"What Not To Wear" the TV show

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oh my gosh, my new favorite TV show. I think they are hillareous!!!!!! What a fun show! Who knew?

But I hope they'd never find me.

They'd have a field day with me.

Am I in style?

Apparently not.

Are you?

Those 3 way mirrors are sinful. Now I remember why I hate dressing rooms.

Is it really ok to pay $500 for a suit? :no: Heavens no, not when I can have a great sweat suit for less than $20.00

And $250 for a pair of shows, when I can get some serious muckers for $39.00

And then there's "the hair"

And make up?

What's that?

Oh my word.........they do need to stay away.......far, far, away.

I'd give them a heart attack.

Dress me up in a Walmart sweat suit, put me in a pair of Jerry's grey Walmart socks, shove the hair up in a claw and I'm good to go.......anywhere!
I pretty much love all the shows on TLC. This one included. They are very funny! There famous phrase is "Shut up". I will have to say I have used pointers from them. If someone gave me $5000 to spend on clothes you'd better believe I would be buying some really nice name brand clothes that I can't afford.

I have learned from that show not to buy a bunch of clothes. Make sure you try them on(which I never really had done before). This has kept my budget in better check. I've been buying clothes that fit better and ones that I really like.

The other show that I really really LOVE is Clean Sweep. I wish they would start doing a show called Outside Clean Sweep. I would love to see a few people in our county on that show. Clean up their junk on the outside. Would be perfect. These people have junk and trash everywhere. The garage is full. The front yard is full. The back yard is full and the front porch is insane. The same trash has been there since I have lived here. That's been 6 years. I can't imagine what the inside of the house looks like.

The other day I saw a play yard in the middle of the junked up porch. I looked closer and there was a child in there. Unbelievable!

I used to collect a few things and was guilty of not wanting to throw some things out that I just knew I would use some day. Clean Sweep was a big help in curing those addictions. I try to remember you can't take it with you. Now I have less things to dust. YEAH! One of the best things that Peter on the show taught me was why do you save all that stuff. It's as though you are paying for storage in your own house.
I agree that if someone gave me $5,000 I sure would be buying some clothes too. But clothes that I would wear and still be comfortable in and that I could really use.

I love CLEAN SWEEP too! Yup same thing all over this place here too. People's yards are just a mess, front and back. That does bug me. I like our yards to be picked up and nice.

We've got one eyesore that is hidden behind our garage and that's where Jerry and the boys keep their engines and "good stuff" that they say is very useful.
: They are such pack rats and Jerry is the head rat!! As long as I don't have to see it and it's behind there, fine but if that junk ever creeps up into my yard.......I'll turn their world upside down!

They also have way too many vehicles that don't run and I'm not running a salvage yard so over spring break I had a couple hauled off. Dan bought a mustang but I won't let him bring it home until he sells 2 vehicles so he's got his panties in a knot over that at the moment.

I'm not a pack rat. I figure if I don't use something for 2 years, then I don't need it and out it goes. I jsut hate "stuff"

Less cleaning, less junk in storage and makes for good yard sale cash for my pocket.

Now as far as clothes go.. I will admit that in my closet I have a "I Have a Dream" section........these are clothes that are practically brand new that haven't fit for a long time, that I keep saying will fit soon as I loose a hundred pounds. They went out of style. Came back in........about twice now........ :new_shocked:
I love that show too...but I have to stop watching it because its a serious ego killer. I mean, sure I'd LOVE to dress that way, but nobody ever shows up on a Canadian's door step with $5000 to spend on a new wardrobe. It tends to just make me depressed thinking that I wish I could aford all the nice clothes. I do TRY to at least buy clothes that make my body look good.
I agree Marty- I would buy comfortable clothes as well, but it looks like they watch your every move. You might be able to sneak some things in there.

and about that area of hidden junk. We've got one to. It's behind our hay shed. No one knows it's there.

Did you ever see that show 10 years younger? Now that one was mean. They put the person in a see through box in a crowded area and let people guess how old they were(the crowd always guessed 10+ years or more). Then they did the makeover and put the person back in the box and let people guess again.
Is it really ok to pay $500 for a suit? :no: Heavens no, not when I can have a great sweat suit for less than $20.00

And $250 for a pair of shows, when I can get some serious muckers for $39.00

And then there's "the hair"

And make up?

What's that?
You know, everything is RELATIVE! It depends on your lifestyle. If you have the money and the career to match, then $500 suits and shoes go along with that lifestyle.

Ofcourse most horse people, including myself, have their share of sweats, jeans and T shirts, but when I have to entertain clients and go out to dinner with people, I want to look good. I don't always have to wear $500 suits but my lifestyle ditates that I do have some nice things.

