What does the Republican party stand for?

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Thanks, Carriage
Carriage, I do love the wisdom in much of what you say, but I have a question regarding this:

Romney is being set up to loose against Obama and Constitutionally our destruction continues .This would be the replay of last time when they purposely set-up McCain to loose to Obama.
In today's society where the media just loves to create paranoia and hype over nothing, I do cringe when I read things like this. I work in a lab as a researcher and our favorite motto is: "the simplest explanation is almost always the right one". I have found that to be true in most areas of life, not just in science so it's hard to convince me of "plottings" and "set ups".

May I ask you to elaborate? I promise I am not trying to be a "brat", I am genuinely curious as to the basis behind the 2 statements.
Carriage, I do love the wisdom in much of what you say, but I have a question regarding this:

Romney is being set up to loose against Obama and Constitutionally our destruction continues .

This would be the replay of last time when they purposely set-up McCain to loose to Obama.

In today's society where the media just loves to create paranoia and hype over nothing, I do cringe when I read things like this. I work in a lab as a researcher and our favorite motto is: "the simplest explanation is almost always the right one". I have found that to be true in most areas of life, not just in science so it's hard to convince me of "plottings" and "set ups".

May I ask you to elaborate? I promise I am not trying to be a "brat", I am genuinely curious as to the basis behind the 2 statements.
I'd like to understand the reasoning behind this
Perhaps it's the "they" that's escaping me.
I WILL vote for R.P.
Wonder if he'll run for a 3rd party ticket?

Love his stance on responsible economic policies, love his stance on National Sovereignty, border security, love his opposition to tax increases etc.

There are a couple of issues I don't agree with (his opposition to gay marriage being one of those) but what politician is ever perfect right lol. At least he's better than the wishy washy candidate running the pack now.

Carriage, I do love the wisdom in much of what you say, but I have a question regarding this:

In today's society where the media just loves to create paranoia and hype over nothing, I do cringe when I read things like this. I work in a lab as a researcher and our favorite motto is: "the simplest explanation is almost always the right one". I have found that to be true in most areas of life, not just in science so it's hard to convince me of "plottings" and "set ups".

May I ask you to elaborate? I promise I am not trying to be a "brat", I am genuinely curious as to the basis behind the 2 statements.
Well simplicity is precisely where I have been grounded. Again the first two pillars of law are Truth is simple, Fraud is complex. So we always start from those firm foundations. Also what must be factored in is the purposeful programming about the topic by those who have the most to loose or gain regarding the control of the information surrounding the topic. You have asked a question that quite simply encompasses well over 100 years of real history. Without knowing your knowledge base about that history, a concise answer becomes very difficult. I am not being coy or evasive.

While I don't know what type of lab you work in, as a researcher.... If I were to walk into your lab as a new hire, knowing absolutely nothing about process specific to your field, how would you instruct me on the most advanced process? Where would you start? In my case you would have to go back to Biology 101 or earlier as I would have no grounding on which to build this new knowledge.

Always, when folk like me speak it is imperative to meet the new applicant where they are and build from there. Also, and this is very important, the new applicant must be trained to seek the truth and verify it for themselves. At ALL times I implore you to not believe me, but to go and make it true or false for your self with as much objectivity as you can muster. It is so easy for those like us with so much time in grade based in historical research and verification to forget these tenets of teaching and training. Also, as I've gotten older, I realize that I can convince nobody of anything. They must do the heavy lifting that comes with knowledge based acceptance. The problem has always been "Where do I even start?" If I am speaking to the issue of church incorporation, the individual to which I speak has NO grounding at all to even comprehend what I'm saying or why it is even an important, no CRITICAL, topic At word 6, the glaze develops and all teaching has stopped. This does the hearer NOR the impart-er of truth any good and as a matter of fact a wall comes up on the part of the hearer and little future headway will be realized, most often ever. As I've stated during this thread, and what you as a researcher should appreciate is that most often a quietly asked question on my part, saves much time and serves utility in weeding out those with intellectual honesty and curiosity from those who are not (self) teachable yet. For it is those in which the investment should be made. As a teacher wearing various hat over the years I know this to be true. And my experience has been that once the fire is lit in these precious individuals that the fire lighters best position is fire management not to be confused with suppression. For the new devotee has all the enthusiasm in the world and can be their own worst enemy. Guidance to keep them out of the hazards becomes the imparters job.

