Several things come to mind every time this subject comes up. let me see if I can go thru them without getting flamed too bad. LOL
1. AMHR is the oldest of the two registries. But that does not make AMHA any less legitimate.
2. AMHR & AMHA are height registries only. which is okay are far as I am concerned!
3. Every bloodline out there in the miniature industry that has been successful can be traced back to stallions such as "Buckeroo", "Rowdy" and "Egyptian King", "Gold Melody Boy" etc., which are all out of original Shetland breeding.
4. I am not sure what a "true" or "Pure" miniature is when in fact the above is all true.
Miniature Shetlands, AMHR Miniatures and AMHA miniatures of many bloodlines can and do win in the show ring on a fairly consistent basis when shown against each other. I will put Ms Kentucky in her prime against any Shetland or B Miniature in the country and have a reasonable chance to win in my opinion.
A great horse is a great horse and we should all be breeding towards whatever "perfect" horse we have in our minds eye. Then if that does not conform to what the judges are looking for in a particular area or registry, we will have to make the decision to either change our breeding program or accept the fact that "our" type horse is not going to win in the show ring. Which is okay, but none of us including myself can afford the luxury of not understanding the breeds in question are always changing, hopefully for the better and if we stand still the industry will pass us by. Something Cindy and I will attempt to prevent for Cherryville Farms to the best of our ability.
Currently we own all three type horses that have been mentioned (classic Shetlands, AMHR miniatures and AMHA miniatures, personally we do not care for the hot moderns, but they are fun to watch to us) and sometimes all three are rolled into one horse. We have not noticed any difference in temperament of the three as long as they have been raised here. A few that were raised by someone else do display differences, so I can state from experience that with proper training all of them are sweet and as loving as the next one is.
As far as which registry is better, give it a break!!! We dearly love all of our friends in both registries and it would be a lessor place if both did not exist. I only hope and pray they both are successful and in existence for my grandkids to enjoy when I am dead and gone. There is a lot of neat history about both of them, that is worth paying attention to.
Also if someone will please tell me where to buy all these cheap "QUALITY" AMHR/Shetlands cause I can't find them on a regular basis. Yes prices may be down some, but the top 10% of the horses out there in the market place are still bringing good money. I bought a weanling filly just this last weekend and paid more for her than I have for over half of the other horses here at the farm. But she is exactly what Cindy and I have been looking for and worth what I paid for her to show next year and then move into the breeding pen in a couple of years in our opinion. Before you ask she is a Miniature Shetland (Mom is A and Dad is a B sized horse), registered in ASPC and AMHR at this time. Maybe someday she will be AMHA also if we are lucky.
Anyway that is the way we see it here. We keep and breed the horses we like the look of, constantly evaluating them and seeking to improve our herd with additions and subtraction as we see fit. Always trying to produce the best horse we can that is functional and capable of doing well in the halter or performance area.
With all that said, the answer in my opinion to the qriginal question ask is as long as a horse meets all requirements to be in a particular registry then Yes it is fair to have to show against them at our AMHR/ASPC/AMHA shows.