Although I do not feel I have to wear makeup at home, when I leave my property it is no different than when one of my horses leave my property. I would never walk out without showering, My hair is neat and I do wear minimal makeup. To me it is all about taking PRIDE in yourself. There is nothing wrong with it and it doesn't cost much of anything to present a neat, clean, sharp appearance. And it doesn't take much time either as I do not sit in front of a mirror for 30 minutes piling it on. But I am not one that is going to go out looking like I just got out of bed or looking like I don't take care of myself. Again.............PRIDE!

And a person can look very nice in just a pair of jeans and a shirt. You don't need high dollar clothing to look well put together, clean and neat.
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I do like to watch "What Not to Wear" occassionaly. I'm sure some of their tips could carry over in a general way, but if you wore what they dress those people in around here you would stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone would wonder what was wrong with you! LOL It is definitely a different subculture.
They only thing, I have going for me (I think,) is two of my daughters are hair dressers, and have to go to their shop and make an appointment to get my hair done.

I also shop at Walmart for my clothes.

My one daughter is always saying you get what you pay for, while she fits into a size one.

I love to watch "What Not to Wear" but I have to admit that type of wardrobe for a farrier would REALLY be out of place. Heck, I can't tell you how many pairs of jeans or sweatshirts I've trashed shoeing grumpy horses. Or better yet burned holes in clothes when welding. Give me Goodwill or Wal Mart anyday! I will have to admit though it has helped my show ring attire though. Linda B
I worked in the medical field for a million years so white pants and a lab coat was my main work outfit. I got off easy.

But then when we had out store in town and I worked with clients in our large showroom it was dresses--- mostly long dresses and nice slacks and jackets every single day.......ooh.......that was bad, and make up and hair-dos.....but it didn't kill me. I think I set the world's record for the most black blazers in my closet. I think I burned my forehead on that stupid curling iron on a daily basis.

I couldn't wait to get home and throw on my barn clothes!
I told my hubby that he better not EVER put me on that show. The makeup would be a total waste of their time. I'm in my 40's and have had makeup on 3 times in my life and someone else had to put it on me. My niece sells Mary Kay. She keeps calling me trying to get me to sell it.......RIGHT! Don't you have to know how to use it to sell it?

It is a fun show to watch though and see how attached some folks get to an article of clothing.
I have only watched that show a few times, but I did like it when I saw it.

I don't spend "a ton" on clothes, but I do have some really nice / expensive brand skirt suits for the office however, i have bought most of them on eBay in new condition and at a fraction of what they would have cost in the stores. It's important in my line of work that I dress professionally.

HOWEVER, when I come home if I'm not going back out, my "uniform" is pretty much a night shirt!!! When I work with the horses, it's not much more presentable. I've been adding to my casual outfits lately, but I have a lot of professional clothes, a lot of night shirts, and not enough in between stuff...
As with most things, I go to extremes...

Now that we live out in the sticks, my lifestyle hardly calls for high fashion. I have my barn clothes (jeans, carhardt vest, hiking boots or muck boots) and my work at home clothes (sweats and sweaters).

As a graphic designer, though, when I meet with clients, I want my clothes to reflect my sense of design, so I love artsy clothes in wonderful fabrics and colors -- I would never be caught dead in a traditional suit; it would drive away the clients I want and attract those I have nothing in common with.

Then there's my musician side...rich, beautiful, drapey jackets, silk pants, and the like.

In other words, if you first saw me with my horses and then came to see me play, you would probably think I had a split personality...

But no matter what I'm doing, I go for what I LOVE and for COMFORT. I don't own uncomfortable shoes, and I never wear anything because "I'm supposed to." And as soon as I get home, I'm in my cozy barn/home clothes.

I never wear my contacts anymore, rarely wear makeup...and we won't discuss my hair...
I don't have to dress up for work - it's "casual" so I own very few fancy things. I am a plain jane. Jeans and a top - could be a sweatshirt, button up, t-shirt or the likes. I dress a little "western" - my button up shirts have pearl buttons, etc....I normally wear boots - or tennis shoes. I wear very little make-up when I do wear it, but I do always have some jewelry on. My hair is always somewhat "fixed" and I look neat. I buy my clothes from walmart, meijers, old navy, and tsc. I suppose if I had to "dress up", my clothes would probably be a little more expensive, but really don't see the point. I know who I am and clothing is not what describes me. I like nice stuff, but don't feel you have to give up your first born to get it. I think it's ridiculous to spend $300 for a shirt or something like that. Yes a classic suit would be ok at that price, but just a skirt or something, no way, not me.

I'm sure that show would have a field day with me too - I've seen it a couple times and don't really like what they dress in anyway.
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I love that show too! But I have to say if they gave me $5000 it sure wouldn't be spent on fancy clothes. I'd probably re-sell all the stuff and put the money into the barn.

I've gained so much weight since my accident that I hate shopping. I don't want to look like a kid, but I'm not 80 either. Not alot of choices when one is Fluffy.


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