What is your opinion on this?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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So this is something that was posted on facebook and had lots of arguments back and forth. So just curious what is everybodys opinion?

Personally I think the government needs to back out of it. Stepping a little too much into an area they dont belong. I have researched this because I may have to make this decision myself. To me there are more risk to keeping in on then taking it off.

Ban on Circumcision on males under age 18
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Personally, I am against mutilating little babies. If it was totally up to me I wouldn't do it ever! However, I recently DID have a son and left that issue was up to my husband. I'm very apathetic about most things, not much of a fighter.

Personally, I think that the government needs to back out of this issue. All 3 of my boys are circ'd. It was a decision that was made for personal reasons by my husband and myself. You're going to get people that are staunch anti-circ and staunch pro-circ. I think that the choice shouldn't be made by the government though.
Personally I think the government needs to back out of it. Stepping a little too much into an area they dont belong. I have researched this because I may have to make this decision myself. To me there are more risk to keeping in on then taking it off.
I completely agree that the government needs to butt out! Educate parents as to the pros and cons of circumcision, and then let THEM make the choice!

I am so utterly sick of the government taking more and more control of our private lives!
I completely agree that the government needs to butt out! Educate parents as to the pros and cons of circumcision, and then let THEM make the choice!

I am so utterly sick of the government taking more and more control of our private lives!
Hear...hear!!! Government and busy body people need to stay out of our lives. This is the choice for the parents to make, not big brother.
Unfortunately when Obamacare kicks in, things like this will NOT be a choice.
Hear...hear!!! Government and busy body people need to stay out of our lives. This is the choice for the parents to make, not big brother.
DITTO. None of the government's business.
Bigger Government = Smaller Individuals.

If you haven't already, you might want to look into progressive politics and you may have an even better picture of what is going on. It's definitely a case of a good word (progressive) meaning something bad. If things don't change, we've just barely glimpsed the tip of the iceberg. Things some of us said could happen if XYZ didn't change HAVE happened. We were supposedly crazy of fear mongering a few years ago...
Unfortunately when Obamacare kicks in, things like this will NOT be a choice.
Truer words, Sonya. You fear mongerer
Unfortunately when Obamacare kicks in, things like this will NOT be a choice.
Excuse me, flame away, I have a fire retardent suit, but back up this response, please.

To the post, no it is a personal decision, just like abortion.

My son was circumsised 44 years ago, and here is why, I do know times have changed, but, my cousin was not circumsized and at the age of 12 suffered from a sever infection that almost killed him. At that time they circumsized him after the infection started to clear and it was very difficult procedure for him to endure.
I think they need to BACK OFF. It is a parents personal decision, the same as its a parents decision to vaccinate, a home birth, medical procedures, etc. My son is circ. but if I could go back, I would reconsider the situation. Often times, infections are actually caused by unknowledgeable people (including most pediatricians) not knowing the correct ways to handle this. Many people think you are supposed to retract the foreskin to clean the penis, to prevent infection, which isnt true. Years ago this was all they knew, and many doctors dont keep up on things like this. You are NOT supposed to retract the foreskin, it can create tears which actually cause infection. The penis is self cleaning, and a sensitive area, especially on an infant. Its not until later in life that they can fully retract. My sister is due in June, having a home birth, no circumcision, delaying vaccinations, and not getting the vitamin K shot at all, and I fully support her. EVERY decision you make for your child has pros and cons, and its every parents decision weather the risks outweigh the benefits. If they are going to ban circumcision, they sure as heck better ban things like piercing infants ears too, which is also a painful cosmetic procedure, and it risks infection.
My daddysjag, your response is so right on, I had my first baby in 1966. I almost died, focept delivery, they didn't even ask me if I wanted a shot to dry up my breasts, they just did it, it wasn't fashionable to breast feed then. The government has no right to stick their nose into everything we do, and this is one of those things. It is a personal decision.
All my post was saying is that with the new healthcare reform the govt will be deciding ultimately the care you do or don't get and that's a fact! This will probably be an issue they will stick their nose in I'm sure. As far as a ban goes, yes it is a personal choice for the parents to make...and if they ban it I guess the choice will be no more, just like alot things in healthcare.
All my post was saying is that with the new healthcare reform the govt will be deciding ultimately the care you do or don't get and that's a fact! This will probably be an issue they will stick their nose in I'm sure. As far as a ban goes, yes it is a personal choice for the parents to make...and if they ban it I guess the choice will be no more, just like alot things in healthcare.

Most health cares plans dont cover at it this point anyway. I am on one of the few that do cover it. MY partner had a health care meeting yesterday at her work. Theirs will no longer cover, lap band, gastric bipass, infertility or any of the meds, viagra and many more "unnecessary" things. The health person apologized to the men about the viagra and my partner being who she said "what about their wives". YOu have to understand her, and the fact that she is going to school to be a therapist and right now is learning about all the sex related issues.
All my post was saying is that with the new healthcare reform the govt will be deciding ultimately the care you do or don't get and that's a fact! This will probably be an issue they will stick their nose in I'm sure. As far as a ban goes, yes it is a personal choice for the parents to make...and if they ban it I guess the choice will be no more, just like alot things in healthcare.
One of those nights when you can't go to sleep, or you have finished your book of the month, whatever, google health care bill of health care reform, yes it is alot to read, but it will explain it all.
One of those nights when you can't go to sleep, or you have finished your book of the month, whatever, google health care bill of health care reform, yes it is alot to read, but it will explain it all.
I've read all I need to on it to know that it is not going to be good thank you very much
....If I was at my computer instead of my phone I could post some links for you to understand what I'm talking about...but alas it wouldn't make much difference anyhow. You can have your opinion and I can have mine... I for one enjoy my right to make decisions regarding my healthcare and my family's healthcare...One thing I don't like about this forum is some try to make things personal just like the statement above. I am entitled to my opinion just as you are, and funny I don't recall getting an attitude with you but whatever. As for the op's topic...it is a shame that they are trying to take away a parents choice but I do believe our choices and liberties are being taken away daily and I do believe it will get worse before getting better.
I am not a confrontational person and I do agree with you on the fact that this subject should not be one any states ballot. it is a personal decision. What I found to be offensive was the statement "ObamaCare". I did not mean to start an argument as yes we are all have our own opinions and it is our right. the poster was aking for our opinion on one subject not "ObamaCare". Actually I don't even know why I feel the need to defend the President of the United States. I'm not posting on this again.
Very much against circumcision, as are most guys I speak to who have been cut. They hate it. Takes away a LOT of sensation. All it takes is a little hygiene to prevent issues. Stop mutilating our penises! Let us grow up and make the decision ourselves, unless there is a medical emergency.
Very much against circumcision, as are most guys I speak to who have been cut. They hate it. Takes away a LOT of sensation. All it takes is a little hygiene to prevent issues. Stop mutilating our penises! Let us grow up and make the decision ourselves, unless there is a medical emergency.

How would you know the sensation factor if you never had it?

That said there are alot of medical reason to have it removed, most people unless they have kids, will never get that.

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