What kind of dog are you???

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LOL,......I am a Italian Greyhound!

It says that I was devoloped as a lap dog,..... and that I am dainty,affectinate,easy to train,...and

odourless!!!!!!! :new_shocked: ,(That is very good.) :lol:

And I was recently published as the ideal pet. LOL
:risa_suelos: Yorkshire Terrier / Says I am Yappy, My hubby would agree :risa_suelos:
I'm a Hungarian Puli, whatever that is!!
I am Xolo-a mexican hairless. who would of thought, as far as hair goes I look like an afagan hound :bgrin

said Xolo are calm and affectionate. Looked like a mini shaved for a show.

Coton De Tulear???????

Have never seen one!!
An Eskimo Dog--Excellent sled dog with remarkable endurance. Also a fine guard and rarely lives indoors with it's owners, preferring the vigor of outdoor exercise and work.

I'm thinking my sled is the manure bucket.

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