While the comment I made is my historically based reading of the tea leaves, it is grounded in a massive amount of historically based information available to anybody with a heart to know the truth. When you see the very same patterns, again and again and the results follow along the same lines again and again, is it still referred to as a theory? The statement was grounded in historical hindsight. While painful for those of us who cherish Liberty, it is most often all we have to figure out what happened and, based on that, what is most likely to happen in the future.

After all this, I will try to explain my posited prediction.

During the last "election" cycle, R.P. also ran and was buried by the "parties" and the media on both "sides" of the aisle. His message was never allowed to see the light of day. As an aside this "cycle" has been much worse for him.

But during the previous cycle, McCain never exited the race EVEN though candidates in FAR better shape than him were getting out. This was very perplexing to pundits at the time. He CLEARLY did not have the hearts and minds of the party yet, remained in the "hunt".

Despite these facts, at the end of the day, he and Palin were anointed the machines choice. Again I say machine cause everybody else was beating the pants off of him until the very end. So the absolute WORST candidate was held up to the republican sheep to fawn over. With the real tea party solidly behind R.P. and a less than stellar candidate to choose from, it can be no wonder that many were disenchanted and disenfranchised. I'm sorry, but the result was predictable. I and several others KNEW what the outcome would be and were correct. As an aside McCain has gone on to produce the NDAA bill which many of us who cherish Liberty find to be quite chilling to say the least. That alone says he would have violated his oath as he has been doing for his entire career.

Fast forward to today and you see many of the very same tells with a different wrinkle in that Romney has the backing of BIG banking and has always been ahead in the "count". In fact many of us see little difference between he and Obama as to policy and he is already on record as saying he would shift to the left after elected. If there is little difference twixt the two and especially towards the banks, monopolistic corporate control, and the fed, seems like we are setting the table in large measure for a repeat "performance". As the populace as a whole is easily moved and manipulated BECAUSE they don't do their own research and remember history, how could it possibly arrive at a different, much less better, conclusion? Now none of this touches upon vote fraud to date and what is to be expected.

The truly different candidate, the most Constitutionally perfect (30 year track record to PROVE it) candidate is marginalized with every mechanism available. IF the Constitution is not THE metric used to discern the BEST candidate, you will never end up with anything other than what you have.

Again questions should always rule the roost Both dems and reps are ALWAYS surprised, EVERY time, when their savior of a candidate rarely lives up to their campaign promises. I see far more disillusionment on the "left" and they are truly hurt when they realized that yet again they have been duped. It happens on the "right" as well but far more often this group seeks to justify what their chosen liar has done. I don't get it but from a far different perspective they aren't getting it either.

A careful reading of my past grammatical horror does reveal who "they" are. Again one must meet folk where they are in order to pique interest in those folk to verify for them selves. Other wise the conspiracy mantra is chanted and no research takes place.

Hope this helps as I'm spending far more time doing this than my business dictates that I should.

I appreciate your attendance,
Wonder if he'll run for a 3rd party ticket?
Love his stance on responsible economic policies, love his stance on National Sovereignty, border security, love his opposition to tax increases etc.

There are a couple of issues I don't agree with (his opposition to gay marriage being one of those) but what politician is ever perfect right lol. At least he's better than the wishy washy candidate running the pack now.

Well Ozy, you are correct about perfection.

However if you think YOU have problems with his stance on gay marriage, You ought to see the kiniptions that the evangelicals are having over it and drug policy. Oh my word! And rarely will they listen to the truth which is perplexing to me as a fellow believer.

His stance is that both issue's are State issues and that no Constitutional enumeration exists allowing the fed gov ANY authority in these area's. From a Constitutional standpoint he is perfectly correct. The Constitution must be abided by AS IT IS WRITTEN and NOT as we want it to be. For it is the latter that has brought us to where we are. It is NOT a "living and breathing" document as is commonly trotted out. It only lives when it is upheld and defended AND when changeed IN ACCORDACE with the provisions contained therein. Other wise it is a rock. and immutable.

