[SIZE=14pt]You really need to go to a few shows and watch these classes to get the hang of what to do. Halter basically, you start at the ingate, walk to the judges, trot away from the judges , usually trot a half circle to where the ring steward will tell you to line up. There you pose your horse for the judge. You get a halter, cable style that compliments your horse. You wear a nice jacket and dress pants, boots or shoes not sneakers. Thats it for halter. For showmanship you MUST wear boots, pants, shirt with either turtle neck or colar, jacket hat and gloves. A western style halter and western hat is prefered even tho that isnt stipulated, it only says hat and gloves but in all my years of showing minis thats what everyone who places well providing all the patterens are done correctly , will win. There are 3 patterns that the judges can call for . They will be posted at least 3 classes before. Patterns are listed in the rule books. If you are showing amha then they show in quarters. Amhr shows in halfs.[/SIZE]