Guess I'll throw my injuries into the ring, also.
It's been so many years since I had a horse injury that these are pushed far back into my memory. Like many others, all were big horse related.
1st injury - came from a horse we'd saved from starvation, who had a diet of tree bark and nothing else. He was very protective of his feed. A visiting child was running near him. I saw the horse snake his head and pin his ears, I ran and grabbed the child and tossed him away and was rewarded with a kick to my thigh. It was bruised for months & months, still have have the imprint of the hoof on my thigh after 30+ years.
2nd injury - broke 3 vertebrae in my neck coming off a horse. Not the horses fault, it was mine, totally. I was doing the no no of riding doubles and while looking over my shoulder got swept off by a fir bough. Couldn't turn my head to the right for 7 months. My neck predicts the weather way more accurately than the weatherman.
3rd, 4th injuries, 5th injuries - filly broke a bone in my cheek bringing her head up when I was bending down; one of my boarder horses broke my shoulder; frightened horse jumped behind me, clipped my foot and fractured the joint in my big toe.
Never been bit by a horse and except for being kicked none of the accidents were done out of any malice on the horse's parts, just stupid accidents. Those kind that happen so fast you almost didn't see it happen, just felt the result.
The broken neck was the worst, took about 15 years but it finally put an end to my riding as the surgeon said the next accident I'd not walk away from, in all probability. However, it brought me to the wonderful world of minis so the end result wasn't bad at all