To work,
In support of some comments I have made regarding the establishment and the media. The following is something you will not see and indeed have not been seeing. Yet, this has been occurring the entire time. Now the boiler plate response to this has been "He has a very small and very vocal minority supporting him" The aggregate evidence, if one is paying attention, is that this is plainly false. Now if you have identified even one falsehood, does that open the door for examination of everything else that "source" has said? I would submit that logic dictates yes. Now what this truth does do is open up a can of worms regarding the "official" count and all of the evidence surrounding that issue...... I especially liked the sentence saying he drew the largest attendance to date.......

“It sounds like the revolution is alive and well” Ron Paul said last night as he strode out into a stadium brimming with around SEVEN THOUSAND people.

Reports stated that participants had waited in line as long as nine hours to get a seat to hear the Congressman speak for over 45 minutes at the UCLA Straus Stadium. Once the stadium was full beyond capacity, hundreds of people still waited outside and had to be turned away by marshals concerned about overcrowding.

The huge crowd represented the largest attendance for any of the GOP candidates during this campaign and broke Paul’s own attendance record, which was remarkably set the previous night!

A stunning 6200 plus had packed into the grounds of California State University, Chico’s Bell Memorial Student Union Tuesday. Of course, the mainstream media was no where to be seen as usual. Paul noted that only a handful of reports emerged with one describing “hundreds” in attendance.

The issues Paul addressed Wednesday night ranged from the war on drugs, to the freedom stripping NDAA and the actions of the TSA.

“The problem… boils down to one thing — government is way too big,” Paul said.

The Congressman noted that January 1, 2012 saw the passage of forty thousand new federal laws in America. “I want to be the first president to repeal forty thousand laws.” Paul told the crowd to rapturous applause.

Paul also drew wild cheers when he said “it’s time to change our foreign policy. Why don’t we look at the Constitution? There’s no authority for us to occupy other nations and tell them what to do, so we shouldn’t be in the business of occupying.”

Watch key clips of Paul’s UCLA speech:

Watch the speech in Full:

Watch the Congressman’s speech to over 6000 in California:

Tonight Paul is scheduled to speak at UC – Berkeley where he is sure to draw another huge crowd.

The fact that people continue to turn out in their thousands to see Paul, while the other candidates struggle to muster crowds over 100 emphasizes the fact that Paul’s message still has a vital role to play in this campaign.

The other candidates represent the same tired status quo. Their dwindling crowds, in comparison to Paul’s enthusiastic masses, highlight the apathy and disinterest with which the majority of Americans look upon establishment politicians.
I still find when it all boils down that RP is no different from the others when it comes to the infinitely important separation of church and state as intended by the founding fathers despite his claims of being such an ardent Constitutionalist. He is, and therefore will rule accordingly, against gay marriage and against pro-choice. Both are biblicaly derived issues and his political backing of them is in direct opposition to his belief in the meaning of the Constitution.
Actually, when it boils down, RP is extremely different when it comes to his thoughts on separation of Church and State. Your assumption, that because he is personally "against" something he will "rule accordingly", is not correct. That is what makes him so incredible, he is not so arrogant to think that his moral code is the only one and understands that the constitution does not give him the right to control others morals. I'll just post a couple videos to show his view on the two. You will notice in these videos, the propotion of what he talks about are not his personal views on these things, but his views on why government should leave them alone.

This one sums up his thoughts on Gay Marriage


I felt the need to add this one just as an interesting FYI, the view of a supposedly "rreligiousless super liberal" politician

This one sums up some of his thoughts on Abortion. I think it is very important to understand that his views on abortion have nothing to due with separation of Church and State. I will admit to having a very similar view and am not a "religious" person.

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If I were American RP is the one I would vote for. I usually vote for anyone but the Conservative Party here in Canada so to me it is quite amazing that RP is the only one I would cast my vote for if.... I think the an is a true breath of fresh air as a politician. He says it like it is but I guess many don't want to hear that or face up to it.
Thanks James,

I stand corrected
Just did the "homework" and agree that you're right. Wow, how refreshing, a politician actually walking the walk he preaches.
I am grateful for your comments Andi and Danielle.

