What do your vets charge?

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Here's my breakdown bill:

3-way, rabies , potomac, WNV costs $53 (total)

Coggins cost $22

Gelding $125

Ultrasound $30

Farm call $45

I don't complain , I have a good vet although she lives 45 minutes away....
Wow, I guess my vet is cheap.

When I had Midas gelded in march is she also removed his wolf teeth and it was $75

I had my big mares teeth floated and it was $30 (my mare dosent need sedated)

Farm call is like $25 I think.

Just had all of the spring shots and coggins done and it was $67 for each horse. Everyone at the barn split the farm call.
MiniHgal, I feel the same as you and others that truely do not take thier vet and his/ her services for granted.

They have gone to school, put in lots of time, money and dedication into what they do. At least I know in canada there is a guide to what should be charged for services and products and almoast all the vets charge less than that! Vets need to charge for thier time, staff time, supplies ect ect. same as any other business. I work in a vet clinic (tech) and I can completely appreciate the good client, the ones who dont complain (questioning is fine! If I were a client I would want to know whats involved!!) the ones who trust our opinions and respect our time. These are the clients we will bend over backwards for, eg. emergencies, credit, a break in the bill ect.

This isnt meant to upset or offend anyone, its just something to think about!
Our vets get plenty of money/work from us. ITs always one thing or another plus with my aunts animals they have certians test that have to be kept up on them. SO its not like they are lacking in buisness with us.

I normally only use 2 vets in the office, but they were busy. I wont use this guy again, after asking him how long frozen colostrum was good for. He wasnt really sure but guessed a month. Makes me question his knowledge on what he is doing.

I will not complain about a good vet, but I will complain when its a emergancy call because my horse is bleeding a steady stream yet it took 2 hrs to get here? Sorry but you shouldnt be chargeing me a emergancy if you cant get here and act like it is one.

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