine rabies = $88.00

syringe 6cc = .55

Tax = $23.86

PST tax = $9.24


$ 430.60 canadian funds

But they charged me $62.00 to much I only had 3 boys cleaned not 4, that one is a mare so they had to credit my account.

I think next year I will stick to cleaning the boys myself and save $96.00 - I did not have to drug mine last year to do it they were very good for me, but the vet that came said she does it for her safty and the boys would not drop it for her. On the other had hubby had a good view of what the vet was doing by looking at the security camera that is on in the stall. :lol:

He was full of questions through the intercome and was really getting on my nurves so I covered the camera with paper towel and shut off the intercome - finally it was quiet. By looking at what others paid I guess I got off easy.
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I agree it's nice for a vet to waive an injection fee (even the cost of the Banamine) if they feel they did something that caused the need for it when it could have been avoided. There are exceptions to the rules of course. Routine administration of drugs is a different story.

We waive fees for a lot of different reasons. We try to be fair to our clients but we also have to be fair to ourselves.
Michelle I agree. I have to say I took good vet care for granted. When I was in CA I used Conejo Valley vet ( Dr Robert Miller's original practice) I used them for years and years they had several vets and all were wonderful not just with the horses but with the clients. When Imoved here to ID i quickly learned what a luxury it is to have good vets at your call. LIke I said I am not sure if it was on this thread or another one it takes alot to find a great vet who you also happen to mesh with. All I know is when I find a good vet ( like I did) I do whatever it takes to hold on to them and as much as I expect them to be a good vet.. I do the same to be a "good client"
I have NO problem paying for services and can appreciate the time and dedication put in to be a vet. It IS a very hard job but also understand I DO KNOW when I am being gouged. Whe I have to pay a fee for a vet tech to do a job that I AM CAPABLE OF DOING AND THE VET KNOWS THIS its unacceptable. I was charged for a test that they screwed up on and had to re do. This NEVER happened when the original vet owned the practice. The partner that bought him out is all about the money so now I only request the original vet because he is the best one in the practice and I KNOW he is not going to charge me unfairly. I have learned so much from my vet and there have been times when we have collaborated on farrier issues. Being a farrier I also deal with a lot of clients vets and yes I know who is good and who is bad. When I run into my vet at a barn I usually get hijacked to assist him holding horses or something. Linda

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