Jill, did you think voting for Perot was a wasted vote?
James, I really am going to avoid very much discussion with you. We both know why and I'm sure MANY others do, too. I sure could go on, but I'll spare us both the frustration. I gave it my best shot just a week or so ago and found it was not a mutual effort. I wish it weren't that way, but it's a fooled me TWICE now situation, so.... It's a darn shame we both are so interested in these topics but haven't been able to keep the personal digs out of it.
An Ann Coulter article opened my eyes to the importance of vetting.
Regarding Newt, no, the media wasn't what drove his early approval. It was his amazing debate performance. Each debate, I expected beforehand to peg him at the bottom of the list as to who appealed to me, and each time, he proved himself to me and I felt he was the one with the best answers. He is a machine when it comes to debating. It was reading the opinions of others I admire about him and his background, though, that swayed me away from his appeal. And, sort of hand in hand, I think that Rick Perry is a man who could do the job well. His dismal debate performance, though, is something I do not think most could over look and I am sure the Left would roast him over. You don't have to debate well to be a good leader... SO, no, this is not really media driven when it comes to the perspective of everyone who follows politics.
That so many liberals like Romney isn't lost on me nor many other Republicans. We have a goal, and a lot of us think Romney is the one who can "get 'er done", because Romney does appeal to Independents. The independent vote is so vital in 2012. Politically, I feel the most important thing for America is that "We The People" get Obama out of the WH. I sincerely feel that Romney is the man who can do it... That's not the same as saying he's my dream candidate. That means he's the one who I think is most electable head to head with Obama.
As to Ross Perot, I was in my early 20's and didn't think it was a wasted vote at the time. 20 years later, I do not see myself ever opting for a 3rd ticket because I do not think a 3rd party candidate will be capable of victory in my lifetime.