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I go to a private school, so I don't get it much. But sometimes I do, and it officially stinks. I just ask them "Does your Mom love you and take care of you?" and they say "Yes.." then i reply "Well thats what I do for my horses."

On a regular basis my friends will IM me and almost always my away message is: Bathing a horse...or... At a horse show...or...Working Triple...or...On a trail drive....and they just don't seem to get it. It really bugs me. They complain when I'm never around in the summer. I have hobbies and so do they, I don't understand why its a problem, either. (Though I understand my teachers' problem since i was gone for 2 weeks at the beginning of school for Nationals.
: )

Ever since I was little, I've been: THE GIRL WITH THE HORSES. The other day my mom dropped me off at school pulling the trailer to go get hay!

Just be proud of your hobbies, because most likely the girls are jealous.
: If no one seems to care, go out and visit your horse!
My own dad thinks I should of never started with horses

my dad to he goes to my shows but I know he doesnt likes that I am so obsessed haha and goign to a huge horse show is my dream not going to University;) or getting a Good job.

Ah, Devon honey. I have soooo been in your shoes. When I was in Grade 9 or so, I found out that there was a college with an Equine Studies program in Toronto and, from that day forward, the only thing I wanted to do was take that course. My dad was very much against it!! He said I didn't have to go to college to learn how to shovel manure, and where would it get me, and what would I do with that "education". He always wanted me to go to university, but I had no desire for that at all. Anyway, I did go to that college (and graduated), and my dad managed to come to one or two of my shows, and seemed genuinely happy for me when I won some ribbons and trophies, but still thought I was wasting my time (and his money).....

So time went on, and I continued to pursue my interest (passion/obsession, whatever you want to call it), and he never showed my interest in it. Then, ten years ago, we got into the minis. We started showing and doing pretty well, and dad thought that was good. Later, we started showing in the States and having some success, and my dad started to take quite a bit of interest in what I was doing. Then I got my first National Top 10 and, for the first time that I could remember, he told me he was proud of me! Wow!!! Then I got my first Hall of Fame, and he would get all choked up and teary eyed, tell me he was proud of me and say "I always knew you liked horses". Then I became a professional trainer, and now a carded Judge, and my dad couldn't possibly be happier for me. He tells everyone who cares to listen everything I'm doing with the horses, tells me ALL the time how proud he is, and says "You always liked horses. Ever since you were old enough to say Horsey".

Now that I'm a parent myself, I can understand a lot better why my dad always wanted "more" for me (as if a university education was the end all and be all). But sometimes a person's passion/obsession can't be squelched, even by their loving parents, and it takes time for them to come around and see just what it means to you.

Have patience with your dad, and everyone else who thinks you're crazy for loving horses. WE all know there's no life like it!! Don't ever let anyone stop you from pursuing your dreams!

But don't let your marks slide, either, Young Lady!
I would bet you a good number of those kids making fun of your hobby have an issue with










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Almost all of my friends are horse people so its nothing i get picked on about. I dont talk about them at school with friends who i know are not going to understand what im talking about. I have my horse chat friends and my regular chat chat friends.

One thing i do take allot of crap for around here from some of my friends (mostly my farmer friends from FFA) is having 'hayburners'. That is the one word that i hear daily and i it actually hurts me. Thats basically saying something i poor my heart, soul, time and money into is nothing but a hayburner. That is the one thing that bugs me.

This year in our school paper i had an article wrote about me and what i do with the miniatures ext. My horsie friends thought it was the neatest thing ever that Royal got his picture in the school paper, how neat! My other friends couldnt care less about the horse being in the paper but was the fact that it was me. I think you just have to reconize your croud.

I'm lucky my non horsie friends like doing horsie things with me and even ask how the horses are doing. I have not really ever been put down for anything like that but then agian i try to talk about other things instead of horses (no matter how hard it is lol) unless i'm with my horse friends.
I am 43 and (mostly) all I talk about is horses, think about is horses, care about is horses, dream about is horses, etc. Most of my friends are the same way, so we enjoy talking about horses! Some of my friends are not into horses and so we talk about other things, not horses.
Horses are what makes ME happy and I don't care what anyone else thinks. My life is for me to live. I don't live my life according to what others think I should.

My horses do not judge me and they don't mind if I talk to them or about them! LOL!

Horses don't laugh at you, make fun of you, stab you in the back and play high school games.

Be true to yourself. Don't conform to what others think you should be. Your life is for you to live.

Your parents may not understand but I'm sure they rather you loving horses instead of drugs.

