what injurys have yous had from horse

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Really messed up back due to riding accidents.Got my 1st pony 69 years ago and am still horse crazy.Back surgery in 1985&again in 1986.Promised the surgeon if he fixed me I would never ride again.Saw Minis and the rest is history.Minis are the smartest move I ever made.Nicest horse community I have ever met.My Quarter horse friends who show and got into showing Minis can't believe how nice and helpful everyone is especially at shows when you are all competing against each other.Mini owners are the greatest and I owe it all to my big horse riding mishaps.
A lot of bruses, a broken toe which had to be cautorized at a local hospital because it would not stop bleeding and a head injury because of a kick in the head
...plus a lot of major scrapes, muscle tears and cuts. I can't tell you how many times I have fallen off and gotten kicked or bitten...OUCH!..but I still love em



Think we need to start the , "Dented Peoples" Club. Yikes... we have really done some doozy's to ourselves over the years.

Glad we have mini's to fall back on.
Has everyone noticed that almost everyone has had a head, neck and/or back injury? I think we should all be wrapped in cotton and locked in a rubber room.

I do have to add; yesterday Jessie was braiding Princess's mane and tail. Joey (Jessie's brother) went into the pen and went to pet my sweetest pocket pony Missy. She whirled around and kicked him in the leg. He wasn't hurt but I guess she didn't want any of what Princess was getting. So I sent him in for a halter and the wormer. Guess what Missy got....OK well they all got wormed.
My Shetland mare decided she didn't like what the farrier was doing and reared. I was holding the lead and "forgot to duck." She brought her hoof down directly on my left wrist.

I thought it was just a hard whack and we continued getting everyone trimmed until I realized I could not undo halters. I recognized that "rubber joint" feeling and got to Urgent Care. After x-rays, the doctor asked why I wasn't crying, as both radius and ulnae bones were fractured. The radius was a serious break that required surgery and pins.

Unfortunately, I'm left-handed. Even after therapy and hard work, my wrist will never be the same, and my signature still looks like a bad forgery. We don't heal nearly as well in our 50s as we did earlier!
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Nothing major here for injuries. In all my years of riding I've rarely fallen off, and when I did I always landed on my backside (can tell which is the heaviest part of me!!) So, I've had my little toe broken twice--same little toe--each time it was stepped on by a big horse. Also had a couple of teeth shattered when one of the Morgans his me in the jaw with his head. I was standing beside him when a horse on the other side of him made a grab at him. He jerked his head away and in the process smacked me in the jaw. The blow twisted my jaw and ground my teeth together & I was left with a mouthful of tooth splinters.

Other than that my only real horse related injury was cracked ribs--caused by a 90 lb. bale coming off the stack, bouncing on the ground & hitting me in the ribs when it bounced back up. So, horse related because if not for the horses I wouldn't have been loading hay!!
Compared to others we are lucky! Have sprained one finger and broken another - same incident - with a yearling big horse, while trying to load him in a trailer. Been stomped on, ankle injuries, twisted back..... The spouse has broken a tooth, hyper-extended his knee twice, hurt his back, and been stomped on in general too...

I agree with a previous post -- We all are "crazy horse people"!
I'm lucky no major injuries just a broken nose( not bad, but it hurt, My horse reared while I was clipping his face)and a few bruises.
wow some very bad injurys but 99%are from big horses

oh and finger nails ive had hundreds of broken fingers
A wise woman once told me... "With horses, its not if you get hurt... its when, and how bad". She now works in the much safer police firearms industry.
Guess I'll throw my injuries into the ring, also.

It's been so many years since I had a horse injury that these are pushed far back into my memory. Like many others, all were big horse related.

1st injury - came from a horse we'd saved from starvation, who had a diet of tree bark and nothing else. He was very protective of his feed. A visiting child was running near him. I saw the horse snake his head and pin his ears, I ran and grabbed the child and tossed him away and was rewarded with a kick to my thigh. It was bruised for months & months, still have have the imprint of the hoof on my thigh after 30+ years.

2nd injury - broke 3 vertebrae in my neck coming off a horse. Not the horses fault, it was mine, totally. I was doing the no no of riding doubles and while looking over my shoulder got swept off by a fir bough. Couldn't turn my head to the right for 7 months. My neck predicts the weather way more accurately than the weatherman.

3rd, 4th injuries, 5th injuries - filly broke a bone in my cheek bringing her head up when I was bending down; one of my boarder horses broke my shoulder; frightened horse jumped behind me, clipped my foot and fractured the joint in my big toe.

Never been bit by a horse and except for being kicked none of the accidents were done out of any malice on the horse's parts, just stupid accidents. Those kind that happen so fast you almost didn't see it happen, just felt the result.

The broken neck was the worst, took about 15 years but it finally put an end to my riding as the surgeon said the next accident I'd not walk away from, in all probability. However, it brought me to the wonderful world of minis so the end result wasn't bad at all :)
wow I have been extremely lucky got my 1st horse when I was 19 yrs old- in 1970

we were a bit wild at times and more falls than I can count but never got

hurt any more than a black and blue or scratches, and a couple sore days.

