what to do in showmanship and halter

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina

i will be going to my 1st show in fletcher NC on july the 1st 2nd and 3rd at 8 o clock.i am going to be in showmanship and halter.could you tell me and my horse what to wear and do?

thanks a lot.have a great day!
Wow, you are going into this very unprepared! If I were you asking questions like these, I would probably cancel my entries and go to the show as a spectator ONLY. At the very least you need to go to the AMHA or AMHR website (depending upon who the show is sanctioned with) to study the rulebook so you can practice the patterns with your horse for both classes or you won't have a clue.
: As for what to wear, I've always liked many of the tops and bottoms offered at Hobby Horse Clothing Co. Their website can be found at www.hobbyhorseinc.com and many similar items can be found for sale from other sources by doing an Internet search for "horse show clothes." *Remeber that Showmanship requires you to wear boots, a hat and gloves!

Good luck! :new_shocked:
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[SIZE=14pt]You really need to go to a few shows and watch these classes to get the hang of what to do. Halter basically, you start at the ingate, walk to the judges, trot away from the judges , usually trot a half circle to where the ring steward will tell you to line up. There you pose your horse for the judge. You get a halter, cable style that compliments your horse. You wear a nice jacket and dress pants, boots or shoes not sneakers. Thats it for halter. For showmanship you MUST wear boots, pants, shirt with either turtle neck or colar, jacket hat and gloves. A western style halter and western hat is prefered even tho that isnt stipulated, it only says hat and gloves but in all my years of showing minis thats what everyone who places well providing all the patterens are done correctly , will win. There are 3 patterns that the judges can call for . They will be posted at least 3 classes before. Patterns are listed in the rule books. If you are showing amha then they show in quarters. Amhr shows in halfs.[/SIZE]

Yeah it will probably be easier to go see a show first. However I say just go out and do it. Try to learn all you can before hand, and you should be fine. You can always watch a couple of classes before hand. Halter and Showmanship isn't that hard to get a hang of, unlike some performance classes.

Halter wear something like Lyn pictured. You don't have to go all out but something dressy. I wear black pants and shoes, and a really nice buttoned up top 3/4 sleeves. Also I have a couple of over jackets that are nice to wear over a nice plain t-shirt or sleezy if you can fit in them lol.

For showmanship the clothes and you should be neat and clean. You need to wear a hat, long sleeve shirt, and gloves, also boots. English or western style but alot of people wear the western style. thats 10 points right there. the horse itself 15 points on conditioning, 15 points of the grooming of horse, 5 points of trimming and 5 points of tack. 50 ponts of showing the horse in the ring. Remeber its mostly judged on you! Leading itself is 15 points. Posing 15 points, being poised and alert 20 points. Its judged on the half system.

You need to get yourself an AMHR rulebook. It explains it very well. Also shows the patterns for showmanship AMHR uses.
I am all for people trying out new things and going for it when it comes to showing, so I am going to respectfully disagree with Nikki
: --I think that you CAN do this without first going to a show to watch, but you are definitely going to have to be prepared to learn as much as you can beforehand! PM me, and I will help you figure out what to do...
Here are a few pictures of my outfits I have used for showmanship and halter through the years.





You can wear the same basic stuff for halter, although I would lose the hat and the gloves first.
Hey now, Kim, I didn't say don't go for it I just said what I would do (either cancel and go watch or start studying the rulebook and practicing)!

Jamie, I have to say, I love Estes Park, CO and the showgrounds there!
: Thanks for posting those pics.
Jamie, I have to say, I love Estes Park, CO and the showgrounds there! Thanks for posting those pics.
: I was thinking the same thing you posted. Those mountains in the background are beautiful!

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