I thank God for my horses

VERY WELL SAID, and i have to say, me too me too! i am 45 though LOL. my boss is ALWAYS razzing me about my donkeys. but you know what, knowing THEY are waiting at home is what helps me put up with a day with HIM. luckily we have LOTS of horse/donkey friends so not much problem there, and even several of our non-horse-owning friends come HERE to get their fix :lol: :lol:

and this is one mom who is THRILLED that her girls are into horses... i am very proud to say that my 17-year-old has not yet kissed a boy that didn't have four legs and a tail :aktion033: :aktion033: (actually both girls but at 17 that's quite an accomplishment i think!!) there is plenty of time for that stuff later. same kid came to me about a month ago and said some kids at school tried to get her to try drugs, she asked me why they do that, she didn't understand them, she gets her "high" riding her horse... i told her just realize how LUCKY you are, the reason those kids are doing drugs is because they don't have anything better to do, like care for and play with a horse.

but i agree with the rest of them Devon, GET THOSE GRADES UP!! Wee man AND your dad will be so proud of you!!
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I am 43 and (mostly) all I talk about is horses, think about is horses, care about is horses, dream about is horses, etc. Most of my friends are the same way, so we enjoy talking about horses! Some of my friends are not into horses and so we talk about other things, not horses.

Horses are what makes ME happy and I don't care what anyone else thinks. My life is for me to live. I don't live my life according to what others think I should.

My horses do not judge me and they don't mind if I talk to them or about them! LOL!

Horses don't laugh at you, make fun of you, stab you in the back and play high school games.

Be true to yourself. Don't conform to what others think you should be. Your life is for you to live.

I thank God for my horses
This is me, exactly ! (Except I'm 44... :lol: )

The funniest thing I heard once on a radio station is that the thing most guys and many women think about is sex... I really wanted to call them up end tell them all I think about is HORSES!! :aktion033:

Everyone has their own passion about something. for some it is some type of sports, their kids, sewing or what ever. I am the only one where I work that has horses. everyone I work with knows my minis are my life. When I have lost one which has unfortunately happened, they were there with hugs and cares. No, they don't quite understand that I don't care if I go away for vacations--my vacations are always horse shows or staying around the farm--but that is ok. They love to listen about funny stories that my horses do--they are still talking about how my dwarf--Checkers--got into a dog crate and couldn't get out.

Only horse people can really understand the passion that other horse people have for their wonderful equines. You can't really expect non horse people to understand. You have your passion and they have theirs. If someone critizes you for that, just shrug and walk away. SMILE big to yourself and think of those little guys waiting at home for you.

I have a hour drive to and from work and going home after a long day at work, I just think of all my four footed friends waiting for me. Yes, it is work to feed and care for them and I LOVE IT AND WOULD NOT TRADE IT FOR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD.

Kyle found out too that its not good to be a teenage boy and talk about horses at school
breaks my heart. He has posted some stuff on his blog about being the ohio ambassader for the world show and kids made horrible comments about him and horses.

But the good side is he loves horse shows and all his friends at the shows and that is where he is truly comfortable.

He did tell me that he just doesnt bring up horses at school as its not worth the hassle

My best friend's brother used to get harassed for showing minis until one day, at school, his friends saw him talking to this REALLY hot girl. Of course, they wanted to know who she was and how he knew her - and he told them something like girls like her are the reason he shows horses - she was one of the girls in our miniature horse club! I don't think he got harassed much after that.
I can identify with all the guys that have issues with people teasing them. I am a 15 year old guy who happens to adore horses, and a lot of people have a hard time understanding that. I now who my real friends are, the ones who care and understand, and I know that they are the ones to go to for support and to share excitement, etc. They are the people who I see at the barn and at all the horse shows. I love all of my friends, whether they are horse folk or not, I just have to know who I can talk to about horses and who I just shouldn't bother mentioning it to. Horses are my life, and I am comfortable with who I am and what I do. Plain and simple. Thank you for letting me share my feelings.
I am another horse crazy 43 year old. I have been horse crazy for as long as I can remember.

I used to wear cowboy boots to high school all the time but I didn't have a horse. I just thought the

boots were cool. People made fun of me for wearing them.

I know I bore the heck out of the people I work with because any chance I get I start talking about my mini horses. I listen to them talk about their kids and grandkids so I think it is fair. My mom and grandma (passed on) thought I would grow out of the horses or get tired of cleaning up after them when I got my

first one when I was 27 years old. I think once you get the horse bug it is pretty hard to get rid of it.

I am so happy when I can talk horses with my sister and niece (who also love the horses) and my good

horsey friends. I would talk horses 24 X 7 if I could but I have shut up while I am at work so they

don't throw me out. I love L'il Beginnings and I am addicted to it. I don't post alot but I am always reading it.

Hang in there Devon. Some people just don't get the horse bug.

I can identify with all the guys that have issues with people teasing them. I am a 15 year old guy who happens to adore horses, and a lot of people have a hard time understanding that. I now who my real friends are, the ones who care and understand, and I know that they are the ones to go to for support and to share excitement, etc. They are the people who I see at the barn and at all the horse shows. I love all of my friends, whether they are horse folk or not, I just have to know who I can talk to about horses and who I just shouldn't bother mentioning it to. Horses are my life, and I am comfortable with who I am and what I do. Plain and simple. Thank you for letting me share my feelings.
Nigel; I love you no matter what hehe . Thanks for Wee Mans sketch again! Your right we all have eachother ( we're all in 4h together) . And we have a blast together! :bgrin

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