Slavery is a very peculiar thing. It is also a very natural and pandemic kind of thing. Constant vigilance and introspection are necessary to prevent its creeping into our minds and ruling over us. It takes a good many forms and we would deny its presence in our lives for a host of reasons and yet if one carefully studies the behavior and speech patterns of others we can readily see it in various forms, in others.... But at times when we are not careful we can see it in ourselves as well. That's why we must be constantly vigilant and brutally honest with ourselves to prevent it from taking root in us.

I just read a fantastic piece on slavery dealing with the physiological mechanisms by which it invades and manifests. Much of it was old schooling for me, but also with a couple of ah ha things inside for me. I had thought to post it but saw little utility in doing so.

One of our doubtfuls here makes an absolutely FALSE statement about R.P and his character. Clinging to this singular and provable falsehood completely pervades and controls and shapes ALL reality. It is provably false and with facts, however slavery is a very peculiar enemy and at this time this person cannot see this. We cannot cause this person to see it either.

A peculiar comfort enslaves this wonderful soul to a specific position. They must free themselves. My anger and righteous indignation will not help facilitate freedom, hopefully my love and time will. That most often is my slavery issue.

On another note and chat topic,

I posited that there was a problem (and there is ample long-term evidence to prove the problem) with the security of our vote. Again the issue is either ignored or as in the case of the previously described poster denied altogether. But wait, I thought that the Gore(ies) were screemin bloody heck that there was vote fraud. Nobody remembers Chad-gate? Musta dreamed it er sumthin...

You see slavery IS a very peculiar enemy and is very capable of distorting reality and writing our own personal history books. Remember the true adage, "The victor writes the history books."

Again what I found most curious, was that I hinted at an iron clad fix to the "system" only to have the hint ignored OR told that a problem doesn't exist. As of last evening not even a shred of curiosity was to be found. Again it seems that to provide a fix for "a problem that doesn't exist" would serve no utility. The false and fleeting and eventual false comfort of slavery is too powerful for to overcome.

Acceptance (for me) is also a very bitter and sad, but needed reality. Also at this most Holy time of year for me, I can plainly see the glaring similarities that another suffered through, for me. Just like Job at the end of his trials, I gots nuthin to say in my defense.

Still to have reached a couple, maybe, causes me to be thankful for your time.
Dang Ozy,

You posted as I was writing my last response. As such, what I said was untrue specific to your position. PLEASE accept my apology, I am truly sorry. Another one of my slavery issues, is that I want everything RIGHT NOW. You'd think that I would grow outa this ADHD stuff at some point

YOU did break the common mold and took an objective look at the facts BRAVO.

I am so thankful and hope that you will forgive me.
Did another double check and found another mistake on my part and therefore owe you another apology Ozy.

It indeed was not you that said there was no problem with voter fraud but another poster.

Please forgive me yet again.

As I'm having trouble obviously, in keeping the various posters straight in my mind, I had better bow out so as to not further tarnish that which has been factual and truthful.
Hey Carriage, no problem
One of the best ways to learn is to be corrected (as I was) It's easy to presume and absorb incorrect information and not go to the effort of self research. Andi's wrist slap led me to, not only a little research, but a completely different stance.

Anyhow, don't bow out...I'm very much enjoying your posts (as are others I'm sure
Hey Ozy,

I was just happy to share and love love love youtube videos.

I am constantly amazed with how easy it is to allow yourself to be convinced of something that is untrue. Even when people are not purposely trying to mislead us, it is our own nature to search out evidence that supports our own views, often disregarding the other evidence. When we search, we often can find some "evidence" somewhere that agrees with us.

I am very interested to hear about the voter fraud Carriage, I had assumed you were just creating some dramatic buildup for us. LOL

One thing you had mentioned was the clip of some people voting at one of the caucuses, where they were stating the votes. I think it was Nevada. From the 30 or so votes we heard it sounded very much like 95% rp. 5% Romney. I had heard this same clip, but also a defense afterword’s, saying it was only a small section of the attending group, and was when they were in RP "section" of the room, so obviously, that small piece was disproportionate to the whole. I just accepted that as the truth. I am not sure why, but I think my naive optimism hasn't allowed me to accept the idea yet of such blatant cheating. I am very curious to hear if you have more info on that happening?
Ozy I appreciate the forgiveness!