I've always attributed it to (and still my last fall off a horse in 2002) it seems when there is a situation with me riding my brain just shuts down and says meet you on the ground, and I think thats why I never have gotten hurt riding (knock on wood)

I don't think at all and so I don't tense up. But I also don't seem to think enough to try to pull up the head of a horse starting to buck because even though I know to do it my brain again just says bye see you on the ground

Minis are alot easier on the body at my age for sure
My Mother used to say experience is the best teacher. Well I am too stubborn to learn from my experiences. I've been kicked, bitten, thrown sidways, thrown over, fallen on way too many times. Got my nose broke when a mare hit me with her head, had my sternum fractured when a gelding fell on me, thank God for the mud underneath us. Got kicked by a mini mare that didn't want to be clipped and got phlebitis in leg. Had a food aggressive mare take a bite out of my arm, many years ago and still have a knot. Had the bones broken in my left foot when a gelding stomped on it. I've also received many injuries just by taking care of my horses. I was getting saddles and tack out of the back of my pickup and couldn't reach something, climbed in to reach it and the tailgate fell open throwing me into the trailer hitch, that required 40 stiches. Broke my ankle when I stepped in a hole while feeding, also broke my right hand and tore the miniscus in my left knee, stepping in a hole again, just not the same one. Now I watch were I put my feet when carrying hay. Thank God for minis, less injuries, but you still need to watch out for the signs of trouble. Horse people are not crazy, just determined and never give up.
OMG, too many to count over the years of broken toes, broken wrist, broken finger, arm snapped in two, a huge hematoma, broken tailbone, bruises and bites, broken ribs, black eye, knee injury that had to be later drained and get therapy, and I am sure I might be forgetting some, along with being publicly embarrassed a couple of times. Most of these were from the big horses, but a couple from the Minis.

And really, now that you bring it up... why do we keep doing this?
lets see, broken finger that so far has required surgery to rebrake it and screw it together, broke it again, had to have plates put in, dr says i injure it again, he is gonna amputate LOL

shattered right knee, pole bending horse did darn near a 360 pivot at a dead gallop.. yeah, he went one way i went the other...

broke Ulna from pracing a fall, trying to keep my head from hitting the ground..

other than that, those are the serious injuries, i have been stepped on a few times and bit but thats pretty much the most of it.... most of my injuries are non horse related lol
Only 2 that I can think of - both are only "marginally" horse related.

First, panic snap on the crossties let loose when my mare reared, I was in the wrong spot, hit me right between the eyes when it snapped back off the horse - 4 stitches (lots of blood) - oh, and the day before junior prom!

The other I was running out to ride after school one day, ran into a gopher hole, blew out my left knee. 5 surgeries and 25 years later, it's still an issue, will need a replacement on it, just trying to push the replacement back as much as possible!

That's it other than bumps and bruises.
Why do we keep doing this?It is good exercise and at my age it is much better than going to the Senior Center any having to listen to all the other seniors complain about their aliments.I SO LOVE living on my farm with all my critters and cleaning stalls and feeding and caring for horses.
LOL Nathan about your friends 'new occupation'.

I agree, beats sittin' around being bored, right? LOL
Why do we keep doing this?It is good exercise and at my age it is much better than going to the Senior Center any having to listen to all the other seniors complain about their aliments.I SO LOVE living on my farm with all my critters and cleaning stalls and feeding and caring for horses.
I'm with you, only problem is I'm losing muscle even with the stall cleaning, brushing, etc. I used to be able to put up hay, now I can't, and it is frustrating me. If I think about it, without these horses we would live in a neighborhood, sit around all day sewing, knitting, whatever getting fat. Or should I say fatter then I am. I love to read but couldn't imagine sitting around all day just reading. I like my weathered skin, my bruised legs and bitten arms, but even more I love the smells, the feels, the hugs, the nuzzles. I love going out in the morning mist and hearing the nickers, watching them run to me for feed and hay, love to hug their necks, kiss their little faces, and smell in all that is horse. Yes the crazyness never goes away even when you are gettin up in years it only becomes more appreciated, and I know someday, sooner then later, I will no longer be able to care for my beloved little angels, but you and I know our lives have not been wasted thinking about what could have been.
Terry,I too am losing muscle.Can'tn pick up a full bale of hay(cut it and take sections)or a 50 lb bag of feed anymore.I go to the gym 2 or 3 times weekly and got a workout set up by the trainer /owner.Told her all my issues-surgeries and joint issues and she worked on a plan for me.I hate going but I am better when I go and do the exercises.I am like you and love my critters.Several years ago my grandaughter started a conversation"Mom-Mom when you get old and go to "the Home"-stopped her right in the middle.Told her in no uncertain terms I was n ot going since they didn't have animals there.I have it planned.When I get to the point I can't do the stairs I have big rooms downstairs for my bed and have a bath with shower on first floor.I can look out my window to the back yard and see my critters that are not in the house.My upstairs has 3 huge bedrooms and full bath so it can be easily converted to a nice living quarters for live in help.I'm good to go.This farm has always been my favorite place to be since I was a kid even though I wasn't raised here.Grew up in town, but I'm a country girl.I've even planned my own memorial service after I'm gone.Big hoedown in the barn with all my friends in jeans and bringing their trucks, trailers and critters and lots of country music.Hope it's not for a long time.It's party I'll be sorry to miss.Maybe I should have it before I check out of this earth,but I might be embarrassed to hear what some of them have to say.I want my gravestone to say "SHE HAD A GOOD TIME"
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