Again here is a topic that is difficult to know where to start. Do I go clear back to Buchanan in Ohio during his run for the Presidency?

Do I focus on Diebold and the admitted ability to manipulate the vote results in numerous way from online transmission of results to actual programed code "faults" in their machines? Do I focus on previously public verification taken behind closed doors, out of public scrutiny and counted by the "party" heads? It is a target rich environment to be sure.

I will submit that anytime the "vote" disappears from public scrutiny, at the very least, the possibility of manipulation "can" be accomplished easily. Would it make sense to preclude this possibility? With everything that I've stated and you have witnessed with your own eyes, I for one am VERY distrustful of government or any of its appendages, including party's or pretty much anything they would say. Surely we do not need to rehash the list of lies..............

I was not trying to create dramatic build-up, I was gauging interest and knowledge of this critically important topic.

Ok here goes, again something old mixed with something new. Many times from a military standpoint (thought the day is rapidly disappearing) when you are being beat by hi tech, your best and most simple counter is a low tech solution. Again with the simplicity....

"IF" the vote is being stolen it is primarily being accomplished in to basic ways.

1) Star chambers, ie behind closed doors and devoid of public scrutiny.

2) Machines that have a built in ability to alter the true vote (as usual, it is portrayed as easier and faster)

On the later point I would submit that it is not speed or even ease that is most important in the count. It IS accuracy.

Now that we have identified the "potential" weakness' in the current system, lets try to apply a low tech fix that destroys these "potential"


1) All voting takes place at the precinct meeting places that used to be the standard. Absentee or mailin ballots would be limited to the extreme

2) All voting and registration takes place ONLY with the "proper" identification presented by the voter

3) All votes are cast upon triplicate copy ballots and filled in by hand

The disposition of the three copies would be as follows,

Copy one goes home with the voter

Copy two remains at precinct

Copy three is transferred to county (eventually...)

ALL preliminary counting is done AT precinct by precinct elected or appointed counters. ALL counting is done under the watchful eye of ALL precinct voters who care to witness the count. (if you need a bigger room, then get one)

AFTER an official count is arrived at and agreed upon, and ONLY after this has been accomplished, counties copy and the official precinct count is handed off to county.

Precinct RETAINS its copy until 90 days after the new office is seated. After this precinct should destroy its copy.

(By doing this, a vote "in question" may be reproduced at a moments notice and without any trouble at all as in the end, there are copies. to accomplish this rare task.)

These are the basic details. This system would preclude the aforementioned "potential" weakness' and put ALL of the power back into our hands. While these details are basic, any developement should hold these principal aspect and K.I.S.S. should be applied in all details.

Another added benefit would be to shut-up us "conspiracy theorist" Eh? That in and of itself might very well make it worth it.....
As I'm sure that your media outlets are not reporting this, I thought I would let you know,.....

Just noticed, this A.M., that R. P. drew over 10,000 at CA.'s largest University. Lets see, his ever increasing draws to speaking engagements continues to DWARF all other candidates, seemingly combined, and yet I'm sure that that this is just a manifestation of the "fact" that this just represents " a small and vocal minority"............... that for some strange reason continues to grow.

While I'm sure that its just conspiracy kookiness, could there be a tie between these numbers and the "vote"?

Nah, couldn't be......

Oh, by the way hows "your" guy doin?
I love the idea of actualy hard copy paper ballots. You are right, it seems so simple, I dont think most of us would think of that. We all are so convinced that what ever technology is most advanced is the best, in reality, maybe it is best to not mess with something that works.
Carriage.. I thought of this when you posted about the numbers for R.P. speaking event numbers..

I am from Michigan, so I kind of pay attention to what goes on in Michigan..

Here is Romney's BIG campaign EVENT held Feb. 24th at Ford Stadium, Michigan.. - kind of funny and sad at the same time.. considering Mitt Romney's father was a big time Detroit car guy and Governor of Michigan..

Now that's scary sad! You get more attendance at a Middle School track meet during a blizzard.

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